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  1. According to paperwork I received this morning ... The Gross unsecured claims received total £46,652.59. To Date he has received £20,053.63 from the remortgage £5,055.00 "Voluntary" Contributions £673.91 Bank Interest (Gross) ========== £25,782.54 ========== and from this he has paid £1,500.00 to himself as "Nominee" £1,000.00 to himself as "Supervisor" £250.19 for Office Holders Expenses £134.71 Income Tax ??? £18,777.68 to Trade & Expense Creditors £455.56 Irrecoverable VAT ========== £22,118.14 ========== Leaving a Balance in hand of £3,664.40 which he claims he will hold onto to petition my Bankruptcy The "Gentleman" in question is Tom Harrison of Tom Harrison Insovency Services. Joint debts were accepted (as was my Daughters Disabled Living Allowance). As for the T&C, I no longer have a copy of the original contract, I am sure I did have a copy but am unable to find it.
  2. Hello to everyone, what a refreshing breath of fresh air to realise that I am not alone with my money worries. Four or so years ago, my wife and I started getting more and more into debt, it got to the stage that in or around August 2006 we got talked into an IVA, I say "We" but the way it was proposed was that we remortgage our house and with the £40,000 surplus, £20,000 went to my wife for her to telephone all the people she personally owed money to and get a settlement of the debt (something she did very well with by the way). The remaining £20,000 would go into an IVA Pot for me (who took on many of the joint debts). In addition to this £20,000 I were also instructed to pay £285 per month. After some initial teething problems, I set up the DD for the £285 but kept getting calls from the people we owed money to, as though the IVA were not in place at all. I attempted to get in touch with the "executor" of the IVA, only to be told he was on holiday (you can imagine how much that cheered me up?), when he finally returned he asked me who was bugging me, I told him and the phone calls stopped for a month or two, rinse & repeat. After this happened for like the 3rd time I wrote to him telling him I was not happy with his service and until these phone calls stopped for good, he was not getting any more money from me ... to cut a long story short, the phone calls and letters eventually did stop and I made up most of the deficit (he never claimed the shortfall was an issue). 12 months into the IVA he asked me for my P60 and past 3 months payslips so he could do an annual review, I told him that unfortunately I had misplaced my P60 (Genuine) but could provide the payslips, and I was looking forward to the review as the increased mortgage and £285 per month were making our life hell and that we were getting deeper into debt again. He responded with the most arrogant letter telling me to stop blaming everyone else and get on with it and he still wanted my P60. To Get to my point (eventually), I have today received a letter from him telling me that he has terminated our agreement and scheduled a meeting of debtors to determine whether to file for bankruptcy. I feel like attending that meeting to tell them all that it was the inflexibility and attitude of the IVA Executor that lead to the termination, any advice on how to proceed with this would be gratefully accepted. Thanks for reading.
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