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Everything posted by vond

  1. First of all just to say that if i went to buy a car i would consider a guarantee on it as i dont know anything about cars or how to fix them. what i do know is that it costs me alot of money to fix them. I do know someone who had an NAC guarantee an it paid out £1456 for there gearbox and front suspension, it did helped them as they couldnt afford to pay that. i also know smeone who had one and it didnt payout for the cam shaft sensor but then this isnt covered! also i see people didnt realise they had these and that they didnt sign for them. so what were you doing that day you bought a car??? sure as hell wasnt paying attention! ive never signed anything in my life without reading top to bottom, i even check toilet paper before using it just to be safe. these gurantees work on law of averages and obviously peace of mind which lets be realistic convinced you! ive noticed on this site everyone has bad press about these people. i know people who have bought cars off different companies throughout the uk some have had problems some havent. If you spend all you time moaning about what happend you aint going to get anywhere. it all comes down to the fact you wasnt paying no attention the day you bought a car so whos fault i ask??? as for some people, a litle bit of advice if you buy a guarantee whether it costs you £500 or £2500 your paying for it so surely you want to know what it covers and what it doesnt and if there are anything that can stop it paying out. seriously i would know it inside and out. i think its time the nation who complain realise that there incompetence led them to believe that the sun is always shining! only in noddy land im afraid.
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