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Everything posted by Osborn85

  1. i'v got this problem of invisibl bailiffs as well. furthermore i've also got invisible letters.. also are they [marston group ltd] allowed to charge £250 EACH [ther were 2 of them] for a doorstep call>? Siorry if i intruded in your thread, but it's related and helpful for me too
  2. *bump* I've not had any proof of reciept from them , and it'#s been 15days since paytment was made. It was because of their delays in administration that i paid the 400 in error. What should i do?
  3. Title says it all. Made £400 in panic when the debt was already paid to the unscrupulous group. I phoned the bank - "debit card gurantee payments can't be stopped, even if u freeze or close the account down" They say i have to write in to the "head office" to find out which bailiff payment was made to.. Q1) how can i stop the payment from going through Q2) are Marston reasonable in giving money back.. Q3) can this 400 be put towards other debts with the group if they fail to give it back? Q4) can i call other debt collectors to get my money back if they stilll refuse to return my money? #5 - thank you to all helpful respondents
  4. Can't be false imrisonment if therfe was a way out. Despite you having your luggage you could have turned around and got back on the train. SO long as there was a way out it can not be classified as false imprisonment.
  5. Garvone - Italian for pig. I don't know what the plural was so (s). Thanks Ting.. i'd give you some more rep points but i am required to spread some about first!. I'll definitely be checking the other forum out.. thanks!
  6. no, get him to tell the truth.. why so many backbiters now for anyway? And why can't there be an option on one's threads to either lock or delete the thread?
  7. stuff it, i'm gona lodge a complaint with islington police and with the MPA. thanks for your input everyone, made a good thread here. last question though, if it does go to court, do the police have to prove i was on the phone? i had a 'mate' with me in the car, i can get him to say i wasn't using the phone at all.. and he witnessed the S&S on me... he was searched as well for some strange reason.. (in fact he's a dumb idiot..)
  8. refused to give his name when asked - bad point, refused to give me and you know what, i've just realised something.. he conveniently forgot to give me a record of the stop and search.. he only gave me a record of the vehicle stop.. my passenger witnessed the officer searching my pockets and my vehicle...
  9. n/b i'd been stopped the day before in the holloway for my car, the senior stopping officer and his accomplices didn't deem anything too unacceptable with my car.. they saw the duct-tape was clearly done in a methodological way that the bonnet was safe and secure... even these two officers i've got issues with didn't say anything at all about the roadworthyness of my vehicle..
  10. not to stop the car but to search me and my car. he just proceeded to start searching me - without consent, and started searching my car did the young copper who was lying in my face about the vehicle owner. the accusation of violence/murderer/terrorist was their reason under S60 of CJPO.. furthermore the copper said he doesn't need to adhere to the first rule of pace - s1(a) "reasonable grounds" 'I don't need reasonable grounds to stop you or search your car'. i was horrified by this, natrualy i was shocked to hear an officer with blatant disregard of the law he is attempting to uphold
  11. Geoffrey Millers can expect a call from me tomorrow.. besides, the stopping officer was talking about permission from another senior officer of requesting his permission to conduct this S&S.. which he didn't get (no reply tbh). But,. ne'er the less, i shall be loding a complaint into police practice with the PCC edit: i did have a chap in the passenger side with me, alas i'm no longer speaking to him or want to see his face. institutionally racist.. i don't know whether you're being serious or mocking me.. (i'll take it as a mock.).. and that i used the wrong word.. maybe some sort of racial prejudice would be a better word.. after all, were but it does beg the question of how they went from a ordinary fixed fee penalty to stopping and searching me under the S60 CJPO & PACE S2x and therefore accusing me of being a violent person.. this is my main beefing point really, was very ****ed off at being treated like a DH by two garvone(s).. penalty for using phone - okay. S&S, "violent" "murder" "terrorist".. :s.. in a banged up micra, on my own i'm hardly going to be either of those now am i..
  12. so the copper doing a U turn in a tight street, having to drive a short distance in the bus lane (non emergency situation, no sirens), me parked standstill in traffic and him peering through his window into my car for no reason is warranting of a 3 point + fine.. anyway, technical issue on the "divice" needs to be answered then there's the issue of stopping and searching me in public, attracting attention like i was a criminal. i'd like to know how he made the connection of me being a violent person/murderer/terrorist when the original offence was a mere fixed fee penalty.. "supposed to be doing", what exactly? Sitting in deadlock traffic, looking at the cars ahead.. besides, they can't prove i was on the phone nor can they prove i was anything but polite and cooperative, so S&S for being a terrorist when the original reason was using a HH "divice" (i can't get over how dumb he was) - what else am i going to think? 'Ooh what a lovely met police officer for purposely snooping on me, giving me a fine for no reason, trying to act as a lawyer and a judge, blatantly lying in my face (questionable integrity of the police), ANNND - Accusing me of being violent, a murderer or terrorist.. it's the latter point that i'm shocked of.. i've struggled to keep a clean criminal record and a clean drivers licence, i know the law (or some of it) and know what they've done is bang out of order. They didn't even know the law themselves and were trying to dupe me for their own statistical purposes..
