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Everything posted by kopper

  1. As a foot note I have checked my credit file an there are no searches by Transunion on their own site Equifax or Experian. I contacted my residential landlord who's details were giving on the Homelet form and he says he hasn't been contacted by anyone either.
  2. I'm a little stumped as to who can answer my query so here goes. I have been searching for new commercial premises (rental) I approach one company (I'll leave out their details for now but they are a very respectable one) After a month discussing and viewing potential properties one became available that fitted my requirement on an old estate where the properties were a little rundown. This was reflected in the prices (127 pcm for 485 sqft) at no stage in my four week feelings with the agent did they inform me that a credit search was required before leases could be signed. But an importance was placed on the payment of legal fees(£600) before any offer could be accepted by the agent and or landlord. as time was tight I transferred the money covering the fee over to the account who's details were added to the invoice covering the fees. Head or terms ( 6 year lease break at 3rd year if required) were signed and sent back to the agent. It was only then ( a few day before an intended completion date) that the agent sent me an email which contained a Homelet online form to complete. As I said Until this point no mention was made of the need for references, and seeing as the properties were described as ' because the units were so cheap you take it or leave it' I wasn't given any indication that references would be require. Shrugging my shoulders I completed the form which confusing didn't ask for a commercial landlords contact details but those of my residential landlord. And as I was self employed accounts or HMRC tax return. I completed the form and emailed my signed copy of the head of terms back to the agent. (Hope I'm not loosing anyone?) shortly after I received an email from the agent that because of due diligence they would have to ask me to forward details of a guarantor for the lease who they could could proceed with a credit check on. This request at such a late place in the proceedings especially after so many weeks of silence on the matter was a little annoying. I refused to offer such requested they perform a credit search through the normal way (for a commercial transaction) as I new my credit record was of a respectable level (Experian 922 out of 999 Creit karma 613 out of 710) they refused to do this and said we would have to come to some other arrangement. My Reply was to give notice of my decision to withdraw my intention to proceed. Requesting the return of legal fees. Since then all I have heard from them is they wish to discuss that matter over the phone. I replied sating as the matter had become strained I would prefer to handle the matter vie email so a record any further development were on record. And I need their answer on the repayment of the £600. Since then all I've had is an email giving me directions on how to proceed with a complaint. No mention on refunds or in this situation whether a refund is required. Sorry if it a little long winded but it is what it is, thanks Mark
  3. Never did get my refund from these guys. I had to get my credit card company to go after him. Fingers crossed that it turns out okay for you but I would get the warranty on paper just to be sure and keep your fingers crossed.
  4. Warning, The Engine Company are up to their old tricks even today. bought an engine from them arrived days after they said it would. 'DAVE' was the stroppiness guy I've ever had the misfortune to deal with over the phone. after nearly ten days the engine arrived, I say engine but as soon as my mechanic saw it he called me to come down to the garage. Pile of c==p! God knows how it stayed on the pallet! We refused it outright and watched it get reloaded onto the lorry. promised a refund but guess what he never did. I've asked my cc company to claim the £900 back. WHAT A BOOTIFUL SERVICE Definitely a NORFOLK TURKEY!
  5. I have been told that I should self certify my sick status by the doctors they've taken blood and will discuss results on Friday . After that they will issue me with a doctors note to cover the last week ( week no 4 out of 4 weeks notice) I would rather delay my holiday entitlement till after my notice period and just claim SSP till then as I can hardly move my arm at the moment. Don''t think I have to use my holiday entitlement before my notice period ends though?
  6. The issue of leaving before my notice period may be somewhat redundant (ironic or what) as I'm about to see the doctor this morning. I 'm having great difficulty moving my right arm ( essential in my work) without great pain running from my elbow to the tips of my first and second fingers. As I know this is an ongoing health issue that I've been treated for since last November If I can't work due to being sick then it's game over anyway. But what happens after as far as breach of contract etc is still in contention.
