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  1. many thanks, just hate dealing with them, want to put that all behind me, had a rough couple of years and my sister is still ill, they were chasing days before my sister and i went in for the transplant! sick. almost feel like they should be compensating me.! They ruined the first 9 months of having my son, i would wake with him for feeds and not go back to sleep, just insane with worry, i was like a zombie by day, (did lose 6 stone though) every cloud as they say) talk about a shadow of my former self. Anyway have to wait for their reply the my complaint through the BO. off for the weekend but will keep you all updated, thank you again.
  2. contact was made between us after it became SB, but they moved the goal posts and said the default was put on there 7 months after. ( became SB jan 2008) contacted me feb 2008, but said default sept 2008,)reported the to the banking obusmen and we have to deal with between ourselves, 8 weeks to do so, if not resolved obusmen takes up, feel phyically sick when i think about it as i don't want to deal with them. I hate them, had a hard couple of years due to family issues and they made it a lot harder.
  3. Many thanks for all your replys, no messages yet today, but need to put a stop to it, i'm sure i read somewhere that SB rule doesn't apply if contact had been made? will have a look again on website many thanks will fire off a letter.
  4. my Nightmare with Link started just over 2 years ago, they took me to court but with the help of this wonderful sight it was eventually thrown out as they did not produce credit agreement etc, think court date was september 08. 18 months on they still send me statements of account, and call every so often, last time they called was a week before i donated a kidney to my sister, i told them in no uncertain terms to back off and they gave me a break for a few months, but then yesterday i had a message from one of their idoits, now my question is when is the end, will they be contacteing me forever, this "debt" goes back to 2001! i have always maintained no money is owed. It was statue barred when they took me to court! They originally contacted me 4 weeks after the birth of my son and i believe they ruined the first year, i was out of my mind with worry, can i sue them?
  5. thank you, quite relieved by that, bit of a sore head today, the evil of drink, never mind will fire that off today and will let them know its a complaint, so can go to the ombusman as well. speak later.
  6. many thanks, will post, not convinced they will go away, you know, i bought myself a present recently(my husband did), when i bought it, i thought i didn't deserve it, and something will happen, now all of a sudden this has come up, child tax credits have written saying i owe them £3k from 5 years ago and my sister has got ill again 11% function, ( transplant has to be 14% or below), all of these thing were gone a while ago,... .....onwards and upwards, I'm sure it will all be ok in the end. night
  7. Hi, been hiding, but got a letter from link, can't do anything on computers so got my lovely friend to type while i read what lovely Link wrote back, need to finish this, Any letter ideas would be gratefully received, you wouldn't believe what has happened this week, feel like i've been sucked back a year but will relieve all in the week as don't know whats for definate yet. hope your all well.....heres the letter......my friend said it a joke..... We write in relation to the above and in respect of our earlier telephone call, in which you claimed to have been in receipt of a statement of account despatched from our offices and claim such amounts to harassment as the debt is not due bacause the county court claim was struck out. In the fist instance we would invite you to provide our offices with a copy of the statement of account that you received and the covering correspondence under which such was supplied in order that we might consider its content in respect of your allegations of harassment, However we must confirm our intiall stance to be that provision of a statement of account of your liability under a credit agreement does not in any way amount to harassment as you allege or at all, In respect of the credit agreement and account as it stands, we confirm that the fact that a previous claim has been struck out due to a technicality does not in any way limit or extinguish your liability for repayment of those moneys outstanding, Neither for that matter does any alleged breach of S77-79 Consumer credit Act 1974 in so far as that whilst such may prevent our offices from enforcing the credit agreement until a copy of the credit agreement and statement and statement of account is supplied, We not be able to enforce the debt but such has no affect upon your liability to make payment of those moneys due under the credit agreement and in no way limits or extinguishes that liability, As confirmed on the telephone today we will not be seeking to further enforce this agreement unless we can obtain a copy of the credit agreement and statement of account. however if the original creditor can finally provide these documents proving your liability we will be giving consideration to further proceeding in the absence of repayment, We trust this clarifies the position and await hearing from you in due course, Although this could be definitely statue barred even before they got in contact last year, I read that if regular contact had been made its not deemed statue barred, what do you think? So sorry about "entry before last, bit tipsy, doesn't make sense, bit tipsy, sister 10th wedding anniversity (spelt wrong). think i should go to bed. thank you
  8. Morning, I slept well, today we're going camping near lands end for a couple of days. When i return I will put my letter together and copy on here. Hope you all enjoy the weather. Back soon, thanks again.
