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  1. Hi everyone, I'd be really greatful for some urgent advice on this situation.. I bought a sony laptop from Dixons nearly 6 years ago and also bought a 5 year coverplan agreement- not cheap! My laptop had a small fault and so i sent it in to be repaired about this time last year-just before the coverplan agreement ran out. They kept my laptop for AGES! I was pretty fed up as it was only a small fault-needed a new pci card slot, and it dragged on and on until eventually I realised it had gone over the 45 days of the agreement entitling me to vouchers. Dixons sent £1100 in vouchers, I couldnt remember how much my laptop had cost but it was a good laptop and I wasnt entirely happy with the arrangement as I got on well with this laptop & knew id stuggle to get another decent sony laptop with that amount of money. I also had to hire a laptop during this time for work, which wasnt cheap either so I phoned to complain, i didnt think this would get me anywhere and needed a laptop so i went and bought a new laptop. The following day I received another set of vouchers for another £1100. I took them to Dixons and asked if I was ok to spend them and they said yes as they had my name on etc...they were obviously for me so I bought a new TV with them - this all happened in june 2007. I heard nothing until today. I have just received a letter from coverplan saying that they sent a letter to me in June regarding duplicate vouchers - i did not receive this and they said that as they havent heard anything from me they are demanding I pay £1100 back to them within 7 days or they will pass it to HM Investigations. Im shocked to say the least! What should I do??? Any help greatly appreciated...
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