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Everything posted by sarahlou85x

  1. And don't dare bring my Dad into things, you have no idea of what was going on in my life at that time!!! I used to ring up to make my payment. As if while caring for my dying dad I suddenly thought "Ohh my Perfect Home account needs paying" get a grip. Take it you've never cared for your dying parent before
  2. I just received an email for this, yep post is over 18 months old. If you don't work for Perfect Home I'll show my arse outside their St Helens shop. Nobody with an ounce of compassion would write what you just have backing up this horrible company. I hope it goes bankrupt. Oh and tell them thanks for the fridge, they never did get back to me after having missed a few payments and getting Trading Standards on their back
  3. I have been a customer with virgin for about 5 years now probably more actually and in that time I must have incurred a late payment charge of £10 every single month due to getting behind a month and never being able to afford the full 2 months at once does that make sense? I am aware I should have gotten up to date etc etc. I do pay the bill every single month with a late payment applied. My bill is never less than £90 a month so I qould consider myself a valued customer, they have had 1000's off me! Even if it has been my own fault on occassion I must be owed a fortune and I want it back!! I emailed them to ask for a list of all my charges from when I joined them including none direct debit fees as I believe these charges are unlawful and do not reflect the true cost to them for me going over drawn. Here is my reply Dear Sarah Thank you for your mail about late payment charges applied to your account. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused. On the 6 June 2007 Ofcom launched a review, over the whole telecommunication industry, of additional charges that can be added to customers’ accounts. Additional charges can be added by service provides to customers accounts above those they already pay for the service. These charges should only be as much as it costs for the provider to chase and collect late payments. These additional charges can be due to a number of factors, including: • Not paying by direct debit; • Late payment; • Having service restored after it has been restricted or suspended following late payment; or • Early termination fees (terminating a contract within the specified minimum contract period). After receiving a number of complaints about these additional charges, Ofcom have decided to launch a review. They will look into a number of factors regarding these charges including customers’ awareness of them and their attitudes to these charges. The review will consider whether the charges or their levels are unfair and what action, if any, is necessary. We have given Ofcom, the regulatory body for Virgin Media, a breakdown of our charges and at the moment they are happy with the current charge. Sarah, if there's anything else we can help with, please send us a >letter, e-mail or call our team for free on 150 from any Virgin Media >phone. Alternatively, you can call us on 0845 454 1111* from any other >phone. We're available Monday to Sunday from 8 am to Midnight and we'll >be happy to help. > >Kind regards, > >Julian >Customer Service Advisor >Virgin Media > >*For details about how much it costs to call our team, visit our website >at virginmedia.com/callcosts. What could my next step be? Even if I only get a couple of 100 back I will have succeeded! Thanks for reading..
  4. http://www.sthelensstar.co.uk/news/9233536.Water_mains_burst_forces_shopping_centre_closure/ here if I'm allowed to put on links haha
  5. Yeah st helens news online, the st helens star website. Doesn't mention the shop though :-/ Haha defo!
  6. The man I'm on about is Mike, big bald scouser who was so obviously bullied as a child!!!! How funny is this though, the Perfect Home shop that harrass me and who this is all about, a big pipe has burst in their building, not only damaging other shops in the precinct and forcing my town to more or less close but completely destroying their shop and all their stock and because of the severity of the flood the building is unstable and could collapse. Don't you just absolutely bloody love karma??!!! I've still not had chance to contact anyone else as yet, been so busy with my daughters first day at school, work etc but will defo get round to it soon!! How good if all my details were lost haha x
  7. Just nipped on here on my phone, Thanks so much everyone for your replied, you've all been brilliant. I am going to take this as far as i can, the thing that worries me is whether the media would take me me seriously. I'm going to my neighbour tomorrow, I don't know anyone who was watching they were passing by. I don't speak to next door but want to ask her exactly what was said and ask for a statement. Mamamoo can I ask where abouts you are? I'm in st helens, wonder if it's the same *** head x
  8. Thanks so so much for your reply. I'm definitely on to all this. Perfect home rang before, a woman from customer service and she just asked if I would accept their apology. But that was it, she couldn't explain his behaviour for anything else. I am actually ashamed to go out my front door. He knew for a fact I was in the house but continued to shout through my letterbox that he was phoning the police. Had a big audience by this point in my street. Perfect home are using the excuse that he didn't know about my dad but they haven't apologised about anything else
  9. Thank you and thank you so much for the quick reply. I told him that I would contact perfect home myself and pay it, he told me I couldn't, that it was out of their hands! And when I did give him my card he rang them himself using my card!!! When I screamed at him he sort of looked shocked and backed down a bit, he must be used to scared vulnerable girls, prob gets a power trip out of it! I am lay wide awake at this time it's angered me that much. Can't let this drop. I don't know how he hasn't been beaten up already if he likes to intimidate vulnerable women like that and scare them into paying. It was obvious he was purposely humiliating me into opening my door
