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Everything posted by robuck

  1. The VT amount that is stated on any HP agreement relates the the HP portion of the finance.. NOT the PPI element. Together they make up the Total amount payable but they are seperate Just thought id answer that question first .... sorry
  2. to be honest, its ANYTHING that wears or tears, which on a car..... is everything LOL
  3. Your liability wont be for the GAP ( this is normally the 2nd payment on a HP ) the remaining liability will be the Warranty payments and any PPI if you had it. as for warranty, unless its a fault ( ie sometings breaks and its not supposed to) it will be classes as normal wear and tear, especially friction parts, Clutch, Belts, Brakes.
  4. Any costs of repairs to get the vehicle up to 'reasonable conditon for its age' will be added to any liability you may have ( which will include any remaining PPI ) and unless this is paid, it will show as a default on your credit file as you will have broken the terms and conditions of the agreement, by not fullfilling YOUR side of the Voluntary Termination. As the VT rights form part of the original agreement they wouldnt have to pursue you through the small claims court. Again, it depends on whether the company will bother inspecting it, some do, some dont.
  5. Hi, My girlfriend took out a 24 month agreement with AOL 18 months (ish) ago with a free laptop. If i was with her at the time i would have told her to not bother because in my opinion AOL's software causes nothing but grief and their customer service is second to none... She is also on a pay as you go Phone line with them ( Still paying BT line rental. The contract is up towards the end of the year and will cost £180 to cancel it early. my question is this...... As I have taken over the payments for the broadband and the pay as you go phone bill. As long as i contiue to pay for this would she be able to sign up to another ISP ( say Sky or BT) and i can pay for the contract untill it ends, or will AOL have to 'release the line' in order for another ISP to use it?? I want her to get away from AOHell as soon as possible...... one of the reasons is that AOL once told me that my router once 'forgot' its settings lol.... Thanks in advance.. R
  6. That is a good point. If you make a note of any damage you think needs to be repaired ( for a guide, if there is a scratch on the car and you cant run your finger nail over it without the scratch stopping it, it is considered to be beyond general wear and tear). Also by taking photos you can prove the damage or lack or it if the company queries any damage which you feel doesnt need to be repaired or wasnt there in the first place.. ( some collection companies can cause damage to the vehicle in transport).
  7. Under the terms of the agreement yes they have a right to charge you for the dent to the door. When the vehicle is collected you need to be there when they look over, you will have to sign to say you agree with the condition of the vehicle. Some companies will just send somone out to collect it without looking at it. others will go over it with a fine toothcomb. Depnds on how lucky you are really. You would be best getting a quote from a local body shop (or two) this way, if you disagree with the cost of the repair ( IF they charge you) you can give them two other independant prices. as i said before though, some companies may just agree to it and send somone out to collect it without checking it. hope that helps.
  8. A company cant repo a vehicle without the customers consent if they have paid over a third of the total balance, (unless it is unregulated or it has a Bill Of Sale attached - whereby you sign all rights to the vehicle away when you initially sign) You can however Voluntary Surrendor the car without the need for a court order.... you are still liable for the balance though.. unlike a VT which can at any time be requested by the customer.
  9. We are discussing VT's here matey... Under a Hire Purchase agreement, you can voluntary Terminate your agreement at any time by 1) Paying half the TOTAL outstanding balance ( not taking into account Insurances and warrranty's) 2) Agreeing to be liable for the remaining payments up to thehalf way mark. - This means you will have to hand the car bck, but still pay the normal instalments up to the amount you are liable for otherwise you will end up defaulting on your agreement and getting a default on your credit rating.. Short answer is yes...... You are being charged for the depreciation of the cars value due to the 'faults' with the car. Say a car is wroth £5000.. there are £500 worth of 'faults; with it, you either pay them £500 and they get it fixed and sell it for £5000 or you pay the £500 and they sell it for £4500... total money recived for the car =£5000! and yes... i do this for a living!
  10. YES.. if you have a normal Hire Purchase agreement, you can Voluntary Terminate your agreement. You need to have paid half the TOTAL payable. i would say the best bet is to ring the finance company and ask them if you can VT your agreement. There will be certain terms for the conditon of the vehicle ( ie MOT, service history) so you are best speaking to them. I doubt the T+C's for the credit agreement will be on the back of the 1000+ check list, it might just be the T+C for the warranty?
