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  1. Thanks for the replies, I have penned a response and will keep everyone updated on what happens. -M
  2. Hi everyone, I have received a letter from Southern railway stating that I am being prosecuted. I;m sure by now you know the letter layout so I won't put what in it. Here is the reason it has arrived. On the 5th December 2011 I boarded the train at my local station which doesn't have barriers. I arrived at London Victoria and when i tried to get through the barriers my Oyster card didn't work. I went to the ticket office to see why it wasn't working and he said that the travel card had expired. I apologised and said that I had only recently gone from a yearly travel card to a monthly and asked when the card had expired which he informed me was on Saturday 3rd December. I explained that as I don’t use the card over the weekend I wouldn’t have seen that it had expired until that morning and as there are no barriers at my local station it was only brought to my attention when I was trying to enter Victoria. I asked if I could get a new monthly travel card to which he said no. I asked why and he said he needed to take some information from me first. I questioned why this was needed and his tone changed instantly. He said that if I didn’t provide my personal details then he would call the police and I would be arrested. I gave my details and he said he is going to put forward a case for me to be taken to court. I'm a tad worried as I would prefer to not have a criminal record for a basic human error. If anyone has any advice it would be very greatly appriciated. -M
  3. Yea i think i will try and find the details to contact the head office as the numpties in the store dont really know what to do. Thanks
  4. Thanks maroondevo52 Im not sure what sending them that will do because its only a leaflet but ill do it anyways, can't hurt can it 8-) They searched for about 15 mins and nothing could be fouind - they even called up the Woolwich "Redundent" accounts and they couldnt find anything on me. Its like i dont exsist on their account system but the credit thingy says that i do. Thanks again for your help it much appriciated, cookies all round!
  5. Thanks for the fast responses. I didnt think i would get a reply this fast I closed the account a long time ago and when closing an account the amount owed has to be cleared up. This is why i was a bit confused when it said that it was still open afterwards. I had a thought that it might have been some charges that got applied afterwards and then there was interest added and added over the years. The most annoying thing about it all is Barclays have no idea who i am and cannot find my account on their systems so i have no idea how to pay/get this cleared off. Thanks again.
  6. Hi all, I have just applied for a mortgage and was refused. I was a bit miffed and as soon as i was able pulled up my credit file and saw that this was on it: Name and address: XXXXX Date of birth: 1984 Company name: BARCLAYS BANK PLC (WOOLWICH) Account type: Current Account Started: 01/06/2000 Default Balance: £XXX Overdraft Balance: Satisfied Defaulted On: 24/02/2005 File updated for period to: 16/04/2006 Status History: (brackets indicate most recent status) [8] 8 being that it has become a defaulted account. I went into my local Barclays bank and they gave me a number to call, i called it and then they forwarded me to another number, then after telling them what i had told the previous two people they forwarded me back to the first number i was given!! Needless to say i'm very confused about this. As far as i an concerned this account has been closed a long time ago. Would someone be able to tell me why it says Satisfied but is still shoiwng as a default? Many Thanks, Milan0
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