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Everything posted by claimer08

  1. Thank you all for your inputs. I am quite confused, the police told us that if she pays the fine, this will result in NO criminal records and so says on the back of the penalty reciept. They told us her name will be recorded, so in case she does it again, then it can be a criminal record. The £130 was for Security and Management time and administartion costs. and it was sent by Retail Loss Prevention. I am still trying to push my girlfriend to plea NOT guilty. She is confident she didn't steal anything but very worried and frightened. She is not used to these things. I cannot do anything myself, it is up to her. What I am trying to do now is just to make sure if she goes for paying the penalty, there would be no consequences. She is on Student Dependent Visa Regards
  2. Thank you for your suggestions. I would actually go to the shop she bought the item from and see if they can cooperate with us. she bought the item with cash, unfortunately. I am worried though in case they refused ???? can any one please provide me with legal advices on my previous posts
  3. Dear Forum Users, I really need your help concerning this matter. I am confused with what to do now. I have received a letter from the "BIG StORE" to pay another £130. This is a lot of money. My girlfriend is still confirming that she was WRONGLY accused. I am trying to convince her to take this further and request court hearing, but she is very scared, she is not used to these things, and so am I. What do you advise me to do? Shall I just pay and close the whole thing up or shall I insist on her to plea NOT GUILTY. If we take option 1 what would be the consequences? Is it going to be recorded as a criminal conviction/offence? would it affect her job application forms or her status in this country? And dont you think that it is becoming very expensive for an item worth few quids ( £80 fine form the police and £130 compensation)? I will beleive my girlfriend, I am sure she didn't do it. is there any harm if we ask the "BIG StORE" to show me the CCTV footage? would they charge us for this? how much? If we take Option 2, what are the consequences if we couldn't prove that she was wrongly accused and otherwise? Your advise is really appreciated? Looking forward to your contribution to this thread
  4. They didn't tell her anything. they Didn't tell her that the item was theirs. In the private room, she heard the security guards talking to eachother saying they are not sure. Besides, she told me she's never been to the ground floor where "the cosmetic and perfum" section is. they also told us that she was caught on CCTV, but they Haven't showed it to us. because she had a bag, she didn't ask for one from the shop she bought the item from, and she kept the receipt in her hand and threw it after leaving the shop. Regards
  5. Hello, I tried to find similar threads to this thread to avoid posting the same things, but I couldn't find any. The story happened with my girlfriend in one of the "BIG STORE" in the UK. We are both Internationals and she's been in the UK only for about a year and a half. recently, She went shopping and bought a `bag` and `Man Eau de Toilet' from 2 different shops, then she went to the "BIG STORE" to see if there is anything interesting that she can buy. She walked around the second floor of the "BIG STORE" looking at few things , and finally made her way out. At the Exit Door, she received a call, she picked up her phone and then put it back into the back. At that moment security guards waited until she has passed the door, they stopped her outside and accused her of putting "something in the bag". she said it was her mobile; she was told to shutup and took her to a private room. of course She was treated liek dirt, the security guards started laughing at her and searched her, not only the back but even her wallet. In the bag there was the mobile, `Man Eau de Toilet' that she bought from another store and her thin caot, she wears it if the weather gets warm instead of the heavy coat. First, she was accused of shoplifting both, the coat and the `Man Eau de Toilet', she expained that the coat is hers and the other item was bought from another shop, they insulted her with some racist expressions. they took a picture of her and called the police. After insiting to call me, they allowed her to make only one call and then switch off the mobile. of course the call was so shocking to me, she sounded really scared and was crying. I came running to the "BIG STORE", some of the floor staff showed the private room, went in, they did not let me to see her before the police come. I was talking to the security guards, explaining that this can't be true and it must've been a mistake. We are well off and highly qualified in life to do this. he kept saying that they saw her shoplifting and I ended up pushed to wait outside. the Police arrived, they got in, they spoke to my girlfriend, and then approached me outside and informing me that she hasn't been cooperative, becaure she didn't admit what she didn't do. I was then given ONLY 2 options either to convince her to say "yes I stole", then she will be fined £80, otherwise, she would be arrested and the matter would go to the court. I was practical and tried to convince my girlfriend to say "yes". the reason I did this is because of the state I found her in, and if she was arrested, shoud could die due to the great shock she was in. We got out of the "BIG STORE", of course, she was very upset, she was humiliated, treated like dirt and discriminated. I aksed her to explain to me what happened inside the private room, she was talking with tears and fears, she was threaterned by security guards to go to prison before the police arrival. I told it was simple, they could just scan the item to see whether it is theirs or not. She told me that the security guards received calls saying they are not sure. Since then both of us are really psycologically damaged, my girlfriend is still in shock, she starts crying anytime she remembers what happens to her. Now we have the option to either pay the fine and close the case or request a court hearing. Although confident of her self that she was betrayed, she is so scared of the second option, but I am really a type of person who fights for his rights until the end. Please advise, shall I just pay the fine and close up or shall I insist on her to request the court hearing. and if I go with the first option, will be there any consequences ? I am left with about a week now to the payment dealine ...Please advise !! Thank you for taking time to read this lengthy post... Yours
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