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Everything posted by H3dg3s

  1. Here's a new letter I've drafted for HSBC's viewing. Hopefully this will get a better response from them... Can anyone think of anything further to add to this as I really do need to get this information to pursue my PPI claim correctly. Although bless them for thinking this was just about bank charges... Andy
  2. Well here's an update, First things first, saw my new nephew yesterday and what a fantastic little gift for my brother and his girlfriend he is. He was quiet and a little crinkly, but apparently that's to be expected. As for the HSBC, they received my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) and in their infinite wisdom have decided not to read it properly and just send me the statements for my current account (under the assumption that I am claiming back bank charges, which I will do as well as the PPI claim,). They have returned my postal order, so I assuming that I now send them a letter outlining what I had asked for and, although the statements I have received have been helpful, that they have not complied with my original request? Here's the original I sent, now I'm wondering whether I should have removed the " Alternatively a complete set of statements for the accounts or associated accounts is acceptable." line... Or should I resend the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) highlighting what I have asked for in bold, remove the aternatively line and re-attach the postal order? And if that is the case do I still operate off the original receipt date or does the clock reset? I know I ask a lot of questions but I sometimes need confirmation off people to whether I'm going in the right direction... Thanks in advance. Andy
  3. wow HHNF, you get up ridiculously early... I'm slowly working my way through the relevant acts but I think I need to get the OFT and FSA stances on the whole thing, so thanks for the guidance of where to look next. I'm also looking into an old Egg account I have a default on so that should also keep me busy, I think I'll need to a little more organisation so I know where everything is and ensuring i have a solid paper trail behind me so that should kill some time over the weekend. Might have to get some lever arch files and separators for all of this as I'll be chasing Natwest as well shortly (I have to say it's opened up my eyes as to how naive I was when I was a student). Anyways back to work for me hope you have a good day, Andy
  4. Thank you both for the help, My main issue is the default notice, so I'm just wanting to be sure that even though I may have to wait 6 weeks that I will get a copy of this to check and see if it has been correctly applied and if not whether I can get it rescinded, the bank charges is just something that I think may well have been applied but will have to wait and see. I'm just wondering whether I should beat them to the punch and provide copies of my driver's license and my utility bills along with the S.A.R just to show that I would prefer a speedy response and that they can't employ any further delay tactics, which I can see from on here Egg are notorious for doing. I have moved address since my dealings with Egg and my utility bills will be for my new address, will this be a problem? Once again, thank you for the quick responses, this forum keeps getting better and better in my eyes. Andy
  5. Cheers, I'll wait until full confirmation, I already have a postal order (was going to S.A.R. Natwest but they have offered to send me my statements anyways and if I need any more info from them I'll just send them one as well). Just having a quick read of the pdf and having a brew before bed time. Thanks for the help, Andy
  6. Thanks for the quick reply Scott, That just happens to be the thread I was reading through... Now my only problem is I don't even know what the account number was anymore as this is over 2 and a half years old and I no longer have any paperwork relating to it (mainly due to an ostrich attitude to my finances for a long period of time, which I am over now and just looking to sort things out so I can get my life back on track). What would be my best course of action regarding this?
  7. Having looked through my credit report today after finally deciding to get a grip on my finances I'm a little confused as to what is going on with it. I seem to have 2 entries from Egg, both of them are settled and one of them has a default. I think this is due to my wallet being stolen and them re-issuing a card, but i would have thought that they would just keep one account on record or at least start the later account from the date the first was "settled". Now I am almost certain that I did not receive a default notification regarding this and will probably have had charges applied. The defaulted account was satisfied in 2005 about 6 months after the date defaulted on my credit report. I remember paying Capquest under the amount apparently owed with them under a constant barrage of phone calls and their usual "customer-friendly" manner (at one point they informed me that I shouldn't be spending money on going out drinking even though I'm basically tee-total and should be giving that money to them, although when I threatened them with slander they quickly hung up as I told them that I would request a tape of the conversation to take to my lawyers ). Anyway, is there any chance I would be able to claim any charges that may have been applied to the defaulted account with Egg by sending them an S.A.R. and if so would there be any chance of them removing the default? I'm open to any suggestions as I am trying my level best to clean up my, admittedly checkered, past with financial institutes.
