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  1. Thank-you Lefty, i thought i had more rights than what they were making out...Great link too, had an interesting read. I will keep you updated.
  2. Exactly what i thought, why should i pay them to cancel the contract when its them suggesting that it may have to be cancelled? If i wanted it cancelled then fair enough. I've been a customer with Brighthouse for 11yrs and this is the first time i've come acroos something like this...
  3. I got a Laptop from Brighthouse in November 2006, for the past month or so it has been literally dropping to bits, first the webcam stopped working then the dvd writer, hinge covers snapped off, card reader stopped working honestly the list is endless.... I took it into Brighthouse for repair today and they told me if it comes back unrepairable i have to pay THEM £100 to terminate the contract and have no laptop and no refund or i have the option of carrying on with the payment and have a broken laptop (which hasn't been dropped by the way, like they accused me of doing). I am still paying for the laptop and the service cover and the dlc (dli). I know the manufacturer's warranty has run out but if i am paying the insurance and dlc am i entitled for a replacement if it comes back as unrepairable? A nd why do i have to pay them £100, it's them what suggested terminating the contract!! I have been paying £17 approx a week for it for 71 weeks to date.
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