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  1. thanks dx and everybody i texted my agent today and told her that was my offer take it or leave it and told her i was going to citizen advice about it and not heard back from her since. also she tried phoning my sons mobile to talk to me and she also phoned my friend lastnight to see if i was there which i find inappropriate but they have had my offer not going to bother anymore thanks guys x
  2. i have googled them and got an address down in england im in scotland but this name and address of the place doesnt have a landline number for it i also tried companies house which does have a gr finance limited registered but not at same address lol so confusing because my agent always says im going into office but wont tell me where it is dont really know what else to try!! thanks
  3. hi just an update which i found confusing, i offered this company £10 a week to my loans as things have got harder and i had to do something but i was told that they wouldnt accept even reducing my payments and that the boss wanted a meeting with me i asked my agent for their office number and address but she wouldnt give me it i find this a bit iffy as all the time ive been with them i can only ever contact my agent not got any number for any office and the site link doesnt work surely they must have a landline number or an address? any help appreciated thanks
  4. yeah i knew there was a link but if you click on it it says page not found so still dont seem to have any website. i think they are based in leeds although im in scotland so not sure im afraid!! yes its short loans shortterm so they actually work out cheaper than provident i think but i think they arte currently poaching provident staff and customers lol so dont really know.
  5. they are on the uk finance directory and it gives you a link to their website but when you click on the link there isnt any website because ive been trying for a couple of months now, i know you say not to worry but i think because ive become friendly with the collector then i dont want to let her down, my payments are high but i know an old man in his late 60s along the road from me and his payments are in excess of 300 a week and i know other people that have stopped paying them altogether but nothings happened to them. i just wondered what the law was on these loans anyway when they allow you to have so many loans running at one time.
  6. hi im not in any trouble just yet but wondered if anyone on here had heard of a credit place same as provident called G R FINANCE the reason im asking is when ive looked them up ive found nothing i have 3 loans with them and hubby got 2 loans and we paying them back at rate of almost £120 weekly but hubby has been laid off due to an illness and im struggling we have 4 kids and ive never missed a payment the girl who collects is really nice but she has been moaning alot about people not paying her and i dont want to let her down ive managed to pay but im really struggling anyone know or heard of them ive heard that these companies are only allowed to give you 2 loans at a time but again this im not sure any help would be great thanks
  7. i have been a member here for a little while and need help for my mum, my dad died yesterday and he has a television from brighthouse he has paid most of this but as he has died my mum is worried as its only in my dads name so where would we stand with this. i havent contacted brighhouse yet but wanted this information before i did, any help greatly appreciated. thanks in advance
  8. sorry havent been on for a while a bit unwell. anyway thought id drop in and update. there is no update because havent heard from brighthouse or the finance company no letters,calls or visits so dont know whats going to happen now. dont know if its a good or bad thing just have to wait and see i suppose. sorry there isnt anything else to tell hope u are all well. ally
  9. thanks 4 the replies guys much appreciated. firstly yes i did send it recorded delivery left but no reply but the guys who came to the door said they were from caversham finance themselves. they also QUOTE "said that some of the debt outstanding to their stores was blamed on store staff not being what they called up to scratch and managing to deal with it themselves". but he also said that wasnt the finace companies fault. he also asked me how much i could afford to which i repeated my offer of my weekly payment plus 10 to arrears to which he seemed suprised but still he didnt take it up. he was also willing to write off my other debt as he called it as long as i gave him tv. i have checked the default notices that i got and this is how it looks xbox360 total payable=672.21 amount pd to date 443.32......bunk beds payable=371.28 amount pd to date 294.77....washing machine total payble=525.15 amount pd 321.20...tumble dryer tot pay=405.08 amount pd 234.79...suite total paybl=1100 amount pd 890.. now thats not including what ive paid to insurances and opt service. i think ive pd more than a third. i am going to send another recorded delivery to head office and repeat my offer but if i hear nothing then i will wait to see when i get a court date. i will also phone that number lefty and let you know how it goes.thanks for advice you guys god knows where id be without it..ally
  10. thanks lefty..yes i did send the letter that u gave me..also they have just came to door again repeating there previous offer but i said no. he said its been almost 3 months since you paid anything that your fault he said. i said well it isnt because i have offered my original apyment plus an extra 20 but was refused by the store otherwise it would have been paid by this point. i also said that i do have the right to represent myself in court and that his previous comment was wrong but he said the judge would find in their favour. i said well we will see because i intend to let the judge see exactly how much i have paid for these refurbished goods which most of my stuff are and see that majority is almost paid off and not only that "that i have made reasonable offers of repayment and they have not been accepted". so he said well if thats what you want i will take you to court and get everything back. he was not happy and kept telling me to give back the tv. but i said i didnt trust much of what any of brighthouse staff said anymore. hope ive done the right thing. they have to inform me of the court date dont they so i can be there?
  11. hi lefty hi all.. sorry not updated for a while but hadnt heard anything at all from BH till today when 2 big guys came 2 my door wanting to uplift my stuff to which i told him no as nearly all my stuff was paid off except tv. he then said it would got to court and he would get an order to uplift it anyway and he also said that in scottish law that i wouldnt get my day in court with them as it is just them going to court for the judge to grant an order which worried me as then the judge wouldnt know how much i had paid for most of my stuff. they then said they were going to sit in the van and try and work things out for me 5 mins later and they were back they said if i hand my tv back this week then next week he would sort out a repayment schedule for the rest of my stuff but he cant do it this week only next and only after ive given back my tv which has to be today at 2pm. he then said it was to cut the debt down in my local BH but was really keen to get the tv and he is going to phone me at 2 and see what my answer is.
  12. thanks lefty i am going to contact debt on our doorstep instead of a lawyer and ask them if they would like to help. id also like to thank you for all your advice if i hadnt came across this site then i dont know what i would have done so a big thank you to all you guys. very much appreciated cheers alli
  13. thanks lefty...at the moment ive decided not to take out an account reset from them which was offered and still offered them the original amount plus the extra 20 to arrears. i have to go back on monday to find out about the service cover to see if they are going to cancel it. but by looking at the default notices on some of my items then i see that i have example.. washing machine total amount payable 663 amount paid to date 568 and that amount isnt including the optional service cover that i have paid over last 2 years so id say ive probably paid about close to a grand so maybe my best option is to test them and see if they take me to court..i didnt realise just how much ive paid for washing machine etc etc but i will see what they say on monday and ive already posted the letter from lefty it cant do any harm and i can only try. but if they come to the door in future i will be recording everything they say. i refuse to be bullied by them and threatened and normally im a quiet person but theres only so much that a person can take
  14. thanks for the advice folks, didnt make it up today ive had a migrane and barely been able to get out of bed never mind visit the manager at bright house but i did call them and tell them id be up tomorrow to discuss things further with them so hopefully things will be sorted but ive a feeling they wont be so i have typed up leftys message and all ready to post off if things dont go well with them i will keep you posted. im just wondering if anybody at all has ever beat brighthouse with things like this or going to court?
  15. thanks for the letter lefty i shall be using it.. yesterday the accounts manager was at my door asking me to put my things back and i said to him most of my stuff is almost paid off and i did offer you my weekly payment plus an additional 20 to my arrears but was told this wasnt acceptable, i also told him that i wanted the service cover cancelled as i wasnt aware that it was opptional and he said he couldnt that he would need to speak to his boss, so anyway i have arranged to go speak to them this tuesday and he added if i didnt come in he informed me that brighthouse no longer let people away with owing them money and that debt collectors bigger than him would come to my door and take the stuff. i wish i had recorded his threat now because thats exactly what it is.
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