  10. Not sure where to start. Need to rant. Unfortunately have been a customer of perfect home for 4 years now. Victim of their harassment, their stalking nasty vindictive patronising ways. I absolutely despise them. Today was the last straw. My dad has been really ill recently so I have been staying with him, my perfect home account hasn't exactly been at the top of my list of priorities. Anyways, my dad passed away on Saturday, it's been a difficult week but I've been to work this morning as usual, this afternoon while cleaning upstairs and taking half an hour to "grieve" there was a number of hammers at my door, I really wasnt in the mood for "visitors" so carried on. Next minute this bailiff started screaming on my front "I know you're there (my name) answer the door, this drew a lot of attention from my neighbours he then started to shout my name saying "you have goods belonging to us that you haven't paid for, if you don't answer the door I'm phoning the police" I still ignored him, by this time my 6 year old daughter was terrified. The bailiff then knocked on my next door neighbours house and asked her for access to my back garden whilst telling her my personal details that i owed money etc!!! I don't speak to my neighbour at all, he had no right discussing my business with her!!! The bailiff looked through my window and saw my daughter and started shouting "I'm phoning the police you have left your daughter alone in the house" WTF!!! I could hear him telling my neighbours who were concerned by this point all about my business then he starts shouting "if you paid your bills I wouldn't be hear" he then got on the phone and was on the phone telling the police that my daughter was in the house on her own!!!!!!! I got up and screamed at him, I was shaking and crying and he made that much of a show of him I had to let him in and was forced to pay all the £40 I owed on my account. I was a crying shaking mess at this point. How ****in dare he show me up like that in my street, totally humiliate me, terrify my daughter. He knew I was alone, how vulnerable I am as a single parent. I am absolutely disgusted and want to know what my rights are if any? Daylight robbery. Horrible robbing bullying stalking b***ards!!!!! I wouldn't recommend them to my worst enemy. Why are they even allowed to trade is beyond me, it needs looking into. All for the sake of £40. Sorry for the rant. So upset and ****ed off it's unreal. Surely he can't do that!!!!
  11. Argh mine's only a really small amount in comparison to most people on here!! hehe You're welcome Tuttsi! I phoned again today!!!haha The woman said "you were told only yesterday that it can take upto 14 working days for the money to enter your account" I didn't know what to say!!! I just asked why it took so long. It's annoying me now, think I have waited enough! I am relying on that money for most of my daughters xmas presents and have't got long left at all!! I know I shouldn't rely on it but would also like to treat myself for the first time in god knows how long. Is there anyone who could give me a time scale from their own experience?? Good Luck again and keep us posted Sarahx
  12. I originally wrote to them using a hardship template from this site, after hearing I could claim through hardship. I then had to fill out one of those incoming and outgoing money things (sorry can't remember the name of them!!!) Then I rang in Nov to see where my claim was upto, they had received my money form thing but it hadn't been looked at since it arrived in Sep. I then phoned them every week for about 3 weeks to see where my claim was up to and telling them it shouldn't be taking so long etc. and finally I phone on Tues last week and a letter had been sent out that same day offering £372! I think they may owe about this give or take £20, my claim didn't include interest because the charges always came out the day they said they would so no interest built up (if that's right anyway!) I signed the return slip on Thursday morning accepting my offer and I'm just waiting for them to put it in my bank!! It does say it can take upto 14 working days but I'm really hoping it isn't the case. I phoned again today to make sure they had received my acceptance slip and he said that the put the monies into the accounts in date order. I will be phoning again on Thursday, just to be annoying!!! hahaha Sorry this was a long post, I wanted to show people how it had worked for me and the whole process. I advise everyone to basically phone up at least once a week else they will "forget" you!!! Good Luck everyone, will let you all know when I receive it!! Thanks again x x x:D
  13. Aww thanks very much, yeah i will defo let you know!! I hope it doesn't take so long, could really do with it now haha x x x
  14. hii, Halifax have offered to give me £372!! I think it may be more they owe but I'm not complaining!! I was wondering, how long between sending the letter back to accept their amount to the account being credited with the money they owe?? Also, the letter stated that the money must be used to bring my overdraft upto its limit type thing,was wondering, will they take my overdraft facility off me?? I'm sort of relying on some of this money for xmas so I really hope this is not the case!! Thanks so much again, Sarahx
  15. Hiya, this site has been fab so far for me!! I am currently making a claim under financial hardship, being on income support and a single mum I am really struggling at the moment and dreading christmas!! I sent my form off (well 2 forms because they apparently "didn't receive the first one" with my outgoings and incomings, this was 2 months ago, I rang up to see where my claim was up to and it still hasn't been dealt with. Is there any way I could perhaps speed things up or are they within their right to leave it so long? Thanks again, will definitely be making a donation once I get my flipping money!! x x
  16. hi, i too have been looking at this. i have received 11 of these £12 charges and i know i didn't sign anything, it was all done over the phone? is there anything i can do to get rid of these charges??? thanks x
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