  8. Just a quick update. S.A.R sent on 22/02/08 Recorded delivery says received 25/02/08. Now I give them 40 days from now to send me the relevant information. Would it be prudent of me to also send a cca request regarding the 2 loans, so that I can see the original credit agreements that I had signed for and also to get the terms and conditions that were applicable at the time (i may have to wait for all my details to come back as I no longer have the account numbers for them). I've now got a folder at home with all the information I have so far and all my postal order receipts, the copy of the letter sent, the recorded delivery stub and a credit report from experian (which is not good, to say the least). I feel like I should be doing more, but I think I've explored every avenue so far... Any suggestions to keep my mind occupied? god knows how many posts I've read by now, I think I'm sending myself CAGblind... On a lighter note, I became an uncle for the first time today and aside from passing on my congratulations to my brother I also spread the word of CAG because he may have some PPI issues as well...
  9. Thank you for your help HHNF, I have now sent off my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) via recorded delivery and hope to see it has been received and signed for next week. I'm now starting to build up a file of everything done so far so that I can access all my information as quickly as possible. I think in the case of my GF she is going to wait and see the procedure that I follow and if/when successful will start her own proceedings. I'm doing my best to spread the word of this forum as the information on here is invaluable and has certainly provided me with some much needed backbone regarding these matters. It's surprised me at how little I knew about these matters and also how naive I have been in the past, but as some people say "mistakes are only lessons we don't learn from". Now I've got to sort out my NatWest/Capquest issues whilst I wait for my "small" delivery from HSBC.
  10. Thank you for that HHNF, I'm filling out my S.A.R now from the template and will send it off tomorrow. Just to make sure, if I pay by postal order should I put HSBC for the name? And can you confirm that I should send this recorded/signed for delivery. Should I use the international bank account number that is on my statements? My girlfriend also appears to be in a similar position to me, so I will pass on your information and get her to join in the fight against the rip-off culture of the banking establishment. Thanks in advance HG
  11. Hi run, Welcome to the forums. It seems that you may have got here just in time... People can correct me if I'm wrong here, but this seems to be one of the dreaded "managed loan" accounts. If you're querying a payment on a statement then you probably already have one of these, please take my advice and do your best to arrange an alternative to this. If you've not already get one, do your best to not take it out and make your problems worse, because it does. In my case I have a managed loan at the moment, I am currently paying £60 a month to it of which £33 is interest. I was given this as my only option with HSBC and told that it would improve my credit rating over the last year, I had initially applied for an overdraft extension with HSBC but had been refused and given this as a last resort and given clearly false advice regarding it. With hindsight I should have asked my dad to give me a short term loan to help sort me out, but pride got the better of me, to my own cost. I'm sure someone will be able to give you further advice on this, but if it is as I suspect a Managed Loan there are plenty of posts and a huge thread dedicated to this one product on the website. H3dg3s
  12. When I first applied for a HSBC graduate loan in 2002 (I had only lost my mother to cancer the previous month and had hit a mental and financial wall) I was sold PPI along with the loan, at the time I was employed through a temping agency and I believe that the PPI was not valid at the point of sale, nor was i informed that I could have got protection from other sources and was led to believe that it was part of the whole package and a good deal for me. About a year after taking this out I returned to University as I had not graduated and intended to finish my studies but quickly ran into financial difficulties, I was left in the position of having to take out a managed loan as it was my only option at the time (according to the "lovely" staff at HaveSomeBadCredit). Now I've only noticed by going through my old statements online that my original £421 payment of PPI was refunded at this moment to the tune of £49, would this take away my option of disputing this claim as it appears as though I have accepted this refund (even though I was unaware of it at the time). A few years later down the line and decide to convert this loan and a credit card at the time back into a loan and i can't even remember that PPI was even mentioned but again about £800 was added to the start of my loan.. Would an S.A.R be the route to go down with this and then once I have received the information what would be the best thing for me to do?