  9. Thank you very much, don't want to waste your time as I know you have people on here who would love to have my worry, this site was a god send last year, I made my donation to keep this site going, a good donation, more than i could afford but i would of spent a whole lot more on solicitors. our amazing people. You lot are so clever, see, feeling better already, I do think i need to nip it in the bud as it were. Will put that letter forward. many thanks. off to bed, thank you, i will sleep, the other thing about last year was when they contacted me, I had a one month old baby, who wanted feeding every few hours, i just couldn't sleep, I'd get an hour or two in the evening then he'd wake, i'd feed him and i would lie there worrying about my sister and this, i was like a zombi, it was so awful, i felt like i was going mad for 10 months, they ruined my first year with my baby, horrible, this is nothing in comparison. Night night, quite nice to be back on here in a weird way. met some great people.
  10. Thank you for getting back so quickly but i'm sure I read last year that its kind of cancelled out (statue barred) if there has been contact on a scale, like mine? What if they do come up in 5 years with paper work, its never over! Will make a complaint to OFT but trading standards are pretty rubbish i hear. thanks though, I think the more complaint the nearer were get to getting rid of these people.
  11. Hi its me again, a while since i've been on here, last year was the year from hell for me, link financial contacted me six years after moving to my new home (literally to the day) advising I owed them £7381.00, i denied this, it went to court, they didn't come up with CCA, breakdown etc and it got thrown out. To this day i still don't eat breakfast, i stopped eating breakfast when this all started as i would either receive 12 calls a day or letters, it was horrible and if any of you remember this case my sister was very ill at the time and i was being tested to give her a kidney (she's very well at moment, we're a perfect match and op is pending.) Out of the blue a got a letter off link with a statement of account saying money is still outstanding, thought this was finished, spoke with national debt line who said they can't persue as now seven and half years on with no admittance or payment Not sure about this as we went to court, spoke to a solicitor, who said there may be a case for damages as harassing under the "adminastration of justice act, section 40" don't really want to go through all of that even if i can get money off them, as just want to close the door on this now, really sank last year. Can they pursue me. I was told by national debt line when this got thrown out that you can not be tried for the same thing again. I phoned link today and said you either write a letter saying this is a mistake or a letter to say you are persuing me for the amount outstanding, (so i could give to solicitors and go down that route) the charmer on the line said that i got away on a technicality and if they find the paper work they will come at me but they are not actively persuing me! he said the money is still owed, well does this mean i will be getting these letters in 10 years time, i thought it was finished. Can anyone let me know where i stand legally, many thanks
  12. joncris how do i get a D10, is this from the court. Thank you
  13. Hi everyone, we all know has stupid i am when it comes to computers, i've been checking each day, and it hasn't moved from 250, so i thought you'd all gone away BUT WHAT A LOVELY SURPRISE today with the messages THANK YOU........
  14. Hi, Everybody My Case Was Struck Out Today. Thank You Everybody Who Has Helped Me. I Don't Want To Celebrate Just Yet As They May They And Reinstate But I Will Be Making A Donation To The Site Next Wednesday For All You Amazing Help. Thank You All So Much.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Still Don't Know How To Start A New Thread With A Happy Face This Time, If Anyone Can Point Blonde Rudy In The Right Direction.
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