  11. The payout from the insurance company will NOT have cobverd the total amount owing on the agreement. although the lump sum payment has put his account into Credit arrears he is STILL liable to make monthly payments. His best bet if he is in financial difficulty ( which it sounds like he is) is to contct the company, admit he is struggling ( the hardest part sometimes) and make an offer of payment based on his income at the time. Any company in this situation would rather have an offer of payment to show willingness to pay, rather than ignore the matter. The form they were going to send out sounds like and Income and Expenditure form, to show how much disposable income he has left at the end of each month. The offer may only be £5 per month or £10 per month, but at least it is an offer of payment. If the vehicle has been written off and the insurance have paid out then there is no vehicle to recover so the company will have no alernative but to accept a reduced payment. Honest is always the best policy, get him to work out how much he gets in ( wages, benefits etc) then how much he pays out on Rent, food, bills etc) then make an offer of payment to the finance company based on the money ( if any) left over at the end of the month. The CAb can help with this, OR companies like Payplan or CCCS.
  12. A lease agreement would not have an option to purchase or a ballon payment at the end. If it is a lease it could be that the payment at the end is the Residual value of the car. Witout looking at the agreement i couldnt tell you. If it is a lesae agreement then the 3 month rental deposit, is just an INITAL payment, its not classed as a deposit as such, because you arent buying the car, you are only leasing it. If it is a lease, and it mentions Primary rentals, then it should also mention Secondary rentals. Basically you pay the monthly paymen for 48 months, this will cover the cost of the car ( if your intial payment and your subsequent 48 months payment add to the cost of the car then your secondary rentals after 48 months should be roughly one months payment spread over a year. You then make these secondary rentals to the finance company but keep the car. With a lease if you want to terminate it within the primary rental period then you will have to cover the cost of those rentals for the remaiing 48 months.. It depends on what tye of Lease agreement you have. A lease agreement with a ballon payment sounds like a buyback option tbh. Some companies will have their Terms and Conditons on the back of the agreement, some have them as a seperate document that you read. Your signature on the agreement shows you have read and understood them. ask your lese company for a copy of the terms and conditon if you havent got them and it should become clear... well once you understand it it will..
  13. ?? if the finance company were waiting on bank statements to release the funds then quite clearly the finance hadnt been sorted out. I would agree that the £200 should be paid back but as it states it already has. No title to the vehicle had changed hands ( it would appear). No funds were forthcoming from the finance company. No transfer of title was in effect for the car.
  14. no not mistaken.. Although maybe worded wrong. I do say there are two MAIN companies, Experian and Hpi. There are several other companies also but these merely get 'some' of the infomation from experian / HPI / PNC (Police National Computer) and so i wouldnt trust them. I did clearly state that i would only recommend using Experian Car Data Check and i have been doing my job for over 10 years.. HPI is used in the same vein as HOOVER these days. most people use HPI (as a term) to describe getting a vehicle check done.
  15. Im moving to near you.. thats cheap compared to round here
  16. It dpends on your type of lease to be honest. It depends on whether you primary and secondary rentals.. most lese agreements can only be closed by paying off the primary rental period ( which is the cost of the car in most cases). You can try and swap the lease, it depends on the company and what type of agreement/lease you have. If you have a Balloon payment at the end, this doesnt sound like a lease agreement, its either a Lease with a buyback, or a HP with a balloon. Its best speaking to your lease company first to find out EXACTLY what sort of agreement you have, then look through your terms and conditon, or ask them to send out a copy..
