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  1. Thank you very much@Buzby for your help and reply I have sent them written cancellation request on 25th Nov that was immediately after i realized that my contract is still on,and i recieved confirmation about cancellation. When i took simcard out of my mobile on 3rd of Oct,after that simcard never been used for making or attending the calls. And in my call which i made to CPW and recorded it,i told the rep all the story along with dates, time and the number which i used to make the call. In current situation should i contact the DCA ? should i send i letter or notice to CPW,as they didnt respond yet ?or contact with them by fone call(and record it) Pls help..thanks
  2. Hi I am having a problem with carphonewarehouse so m here to get an expert advise.Any help will be appreciated I signed a 12 months contract with carphonewarehouse(o2) via e2save on 20th Sep 07(contract start date). And on 19th Aug 08 I called them to put a cancellation request,they offered me some other deals available but i refused to take any and asked for cancellation and i was told by the rep that it will be canceled on your next billing date that is 3rd of each month(so cancellation date suppose to 3rd Oct).On the told cancellation date 3rd Oct,i took off that O2 simcard from my mobile,canceled my direct debt and started using my PAG simcard.In Nov08 got my bill by email (as i used to get before).i called them and asked about it .They replied,they didnt recieve any cancellation request and they dont take it over the phone .i referred about that call was made to them for cancellation.After 40 mins call(i've recorded that call,and the rep was notified about it),rep said they will listen that call again if their is any cancellation request then they will contact me back with in 72 working hours.But no contact have been made yet(A month has gone now),and now i got a letter from DCA for the payment of £160. What should i do next ???? thanks in advance
  3. thx for help first of all but as I mensioned that a V14 form has been sent as well (when i sent V14 then car was taxed) and they have recieved that because they sent me the tax refund.And according to DVLA website IF YOU CLAIM REFUND THEN SEND A V14 INSTED OF SORN Is it considerable ?
  4. thx for your reply and sorry for posting in a wrong forum So pls move it to the right one thx again
  5. I am a new user of the forum,read many posts which are alredy posted ,some of them are similar of my problem but none is same so thought to start new thread,My problem is as under I had a car which was crashed in a road accident,immidiatly after crash car was taken to a garage,(in scotland),3 days later i contacted the yard owner and told him that i want to scrap this car and requested him (scrap yard owner)to send me the tax disk so i can claim back my road tax. He posted me the tax disk and asked for a covering letter or consent letter to scrap the car along with log book(v5).I sent him both covering letter and log book, Took a v14 form filled that up and sent to the dvla for tax refund posted on 5th Sep07(car was taxed until 30/11/07),got a cheque from DVLA few days after for the amount £19.17,(two months tax) A month after i got apenalty letter from DVLA that you were the registered keeper on 05/09/07 of the car and you did not declaire SORN (its clearly stated on their website if u have sold or scrap the car you dont need to declaire sorn) Press release 16: DVLA reminds motorists to ensure vehicle tax or SORN is up to date ) I've written them a letter and told all the story about car but they sent me a letter stating that THANK YOU FOR TELLING US ABOUT NEW OWNER but you still have to pay penalty Today got the final notice So what to do now pls help
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