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  1. hi hubby has a credit card with lloyds had it before 2004. money probs wrote usual letters, lower payments accepted sfter proof of credit agreements sent off cca on credit card last March, wrote again after passing requested time. lloyds write every month asking for payment. received one letter from insolvancy department stating no record of application form found. one letter stating 'due to high number of requests etc'. Now receiving letters from Allied International seeking payments for lloyds. Sent complaint to OFT,ICO and FOS. OFT investigating, ICO investigating. FOS want him to wait until received response from lloyds, issued my complaint October 2008. Please advise how to proceed.
  2. Bump Hold on someone will be around soon to advise you.
  3. I have just registered with photobucket and these are the links to view the defaults. If it doesnt work plz let me know as i am new to this photobucket site. Thanx for all your help and i look forward to the outcome of this with Lloyds. mistycat
  4. I have the two images of both default notices for my bank account. Hope you can see them alright. Thanx mistycat
  5. Yes i am certain, as i put in my previous post, they have sent me another default notice. I will try to get both of them scanned an posted later on today. Thanx
  6. How long did you give the loan company to reply, in your letter? You should have recieved an acknowledgment by now, i would of thought. Give it another week maybe. You could give OFT a ring to check they recieved your complaint and see what they advise at this stage. Good luck
  7. Hello In April 07 i put in my claim for bank charges. May 3rd 07 Lloyds issued an Enforcement Notice, 27th May 07 Default Notice. I have written to them during 2007 to show them income and outgoing sheets and have paid half of the unauthorised overdraft. This was before i understood that the account would be in dispute because of my claim. In February 2008 i recieved another Enforcement Notice issued 3 days before closing my bank account. I responed with a complaint and asked them to reconsider their decision to the proposed closure of my account, until such time that the dispute reaches its resolution with the test case. I recieve a response from Brighton confirming my complain. Another response on 20th March stating `as you know it is now four weeks since you told use about your concerns and ordinarily we would have hoped to have this resolved by now. Sorry to say despite our best efforts, we have not been able to do so yet` Today i received another default notice dated 3rd May 2008. They have not even finished looking into my letter of February 2008. These Enforcement Notices and Default Notices come from collection centre in Brighton. My complaint response came from Credit Operations Customer Service Recovery. Can i raise a complaint to Financial Ombudsman and Financial Services Authority, due to the fact that the account is in dispute and they are continuing to pursue me for payment? And the issuing of more than one default notice, or is it the norm to recieve more than one? If anyone has any idea how i can start the ball rolling i would appricate this. Thanks mistycat
  8. Hi all. Lloyds TSB dont answer any written communication with Credit cards they just pass the account to Fredrickson Internation Ltd who cannot provide a CCA upon request, Fredrickson then use Bryan Carter Solicitors to enforce a disputed debt, then ask you to contack Fredrickson to make payments or provide a writen defence to Bryan Carter. Strange, I thought i didnt have to prepare any defence until court action was taken against me. Poor Fredrickson cant provide CCA so get their Solicitors involved. How illegal is all this? Debt collectors using Solicitors and neather of them have the right to collect on alleged debt.
  9. Thanks for the draft mrmarmite, could'nt touch you scales as they are not there. Bryan Carter & Co Solicitors have now written to me demanding i make a payment to Fredrickson International Ltd, it appears even the debt collectors have their own solicitors. Surely if a debt collector has been issued with a Credit agreement request and cannot comply, they do not have any rights to the debt. How can they pass my details onto their own solicitors? Totally confused:confused:
  10. What should i do now? Do i still write to them to tell them i am disputing the debt due to the wrong address, scaned signature? Or should i just ignore them? I am rather confused and don't know what i should do if anything. All advise is appriciated. Thanks.
  11. Hi Schmidlin Just wondering how you are getting on.
  12. Oh i forgot to mention. I opened the account at my previous address, not the current one i am residing at. Will this make any difference that they have put my current address on the agreement?
  13. After Additions failed to comply with my request for CCA, i sent a complaint and received a final response from Shop Direct Financial Services in November 2007, this also contained the questionable agreement and was their final response. I then complained to TS and it has taken from 27th November 2007 with them investigating littlewoods. Do you think i should send another complaint but this time directly to the Director of littlewoods catalogue first? Maybe i could tell them i am disputing the validity of the agreement and invite them to take me to court should they be unable to send a 'true signed copy'. Any ideas would be appriciated. Thanks again.
  14. I have been unsuccessfull with a complaint to FOS, as i tried this before TS, they said they are not registered so cannot help. i cant find littlewoods registered with any regulatory body to write too.
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