  17. It might just be an error... Somone has put the wrong reg in when recording finance??? If the finance is registered against VW Fiance, then you need to ring them and ask them if the have EVER had any interest in it. they may have had an interest in it, recovered the car, removed their interest from Experian and Experian hasnt updated the HPi registerd. Sometimes, car companies use Experian Car Data check ( i would recomend using this as it is simply the best. I would neveruse any other website or service, no matter HOW cheap). There are several other Hpi checks, car history chcks, but they all take the infomation from other agencies ( ie Experian /updates HPi etc. It is possible it is an error, but untill you get the HPi (car history) check back there is no way of knowing. It might be best to ring the insurance they will be able to confirm if there is HPi against the car or not.. If it is a third party claim then it wont be your insurers that are dealing with it so they might not tell you. It might just be an admin error, in which place thereis no reason to worry. I doubt very much that somone has taken finance out against your friends car as the only way to do that is to have the logbook. I wouldnt worry, but you will have to wait till you get the HPi check back.
  18. to VT an agreement, the account has to be up to date, the vehicle has to be in reasonable conditon for its age, ( taking into wear and tear). Ie a car sat on the drive for 6 months which is a non runner and has no MOT, cannot be classed as being in reasonable conditon. You can VT an agreement with no liability ( assuming you havent got PPI) once you have paid HALF the TOTAL AMOUNT OUTSTANDING. You can VT an agreement without paying half, but you will be liabile for the amount up to and including half the payments. If the account is in arrears you will not be able to VT an agreement unless the company has agreed to include the arrears in your liability. If your acount is in arrears and has had a Notice of Termination issued aainst the agreement you have lost your rights under the agreement to VT. You cant buy a car on Finance (HP) them try to return the car on a VT with No liability after 6 months... If you just dump the car back at their office, then there is nothing in writing to say the agreement has been VT'd and you will therefore end up owing the total balance outstanding ( minus the sale price of the car).
  19. It all depends on whether the Finance company have paid the dealer or not i presume. If you have singed for the finance and it has been paid out then they will have to put you into a car the same as the one you bought. You will have to sign a transfer form confirming you are changing car ( but again you should get the same spec car). If the finance has not paid out, ( which is likely ) as you had not provided the correct details then there is no agreement in place because either yourself or the finance company have not kept their side of the agreement ( ie you to provide bank details and them to pay the dealer). i dont mean this to sound rude, but you state in your post that due to their incompetence you have lost a car, but in all respect they were merely waiting for you to procide documents. Im not saying its your fault, just that as a dealer they cant leave a car sitting round which isnt going to get sold. Maybe not the reply you wanted, but i hpe you manage to get your money back.
  20. just a little tit bit. Because the car is on HP, it belongs to the Finance company. You only legally own it when you have paid for it! Because you know it is on finance ( as you took it out), you could be arrested and charged for criminal damage if you knowingly damage/damaged the car....
  21. Your sister in law wont be able to VT the agreement because she is in arrears. The account will need to be brought up to date. Yes, the car has to be in a sound mechanical state and the vehicle has to be in reasonable condition for its age. This generaly means that it need to have no damage, have a valid MOT and have a full service history. This of course depends on how old the car is. The car you are describing above will be classed as a non runner.. Sat for 12 months, no MOT no Tax. Yes. Some will accept 3 months, some will only take 12 months. You will have to accept the liability for the work needed to get the car into the condition above. No, it will show as settled with the words VOLUNTARY TERMINATION on it. Personally unless the car is less than 3 or 4 years old i doubt very much if they will agree to it in the condition you explained above. maybe not what you wanted to hear, but answers your questions. :-|
  22. If you have paid over 1/3 of the agreement ( yes including the interest) then you can Voluntary Surrender the car back to the finance comapny, but given the condition of the car and its location it would end up costing YOU more money to collect it and sell it. I dont know any company that would take back a damaged car. In my expierience, they will just hold you liable for the balance on the account. If there is no assest ( ie no car) then all you can do is make an offer of payment to them, based on your current financial situation ( Income and expenditure). If you are in financial troubles, you can alwas go an see somone like the CAB or CCCS etc to help you put together a payment plan. I doubt that any company will take back a damaged car as a VT.
  23. As far as im aware, a car has to be in 'reasonable condition for its age' with an valid MOT. Most companies will insist on 12 months MOT and a FULL service history. to ensure teh car has been looked after. Allso, it appears you want to hand a written off car back to somone because you cant use it anymore because the insurance wont fix it. Would you have wanted to Vt the car if it was still ok and running?? just a thought;)
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