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  1. Thank you all for the replies really is appreciated:). You have confirmed what I thought he should produce some dates and figures. I believe the environmental report is why the landlord is being difficult. For years I asked for repairs to be carried out in writing and verbally. Fell on deaf ears though. MrShed pm sent.
  2. Hi, I would like some advice please. We are supposed to be moving into a HA property within the next month. I have lived in this privately rented property for 15 years. The tenacy is supposed to be six months (when he actually issues them) I have giving the landlord one months notice. At present we do not have a tenancy agreement. The property is in serious disrepair all caused by the neglect of the landlord.This resulted in a cat A listing on the house by an environmental health inspector. He said it was unfit to live in. This is the only reason after many years on the waiting list the HA are giving us a property.Theres is no deposit or month in advanced to be returned to us. The problem is two fold.The HA have now said they have no idea when our new home will be ready dispite previously giving us a date to sign for the keys and start the tenancy.This creates a problem as the landlord has accepted our notice to leave. He also says we are behind with the rent. I don't believe him but as the rent is paid by cheque how can I prove this? There is no way I can find 15 years of bank statements or cheque stubs. We have already waited 3 months for the HA property and when I call them I just get different excuses each time. I suffer from serious health problems and all this stress is really making me unwell. Does it fall to me to prove we are not behind with the rent or the landlord to prove we are? Really getting worried the HA will withdraw the offer on the house if they think we are behind with this rent. As for the HA I just cannot get any information from them at all concerning when the house will be ready. Any advice would be really appreciated.
  3. Dont Warmfront do this including central heating ? Warm Front Energy Efficiency Grants
  4. Thanks for the reply noggsy.I have told SP i will pay an extra £20 pcm and not a penny more but it will take quite a while to pay back i am waiting for a reply. This lastest problem is only a part of a continous catalogue of mistakes. First they were unaware the meter had been changed then they failed to change the unit rate and lost the new meter reading.They also took two payments in one month and when i gave a meter reading in Dec 07 they entered it incorrectly.Scottish power blamed me and said i read it wrong lol i have read hundreds of meters it used to be part of my job.Finally the incorrect refund. I would not mind so much if i had not questioned them about the refund so many times.
  5. Some advice needed please.I had my meter changed in may 07 from economy 7 to a standard meter. Nov 07 i received a statement from Scottish Power that said i was several hundred pounds in credit. So i contacted them to ask for the money to be refunded by cheque. This windfall was great news to us as i am disabled and have other health problems. I queried the credit on three occasions and was told each time "yes we owe you the money" this was by three different representitives.I did this before accepting the payment. The cheque was duly sent and cashed. I was then informed by Email (i still have the copy) in Mar 08 that they had made a mistake and they appologised. Scottish Power agreed to keep our payments the same for three months so we did not struggle to repay the mistake and to then review the account. Now they have increased my direct debit by 59% and say they may not be able to accept a lower payment as we have to pay back the money. I explained it was their mistake and i queried the amount at the time and they should accept payment on my terms for an amount i can afford. I realise i am responsible for the debt and it must be paid back but its not my mistake its Scottish Powers. What rights do i have when negotiating repayments ? I cannot pay the amount they want i just dont have the funds.
  6. Hi, I have an account with Scottish Power. I have found Scottish Power to be rather inept with a catalogue of misinformation and mistakes. In December 07 they increased my direct debit due to an estimated bill. I called them to complain and gave a new reading. During the call it transpired my account was in credit to the sum of nearly £500.00. Naturally I asked for this money to be reimbursed to me. Several times I enquired if the money owed was correct and was informed it was so I duly cashed the cheque. Now i have been informed it was a mistake and I owe them over £600. They are blaming me and said I misread the meter. I am an ex surveyor and have read hundreds of meters on void properties before surveying them. The meter was read by their operative in Nov 07 but they cannot find this reading. The latter reading would prove this latest fiasco is their fault. I would like to know how I stand legally. I would be grateful for any advice.
  7. Bigbear733 If your car was stolen and sold to an innocent party do you think that if the police managed to locate the vehicle you should not be able to re-claim the car – obviously I would think most of you would think that if something is stolen from you then you can take it back once located – and this is exactly the legal position. I thought you might be interested in something that happened to my father in contradiction to the above. My father had two off road motorcycles (with registration plates) stolen from him of not inconsiderable value. Due to an oversight the bikes were uninsured. This theft was reported to the police. Anyway sometime later one of the motorcycles was spotted by a friend being ridden near his home.We contacted the police and traveled with them to the business premises where the bikes were. The police then informed my father that a reciept (which we knew to be fake) was produced for the sale and my father would have to take them to court for ownership. After lots of legal letters back and forth my father had not gained any ground. So myself and a friend paid them a visit and explained the situation more clearly. We loaded the bikes with their help and returned them to the rightful owner my father.Surprising what two large men can achive lol.
  8. Consumer rights: how to make 'em play fair... Read the paragraph on sold as seen. caveat emptor
  9. Hi Thanks for the reply Goldlady.There lies one of the problems.The receipt lists the major component the missing item is not listed as it is an accessory. The thing is they have offered the missing item but at an extra cost it sounds dodgy to me.
  10. First hi to all from a newbie. I will try to give you all the gist of the situation. I bought an item from a very well known site which has third party sellers.It arrived in good time but was not the complete order as described in the advert. I went back to the site and the advert had changed also the price had gone up and the missing item was removed from the advert. So i emailed the seller. Basically they said thats what you ordered .I have contacted the site customer services and they have advised to return the order. I do not want to do this i would just like the order i purchased fulfilled. It is not a lot of money but its the principal and they have done this to other customers. What is the best way to approach this matter they have not backed down with other customers.I feel they should not be allowed to get away with this sort of behaviour. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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