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  1. Hi,42man sent through copy of the agreement did you get it?? R.O.1. sent to webmaster@consumer....
  2. Hi. 42man will get off a request for a satement from cotes next time home. wonce again thank-you for the help. BoB (r.o.1)
  3. Hi, 42man had phone call from Cotes with regards to up payments? I said I could'ent pay any more. I asked at what interest was being charged on this account, was informed that it was 1%.Since account was passed on from Paragon. But when I look at the figures, they dont add up? don't know if I should ask them for a statement? BoB "ripped-off-1"
  4. Hi, 42man sorry have not been in tuch, have wrote to my "MP" & "MSP" about firms that buy up other people's debt and then going after their propity. still awaiting answers.... ripped-off-1
  5. Hi, 42man thank's I am looking into this, will get back to you ripped-off-1 (sorry for the hassel)
  6. 42man hope this gets though to you? haveing alot of trouble with getting the agreement through to you (must be thick) BoB. ripped-off-1
  7. Hi, Chickenlegs, aye am wary of them! since "Universal Credit", then on to Paragon I have been passed from "Arrow" to Transcom then on to Cotes, I wonder who next??? ripped-off-1 (ps. I did'ent phone transcom when I was home)
  8. Hi,42man keep on trying to get the agreement through to you? am with Tiscali (pay as you go) I may have to go onto broad band.. "Sorry" about this 42man will try again next time home BoB. (ripped-off-1)
  9. Hi. 42man. phoned transcom they asked me to up payments:mad: is can't and they said thats fine? thay will phone me again in a few months to see how things are? what do you think? BoB.
  10. Hi dave_herts, sorry have not been in tuch I was away deep sea for 3 wks.. called out by the company for a repair job on 1 of the ships. Am back again back on my own ship (week on week off) still cant get the agreement through to 42man? "it's down to the program thats on my computer" seems that i cant send anything? it all gets blocked? My wife had a phone call from Transcom to see how things where doing at our end? she told them that I was away!. I will give them a bell next week, thats the first call from them for a while! its been quiet....too quiet!
  11. hi,42man. it looks like I have some sort of spy program on my computer that stops any file going out will have it looked at next time home. sorry about this.... ripped-off-1
  12. hi. 42man. I must be doing some thing wrong? cant seem to get copy of the agreement through to you!..... wil keep on trying. will ask advice from a mate....... ripped-off-1
  13. hi, 42man tried to send agreement by photobucket.com but can't seem to get it through to you? have you a post address so I could send it by post. "sorry being such a pain" ripped-off-1. (just home from sea,)
  14. Hi dave_herts. I am new to this myself, am just starting to find out about, how to go about fighting back. I work away from home so am just taking it slow, one step at a time..... I got alot of good advice from the "Threads"
  15. hi,dave_herts. aye I have been ripped off by paragon/arrow/transcom. when paragon bought my account from universal credit in 1998 it was for £5,800.00 out standing (that I was still to pay-off).....from£10 K Then after a review from the (cccs)on 2006 I was informed that the balance was now £12,580.00 When I got in tuch with paragon they said that they will only be chargeing me 1% from now on. The (cccs) was of no help at all, all they wanted me to do was keep on paying into the (DMP) and that they will get in tuch with paragon to get "this amount reduced" I am still waiting... since transcom got in on the act, they tried to get me to come off the (DMP) and to deal with them. To which I said that am dealing through the (cccs) Cotes then got into this farce and stated that they are starting court procedings! They are the now getting paid by me through the (cccs) and now all gone quiet now. infact transcom got in tuch to find out "who" I was paying the account off with? It seems that transcom & cotes are the same, but do not know whats whats?.... (you could'ent make this up) and this is the kind of poeple that is rippeing-me-off. and alot of other folk ripped-off-1.
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