  13. Just thought I'd add an update to this. I've phoned up Natwest today after finding out my sort code and account number and they have said that they will send all my statements since the beginning of the account up to the point of closure in 2007 and I should receive them in the next 10-14 days. Is there anything else I should do in the meantime (write to Natwest or Capquest to say that the amount is in dispute?) as I think charges have been added to the account when they should not have been. All advice is welcome and is much appreciated
  14. Well, I must be the biggest mug here... I'm on my second Managed Loan with these guys, I was told at the time that this was my only option available (my 2nd loan) as I had a poor credit rating and would be unable to get a loan elsewhere and was forced onto this. My first time was when I had returned to being a student and was again given the old, this is your only option as we cannot extend your overdraft any more excuse, I've had charges on my account, PPI missold (when I was on a temporary working contract) however a small amount of this was refunded when taking the managed loan out (I'm going to do a separate post on that later). But today I've asked them if they can convert this to a normal loan and have been advised that because I have recently been turned down for a credit card that I should not try re-applying for 3 months... I don't know what to do with these guys, but rest assured as soon as everything is sorted out I will be heading off to a different bank.
  15. Thanks for the welcome Brassed Off and Paul thanks for moving the post to somewhere more relevant. Brassed Off, I can see from the forums here that Capquest seem to be quite a popular subject matter and it was using google that brought me here, so it's not that surprising that they are the cause for a few people to sign up on here. There's no need to apologise for asking questions, I'll answer them as best I can, otherwise I'd just get a general response and possibly not quite what I was looking for. As far as I know the debt is an overdraft that I had with NatWest whilst I was a student. As far as I can remember the student account was just about within it's limit when I moved house and lost my documentation. Because I did this without leaving a forwarding address then any further written correspondence that Natwest may or may not have sent has not reached me. They do have my mobile number on record though and I am at a loss as to why they have not contacted me on it to ask me about this. So far from Capquest I have received 1 letter from (addressed to my father's house where I haven't lived for about 10 years) explaining that they have purchased the debt from Natwest and that if a satisfactory payment programme is not established then they will not hesitate to utilise the legal system to its full extent and then said that it would be passed onto their solicitors if i did not respond by the 30th of January (which I have done and paid something towards the debt). I have also received a Direct Debit schedule from them since I talked to them on the phone and told them of my new address, however the direct debit form was once again sent to my father's address, it's fairly lucky he's not that inquisitive about my mail as I'd be getting a lecture off him by now, even though I'm pushing 30. I have been worried about my credit rating and like many around here am trying my best to improve this and thought that by paying money off on this then it would start to improve (at least that's what the "representative" from Capquest said it would do). As I would ideally like to take out a loan to cover my debts (but have been turned down recently) and pay them back sensibly without leaving me sometimes emptying the old copper jar at the end of the month. Just to add insult to injury I have a "managed loan" with HSBC, but from the looks of it I will be bringing that up in a different section of the forums. Thank you for taking the time to read through my post and responding.
  16. Good Evening, First of all let me say Hello to everyone. I've come here to ask for your advice regarding several matters. My main reason for coming here is I have started to receive letters and phone calls from Capquest regarding an outstanding debt which they have purchased for Natwest. Now I paid £30 initially as I was worried about threats of legal action and was also worried that this would be having an adverse effect on my credit rating. I acknowledge that there is an outstanding debt with Natwest, however I am unsure as to the amount and also as to my account number with them (I moved away from my the address on their records and being a bit stupid forgot to leave a forwarding address) and have not received any correspondence from them for over 3 years. How best would I pursue Natwest for this information and for previous statements as I would like to see how this figure has been generated and how much was/is actually owed. Should I still continue to pay Capquest as I am sure that the amount they are quoting is disputable with Natwest as I'm fairly certain that charges have been applied to my account and although there is currently a test case running through the courts I would at least like to voice an intention of claiming these back. Obviously all advice is welcome and would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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