  13. Before i start, this spelling mistake the dumb met officer made, can this render my fixed fee penalty invalid? what on earth is a "divice"? Firstly i wasn't talking on my mobile phone, i was rejecting a call. Is it possible to tell the court it was an ipod i was moving and get away with it? I refuse to pay this fixed fee penalty and shall contest it in court, as well as tell the judge about the misbehaviour of the met police officers, against whom i want to make a formal complaint against one (a new kid on the block). I was going around a corner, however my car was in poor physical condition. A red micra had duct-tape taping the bonnet down and this caught the attention of the [edit]. I went down the high street and got caught in traffic, stuck. My [edit] sister couldn't send a text despite me rejecting her [edit] call 5 times. .. there was traffic behind me, yet the copper still managed to pull up behind me by driving in the bus lane in a non emergency situation (is this legally allowed?). He saw me rejecting a call and immediately asked me to pull over, which i did - no worries there. Everything the experienced copper asked i obligingly did, without hassle to get things moving. Then for no reason his colleague, or the lad he was training, asked me to get out of the car and proceeded to search me and the vehicle i was in. For No Reason. . I queried this behaviour of the coppers and said, why are you searching me for? i've not done anything wrong and will contest this matter in court need be and will make an official complaint to the police about this. I haven't done yet because i want them two coppers to forget about me, and spring this surprise on them lol) the experienced [edit] cop who cant spell said "we can stop and search anyone" (me) 'anyone!?' "anyone for no reason at all" 'not even the reasonable grounds under s1 of PACE 84 (A level law mode kicked in) 'no'.. A few more words were said and he said "look mate, not being funny but there have been 6 murders in the islington area recently.." 'im not interested in any murders, i'm not a murderer and im not from islington'. He then changed his storyline and went on to say that under S60 of the CJPO act he stopped and searched me because he reasonably anticipated an act of violence and or terrorism to occur from me. So, after having no reasonable grounds to stop and search me, he then goes on to accuse me of being a violent person, a murderer or a terrorist.. nice.. [indirectly being racist.. turning a corner, driving in the bus-lane to drive up next to me for no reason, pulling em over for using a 'hand held "divice" that i wasn't that they can't prove[and i can prove that i was not even if it was a phone], now i refuse to take the 3 points (as the experienced copper encouraged me to do!) and will contest this matter in court. But what'll happen when i do go to court.. will it be a judge or jury? how likely am i under the above circumstances to get off this fine? i've quoted the copper on several points and do recall him looking very worried . Furthermore, i've been pulled over many times - i dont' care. i [edit] off when the young cop started chatting [edit]into my facebeing adamant that "the car registered doesn't come back to your fathers name". [edit].. i've got the logbook to show it was and have been pulled-over several times before and the vehicle details have come back clear. i don't have a criminal record, am not known to the police. I was insured on the vehicle, mot was all good, and the vehicle was loaded correctly, i wasn't speeding but stuck in traffic.. it seems to me that the old man copper was on a witch hunt and the young-copper was being a bit brave.. i insulted both of them politely which they couldn't respond to and laughed in their face at their stupidity - again something they didn't like but couldn't do anything about.. SO, mr and mrs know it all (or know mroe than me at least lol). what do you make of this matter.. i am not going to take 3 points, i am not going to pay a penalty charge and i want the coppers to [edit] and be shown up as how stupid they are and how racially prejudiced they are (i'#m 23 m pakistani btw lol), so in light of the current cases brought against the met from their own employees, this is a further example of how the met can be labelled as institutionally racist... "divice" - let off? prove i was using hand-held divice (is it legally required to be a mobile phone or the vague hand-held device) turning around from where they were going to come back onto me driving in the bus lane to come up behind me snooping from their elevated position into my small car for no reason giving me a fixed fee notice and trying to give me ambiguous legal advice searching me and my car for no reason - s1 pace breach accusing me of being a violent person, murderer, or terrorist without any just cause. lying to me face that the vehicle wasn't registered in my fathers name (when the 2 or 3 times i'd been stopped had come back clear as a whistle..) dodgy legal advice
  14. Hitachi are bonny fiddling bstards.. not only do they charge you £32quid for a missed DD but also the bank charges you £35 for the DD rebound.. so you're hit with a double whammy of £60.. not to forget the £25 cost to send a letter to you.. any udates yet on your case me auld boy?
  15. I'm sending my SAR today to Hitachi, what address shall i use? Ls1 or LS 11?
  16. yo dude, good luck, hitachi seem to be little buggers to be honest mate.. You had a Hitachi account number, if you can't remember it then i would suggest you e-mail hitachi via their website hitachicapital.co.uk/ and request your old account information.. ihad a very helpful lass who replied ina couple of days with my old agreement number. am starting an action for charges to be reclaimed today wish me luck!
  17. has she considered a IVA - insolvency voluntary agreement? I hear these things can drastically reduce whole sums and payments.. but she has to have sums close to 15,000 in the re, something that my friend pinky is not. I was looking aorund for ways to help my pinks and came across this IVA. Not helpful for her - only £6,000 but for you it might be an option.
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