  7. If I was to leave early, there is outstanding work that would be left. And being a gilder I would think he would struggle to find a temp to cover. But if he's not paying my wage for that work then if he does find someone surely the two costs would cancel each other out. As far as my resignation letter; All the reason I added in my opening post were in my letter of resignation along with a request for the payroll to be inspected ( iv'e now learnt that I can demand these records under section 7 of the data protection act) Your point about references is a good one but I am starting my own business at the moment so at least I don't require a reference. I have over the years tried to make him aware of his responsibilities as an 'employer' but the problem is made worse by the fact that only myself and the guy ( I have a complaint against make up the company )and he only acts as representative for the owner (his mother) so it's not as though it was a large company were we could avoid each other. As far as what level of compensation I am looking for I guess just so I get what I'm owed, and not a penny less This hole job went from bad to worse around Christmas time and being the age I am and after virtually rebuilding this business single handed, along with the way I've been treated I just want to make a stand and make a point .so if I can do this by way of a justifiable claim then that's enough.
  8. I handed in my notice on the 30th may, siting my reasons for my quitting. The reasons for my quitting is due to my employers not taking their obligations To provide regular pay slips on time ie five months late, incorrect pay amounts (over and under paid ) Having emails from employer stating the pay slip will not correspond with the amount paid into my account. Disclosing my medical history to a customer and failing to arrange collection of rubbish which use to pile up inside the workshop. So you see not trivial issues. Anyway in the notice letter I told them that I would need the past years wages information checked by a professional accountant to make sure All payments to both me and HMRC were correct. I also asked them to confirm that my last day would be. But as yet my request s have been ignored. I'm so hacked off now that I wonder if I can now withdraw my labour and end working the remaining period of my notice ( I'm due to finish on the 26th .four weeks notice From the 30th. ) can anyone advise? I am also thinking of claiming constructive dismissal or breech of contract after my employment is over. If anyone can give me founded advice that would be great!
  9. Good question. I am looking at it as the same release that covers models, performing artists. I knew that as a young photographer years ago I could not publish a piece containing a person without a consent form signed buy the subject. So similar to this situation a ( lets say for ease of explanation) model has their photo taken at a studio the photographer cannot publish the work without the models' signed consent, even though they have gone to the photographers studio and allowed the shots to be taken.
  10. Thanks Atlas01 I'll have a chat with local trading standards and the ASA. but your reply is greatly appreciated.
  11. All this apart and as I have stated above the situation was very tense. I handed in my notice because of my opposition to what was represented online compared with what was really happening. There was no way I was going to jeopardise my final pay ( which in the end didn't materialise until I threatened legal action). With all due respect to the members who have replied and with thanks for their replies. If there is anyone who can give me solid legal advise I would be grateful.
  12. My angle is of misrepresentation and weather I have any right to privacy. I am now very active in promoting the company I work for now and see this as in direct conflict to this. I have been working at the top of my profession specialising in truely high end services in the fine art framing business. Seeing at first hand the lets say false statements contained in both videos it could be argued that this could be veiwed as damaging. I have never worked for london picture framing so contradicts my position now and the company I manage.
  13. Not sure I would say I gave my consent for the later, just stood there and spoke the scripted lines. The contract "5.3 You agree to perform all acts, duties and obligations which are reasonably consistent with your position and to comply with all lawful and reasonable orders given to you by us." Could the three years between the making of the video and it being used be valid here? Especially as was not under contract at the time of it being put online.
  14. Thanks for your idea assisted blonde , I would guarantee that this will fall on stony ground but I will do that .... meanwhile found the contract and apart from a section covering "other duties" there's no mention of anything specific, Still I am certain a consent form would be needed.
