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Everything posted by debt4get

  1. hi guys have sent the cpr request but am at a loss of the address for cca request, want to send today if anyone can help???
  2. yep it is on the credit report, as a default 05/05/2016 by lowells has been defaulted since 2012 account start date is 18/10/2011
  3. oh right didnt understand...will check it asap and get back to you
  4. can you confirm this ok template removed sorry it say at the top please don't post our templates in the open forum...dx
  5. dont know as i dont use credit i dont really much care if it is .....will have to wait till tomorrow to send cca and cpr have no printing facilities here and have to rely on library to print anything d4g
  6. have acknowledged claim on mcol and intent to defend left juristication as requested...take it i do not have to send this court paperwork in now?
  7. right dx thanks question 1 what is the MCOL website? as i said it is a long time since i was on here forgotten most of everything afraid you may have to walk me through it till i get my bearings again
  8. paperwork for cpr31.14 does the letter go to claimant eg lowell portfolio in leeds or to lowell solicitors ltd northampton?
  9. Name of the Claimant ?lowell portfolio ltd Date of issue – . 03 aug 16 What is the claim for – full particulars 1. the defendant entered into a consumer credit act 1974 regulated agreement with shop direct under account reference xxxxxxx 2. the defendant failed to maintain the required payments and a default notice was served and not complied with 3. the agreement was later assigned to the claimant on 25/05/2012 and notice was given to the defendant 4. despite repeated requests for payment the sum of pounds 648/79p remains due and outstanding and the claimant claims a. the sum of 648.79 interest pursuant to s69 county courts act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue accruing at a daily rate of 0.142 but limited to one year being 51.90p c costs amount claimed 700.69 court fee 60.00 legal rep 70.00 total 830.69 What is the value of the claim? 830.69 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? CAT DEBT When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? dont know no paperwork Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Lowells Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? dont remember it Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? again if i did i didnt see it or remember it Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? not as far as i know Why did you cease payments? never made any!!! What was the date of your last payment? as above Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? no does this help with your advice? this is full particulars of claim note in 1 there is no date on when this agreement was entered into?
  10. hi guys been a few years since i visited forum however today received a claim form ccj from lowells regarding an alleged debt from shop direct assigned to lowells in 2012. ..now dont know what it is for as dont use credit, so intend to defend. .now question is.. .as i have no paperwork for this debt or any knowledge where to start? obviously i am time limited due to action now taken by lowells so any advice grateful for
  11. definitely not lumped in with holiday entitlement, she gets 21 days plus bank holidays and if you are working a bank holiday then they add the hours to your holiday entitlement
  12. my daughter works in a call centre 32 hours a week permanent, now working week is monday to sunday and she works 8 hour days 4 days a week, now she has been rota' in this week for mon.tues,wed, then off thurs xmas day, then in friday boxing day, and off sat, sun back in monday. now is it correct that for this week she would in affect have worked more than 32 hours as xmas day is a statutory bank holiday, and it looks to me as though they are saying you can have xmas day off providing you work extra hours to make up; for it. and in affect she would then be paid for 3 days plus xmas day, plus boxing day, making it 5 days pay or in effect 48 hours
  13. no going to dig it out, will do it tomorrow, thanks for reply
  14. no i understand that. this years income which is drastically reduced to to having to give up work would have no bearing on 12/13 or 13/14 i cannot see where they have got the 24k figure earned from on 7 pound per hr over 32 hours per week. overpayment is for 13/14 when they claimed i earned this 24k my figures come out at just over 11k for 13/14 when they say overpayment made
  15. apparently after claiming wtc and being awarded it for 2012-13 was earning 7.00 ph on a 32 hour week hmrc claim that i earned £24k in this tax year, though for life of me cant figure that one out now had to finish work and told overpayment is 1200 pounds letter arrived today saturday [gotta admire their timing arriving on a weekend] rang them and they say they require me to pay at least 50 per cent of any disposable income per month which after answering questions on expenditure and income comes out at 14 quid a month can they insist on this amount
  16. she dont post on here, i do, and i dont make up stories, you can check my past posts to confirm, have given you the same information she gave me...she was definitely arrested my wife was babysitting her kids that night... and i can absolutely assure you it was for a civil debt, now whether there was a contempt for non appearance, or non payment your guess is as good as mine, have asked her to dig out any paperwork she can find, but dont hold out a lot of hope on that score as she throws her mail away....unopened...which is why the damn thing has got this far... she assures me that the debt is at least 8 years old since last payment or any contact. and am of the same opinion that setaside on statute barred is probably the best way forward
  17. its a she, she appeared in court this morning, was told by the court it was for a debt for hsbc because she thought it was council tax. ....but not.. . she tells me that the last time she was in contact with hsbc was 8 years ago, if she had an order to appear then she knows nothing about it, when she was arrested, we assumed it was for non payment of fine/council tax, but court says no it was for a civil debt re hsbc right unclebul...as she tends to stick her head in sand and not open letters then would think that would be the most likely thing to have happened...will pass on info and she will have to get a solicitor to look at or offer of payment for debt
  18. hi guys, need a little advice my friend was arrested at 2.30 in the morning the other day, for a civil debt that has not been seen or heard of for 8 years, it would appear that at sometime in the past few months the dca gained a ccj uncontested and then initiated an arrest warrant for non payment. now my first thought is to have the ccj set aside as statute barred, and am waiting for her to put all the paperwork together to ascertain the dates of payments etc. 2nd when did they start arresting people for civil debts? is this an abuse of court it was a bit like taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut... what are the ramifications? and when did dca's start using these underhand tricks? any advice gratefully accepted
  19. http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/%C2%A330m-bid-to-help-jobless-find-work-1 30m announced by govt to help? people who have failed to get a job after 2 years on w2w...remember guys if you cant get a job its all your fault!!!!
  20. http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/%C2%A330m-bid-to-help-jobless-find-work-1 govt introduces extension to w2w after 2years on programme.....remember guys if you havent got a job...its your fault!!!!
  21. putting forward a repayment plan is what they actually want....if you are disputing the bill or totalowing then defending the SD is the best way forward
  22. BG looking after your world? i work for them.....they are an absolute ripoff and wouldnt let my worst enemy take out an insurance contract with them....as i now spend all day in customer service, a misnomer if i have ever heard of one..i listen in horror to hour after hour of people ringing to complain, from callouts which are cancelled to engineers who have finished the annual service, left and now the customer rings in with no heat or hot water..save your money guys, and pay an independent to turn up on time and do the job correctly
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