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  1. hi....i am after advice really....my ex left me wityh four kids and took my 7 seater too.......the car is reg keeper in my name as he got it for me for birthady. anyway he took the car and i am car less and rather angry really.......before i got with him i had a perfectly good running car and two kids, he upgraded my car due to increase on family.....anyway i think personally he should be willing and helping me get another car......but i have found out that the 7 seater is on finance?.....which of course is in his name........well he is due to get tax by the end of the month and i also know that he is driving around with no insurance.......but i have been told that i should fight for the car as he bought it for a present for me and i got rid of the car i had prior to our relationship. he as offered the car to me but then he says he wont pay me maintance-which to be honest i know he wouldnt keep payments up on the car......he as asked me to sign the reg keeper docs over to him but i have them upstairs and well......can someone help please......what can i do...have i got a leg to stand on...i also know that if he got caught driving no insurance etc it would come back on me wouldnt it?....what am i to do?
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