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  1. Jerry/NG123 Has anyone received any more contact from Courts with regards to their claims or received any money from 'judgement by default'? or even attended a Court Hearing?
  2. Have you all been reading threads with regards to this [problem] on forums.moneysavingexpert.com ? Is seems that EM are contesting new claims - have a look if you haven't done so already.
  3. Just for info., I have also been reading other messages that unhappy people have posted on forum.moneysavingexpert.com with regards to express mobiles, so if any of you haven't read this yet, take a look!
  4. After not getting any joy from Express Mobiles as to how long it will take them to clear the backlog of claims, I have also submitted claim against them today, so fingers crossed that we get somewhere with our claims!!!!
  5. Hi Everyone, this is my first time on forum, but have also fallen for the cashback [problem] with Express Mobiles and took out two contracts. I received a cheque for my first claim of £240 after a month of hassling them back in February. The cheque was issued For Telco Limited t/a Express Mobiles - so they can't deny a connection!! I am now awaiting payment for 2nd Claim of £240 which was sent to them at the end of March and is now a month overdue. I have sent emails to threaten 'further action' and have had email back advising that they have been advised by Trading Standards to pay, but there is a backlog. I am starting to run out of patience with this Company, so will follow the advice given to claim through the small claims court. Ironically, on a journey back from dropping my daughter to school one morning, due to bad traffic I took a new route, which took me directly past TELCO Ltd, The Tanneries, Titchfield - oh how tempting!!!! Thanks to this forum, I will fight to bring these [problem] Masters to a halt.
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