  15. Thanks for replying, I'll have a look and see if I can find the contract.... don't remember any reference to specific video duties, I would have as I was once a pro photographer, so it would have rang a bell. In answer to your other questions I didn't sign any release form as I wrote in my original post. I would imagine Printspace own the copyright. I'll get back to you asap. mark
  16. This is a strange one I admit but...... Back in mid 2010 I was working for a company called ( http://www.theprintspace.co.uk/online-framing-options.php) see video. In July of that year (after very difficult working conditions) I gave notice to quit. In the weeks following , while still under contract I was told to help in the making of another promo, it was late in the production process that I was asked to change the company name from "The Print Space" to " London Picture Framing" (http://londonpictureframing.co.uk/ ). For a number of reasons I just wanted to get out of there with as little hassle as poss. So I did what I was told to say. Anyway 3 years on I find that this footage has now found it's way onto The Printspaces sister site. I have never been employed buy a company called London picture framing so I was wondering what I could do to have this video taken down or at least have my mug taken out of the video? With my departure from the company could it also be argued that the reference to "20 years experience" like the video is misleading because it was only my status within the company could justify this statement. As I am still in the framing industry, could there be any other grounds for me to object to this video especially as there was never any release form or permission given by me for this second video nasty!
  17. Theres alot to read through there any direct links pls?
  18. This is a long story so I'll cut it short...... last November I sold my house and was in the position to pay off all my debts...so you would think. Anyhoo I called Virgin/mbna to clear my card with them and cancel it. was told the outstanding balance (nearly 3k) so I went to my bank and paid off the balance only later to be contacted by them to say I had paid too much and that they were refunding me 17 quid. Anyway off to Europe I go for 5 months in the belief I had no more dealings with Virgin / mbna. Today, (back in the uk) I get an email from MBNA to say I owe them 145.05 the reason being... "You have missed four payments and your arrears total £145.05. Your continued non-payment suggests you are in financial difficulty. " I called Virgin tonight and they argued that they had no record of me cancelling my card and that a further payment for interest was due and this payment with interest and late payment fees make up the demanded sum. after going round and round with PAT an Irish guy at Virgin, I feel it best to get on here and find out what I should do. I'm going to have to get out my old mobile statements to prove I called them on the 25th 11 10 but where do I stand I put it to them that they were negligent in not cancelling my card after I requested it be done (as far as MBNA are concerned the card is still active) any ideas anyone?
  19. Hi again thanks for your level haeded response Firstly I sent them a notice of cancellation on the 17th may they say they never received so where would that leave me, as once I sent the notice I naturally believed the request would be received. As I didn't receive a bill for June I thought this had been carried out. Their argument is that they never got a letter, similarly mine is since there was no service from 16/05 till 17/06 and no bill I had no further need to contact them.
  20. This smells of 'breach of contract' in some way. Under law the responsibility should rest with the provider to supply a service, if no service is supplied then for that period in time no charge can be levied? They are accepting a form of responsibility for May because of their £15 credit but my argument is why not June also?
  21. My contract with 3 finished about six months ago. April\May's bill was late in being paid so I was sent a debt collection bill on behalf of three. Paid that on the day requested 7th may. At the time my service was suspended a few days later I asked for my pac and told them I wanted out. 16th sent a letter saying same thing. Tried my phone and still no service couldn't phone out or couldn't receive incoming also in the weeks following people said they had tried to reach me but got a message saying " the number you have dialled cannot accept this call" this message is still active when dialling the number. Anyway after sending off my letter I Thought that was that! A Little strange that I hadn't received an acknowledgment for three but hay-ho!...... Until today!!!!!! Just got a bill for June and July line rental but what rental? Called them up ......India call centre ...Great! they said as a gesture of goodwill they would knock off £15 towards May's line rental (£17.00) "but what are you talking about I cancelled my contract with you and besides you are not providing a service anyway" as I couldn't call out and no one can call in. .....What should I do ? Why should I accept they didnt cancel and what service have they provided me with that they can charge me for?
  22. This is the case at the moment unfortunately there ain't many around even with the experience I have. I have told them that I will not be available whenever they decide to get their act together.
  23. ACAS will not get involved as I would have had to have been in employment with them for a year or more they are now saying they have suspended the contract as to torn it up WTF does this mean?
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