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Everything posted by distress

  1. thank you both for your advice will do what you suggest and give update when reply received:-D
  2. hi yes cabot wrote to me in april saying unable to provide copy of agreement after i sent acc in dispute letter which was sent after 12+2 letter ( great templates here:-D) any idea how i should respond?
  3. hi wonder if anyone can help! cabot chasing citicard c/card account was put on hold by them back in march as unable to produce original agreement today received a letter threatening ccj if not paid within 7 days! I thought as account in dispute they had to stop all recovery action any advise greatly appreciated
  4. monthly payment was £497.00 a month ppi was £99.69 any suggestions ?
  5. Hi all took out a loan 12/02/05 with hfc for 7yrs which included ppi at £99.69 a month paid loan off early after 12 mths realised mis sold ppi do i just claim back 12mnth ppi ( 12 x £99.69 )?? any help greatly apreciated thxs
  6. thxs for the advice will send letter tomorrow8-)
  7. citicard credit card i still have original agreement (2004)
  8. Hi all sent cca request to cabot 4 weeks ago,they returned my £1 fee stating they would supply all information within the twelve days- 3 weeks later still nothing should i now send account in dispute letter or just sit tight? Any advise greatly appreciated:|
  9. thxs for the reply could be interesting as card taken out 2004 and i still have original copy wonder if they will find theirs:-)
  10. Hi all hope someone is able to help Sent cca request to cabot last week ( citi card account),received letter back today stating they do not have this information on file but they will contact original lender and that they expect to send this information within 12 days. All sounds fine but they have also returned the £1 fee stating they do not accept it Why would they return the £1 ? Any help greatly appreciated thxs
  11. thxs for your reply citicard terminated the account without notice termination letter arrived with welcome to cabot letter! on the back of cabot letter are t&c's stating this is a Notice of assignment and they now own tne debt they also state interest may be accuring in accordance with the terms of the original credit agreement! As they stated 0% per annum on welcome letter and accepted my offer under these conditions can they now renege ? did i not form some kind of contract with them? Have also read original credit agreement from 2004 and it doesnt mentioned assigning debt to an outside agency only states interest will be charged for as long as account is open but surely as cabot state they have bought the account from citicard account is now closed and all terms and conditions are now void?
  12. 2 weeks ago recieved letter from cabot saying my citicard debt was now with them and quoting0% interest i made a repayment offer that was accepted but today they sent another letter stating their 0% interset was a mistake and the interest rate is now 24%!!! i thought once a debt was sold all interest ceased is this not the case? any help greatly appreciated
  13. ok enron thanks for your response cant risk a default as due new mortgage in feb will jusr persevere till then:)
  14. sorry if i've posted this in wrong forum, need a bit of advice am currently struggling with a citicard debt of £4000 not in arrears but only make minimum payment each month account was closed by citicard 8 months ago. Is there anything i can do to stop the interest being charged each month as at this rate i am never going to clear this. Any advice greatly appreciated. thanks
  15. i realise that i'm just concerned for my prior debts but thxs anyway:)
  16. hi all hope i've put this in right thread? 7 yrs ago i got in a lot of financial trouble and as a consequence got bad credit rating.Since then i have moved around a lot and never registered on electoral register although my bank statements have gone to my girlfriends hse for last 5 yrs. if i was now to apply for credit would my previous credit history be apparent especially as i havent registered elsewhere hope someone can help thxs
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