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  1. dazza71

    DVLNI Sorn & fine

    Thanks, I read Dani's posts which offer excellent advice but not sure I could wangle out of this as the V15 clearly states I must return my registration certificate with it. I couldn't bluff returning the SORN and blame them for losing as I gave the cert to the auctioneer last week!
  2. dazza71

    DVLNI Sorn & fine

    Thanks for your advice guys. I did a search for dannykeirnan but nothing turned up, is that the right spelling? In NI you can't declare SORN online and the form says you should return your registration cert.
  3. dazza71

    DVLNI Sorn & fine

    Hi everyone, I've landed here (after reading other threads) because yesterday I got home and opened the dreaded failure to relicense letter from the DVLNI - the NI version of DVLA. Not until I read the letter did I realise I was supposed to have declared my car off the road, now they're asking for £40 fine (if paid within 28days) and £30 in arrears for the last two months. What happened was on the 25th November when about to leave my in laws that night, my car's power steering pump failed and basically I couldn't drive it. So I left the car in her driveway and to cut a long story short, 3 days later I bought myself a new car. My old car's tax expired on 1st December, I took no action not knowing I needed to and I got a tax disc for my new car from 1st December when I put it onto the road. I took my old car to an auctioneer last Monday, 11th Feb, they took my registration certificate and gave me back section 9 saying if it sold I should just put in their name and return to the DVLNI. The car was then luckily sold before auction by someone who wanted the car cos the number plate was the same as their reg! Anyway, now I have this letter to deal with. Firstly I don't recall getting the renewal letter, I've looked everywhere and can't find it in my house. Perhaps I threw it out thinking I didn't need it, I don't recall reading it so I'm totally blank on that part! Secondly I can easily prove I bought my new car on the 28th Nov and also changed the insurance over on that date. I feel annoyed I have to pay this fine and would rather not but even more so I think it's a rip off paying £30 for a car which wasn't even on the road and sat in my in laws driveway for the last 2 months. Thirdly I realised last night that on section 9 of my reg cert, apparently the auction place have to sign the form, why didn't they do that?!?! Lastly, do the laws in England differ as if I did send a SORN then I would've had to have also sent my reg cert back too. However, what would've DVLNI done with it as I was still in possession of the car? What advice would you have for me going forward with this? Thanks!
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