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  1. yes this is what i thought, i rang the police and the sai that they would send someone round, then i got a voicemail off them saying it was a civil matter. I tried to ring them back and the officer i needed to speak to was "unavailable", which i think has smoething to do with the fact that the police have had over 20 encounters with her in the past and know what she is like, i think they just did not want to have to go through the hell of dealing with her so fobbed me off with the civil matter excuse. Can i still go through with it now given the fact that police advice was the only reason it was not followed up directly after the incident? cheers
  2. Around 2 months ago, i was storing my car in a friends garden due to work being carried out on my garage. I have had various problems with his mother in the past, as she is an alcoholic, and on numerous occasions has forced her son (my friend) out of the house resulting in him staying here (i live 5 doors away). I found out that after an arguement with him, she rang up a private motor spares person ( a personal friend of hers) and got my vehicle scrapped without any documents, or permission from her son or me. The house is in both my friends and her names (shared mortgage), yet the piloce told me this is a civil matter between myself and her. I have now receive information telling me that should infact take further steps to recover monies owed to me because of this. I spend over £2,000 on the car and was planning to sell it to pay off personal debts, and use the remaining money to save towards moving out. I have only recently found out that she used a personal friend to scrap the car, an have only just found where the car was taken. The disposal unit where it was taken have told me that any expensive parts (£800 wheels, £500 seats etc) were NOT on the car when they received it. If anyone could give me some advice as to what i am able to do at this stage, i woul be very grateful. I have photo evidence of the vehicle before and after it was scrapped. Many thanks fury
  3. I received the fine last year, but was trying to dispute it, which failed (they got my address wrong an i missed my court date), i received letters from philips concerning the fine, and told them that i was in the process of disputing the fine to which they said that they would only freeze the account with notice from the court. When the dispute (which went on for months) failed, they issued letters giving threats of home visits. I rang them and they simply said i need to pay in full, and hung up when i began to explain my financial situation. I am even prepared to pay the debt off in full when i get my 1st months wages but they do not seem interested. Thanks for your help so far mate by the way. much appreciated
  4. yes it is, and because he was never supportive of the business that i was inlolved in (event promotion an management), he is giving me no support or sympathy in the matter, which for me is probably the worst part about it!
  5. Hi, i am currently going through hell with Philips Collection services. I have a magistrated fine which i am unable to pay in full, as i am currently seeking work. I have emailed them on several occasions with no reply, and they are really giving me no options atall. I am currently living at my fathers house, an he has said that if bailiffs knock the door i am going to be kicked out! I have done all that i can to resolve the situation but whilst i am still currently not working i have no way of paying the fine! The business that i was part of lost everythin in the space of 24 hours, and has left me financially ruined. Does anyone know if there is anything that i am able to do in this situation? All help is greatly appreciated as if i get kicked out from a bailiff visit i will have know where to go atall and am very worried.
  6. Hi and firstly i would like to express how relieved i am after falling upon this forum, as my money problrms have recally been affecting my personal life lately. I am 23 years old, and have my fair share of money problems already ue to store cards etc. My outstanding debts are as follows: Littlewoods:£303.30 (with over £200 of this being interest and charges added onto the account going back aroun 4 years now) Argos Card £322.06 (same again, the interest on this account is terrible, same goes with the charges they have added on...again this started over 4 years ago now) Admiral Insurance £143.16 (i still have no idea why this is owed as i thought my policy with them had ended with all moneys pai in full????) I also started doing a learn from home course, completed almost 4 months of the course before being told that i had to restart due to changes in the course material, i then told them i do not wish to continue and as i had not handed any material in for marking, i was not liable to pay anything as the financers would not have paid anythin towards my course at this time....i have now received a letter from the credit information bureau saying i can pay a one off fee of cancellation £75 to cancel the £2,700 debt to these financers without further action. I am increasingly worried as my plan of action was to use your guides to do what i can to minimise the amount i will have to pay back in total, and pay all of the mentoined debts off accordingly. However, my financial situation has gone downhill in the last month, as i run a normally successfull music event, which i rely on as my form of income as i am a self employed promoter. My event had problems out of my control which resulted in me losing £3000, (i starte the night with £4000 and ended with £1000), now i am unable to pay back any of the mentioned debts, and as i o not have the required funds to stage my next event, I will have to resort to finding a job to save up to both pay the debts off and save for another event. Any help would be greatly appreciated, i am really worrie as i have gone from having a set plan to sort my debts out, to really having no way of doing so in the near future. Many many thanks for your help on this matter, it makes me think there must be thousands more people my age with these debts as companys are willing to start credit agreements with young people as soon as they turn 18.
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