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jas 4

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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Thanks Slick, where would i be without you! Jas
  3. Do I attach a new schedule of charges with the POC and what do I do if they ask why I am only handing in now, when the judges directions stated that it had to be done in July?? Been reading mummybirds posts and am totally confused!!!
  4. Hi Slick I think the judge had already made his mind up that all our cases were stayed before we went into the court and it would have to be very extreme ccircumstances for the case not to be stayed. As for the new POC's, it wasn't mentioned, and I haven't done anything about it yet as I have been off work. do you think I still need to do this or should I just wait for the OFT outcome? Thanks for your help, jas
  5. Well.... i went to court and guess what? the case was stayed! It was certainly an experience and not at all what I was expecting. There were 18 bank cases in the afternoon alone, and because of the number of cases the judge asked to see us all together. He explained about the ongoing OFT case and how it was scheduled to finish in March '08 or possibly sooner and then went on to say that because of this most District Judges are agreeing to the Stays applied for by the banks and did we all agree to this. Naturally we all said we were opposing the Stay and we then had to go in individually to state our case. The Barrister representing Barclays was freelance from a company in Manchester and apart from my court application he didn't have any defence with him. This was brought up in my meeting with the judge and also the time factor of my case (it dates back to May '06) when I originally contacted Barclays. Anyway to cut a long story short, the case was stayed and I then went on to say that I wished to appeal against the stay and I had some evidence to support my application for removal of the stay. The judge said there was no point in giving it to him as it would probably get lost and that if i did appeal and the OFT case went in favour of the banks it may end up costing me money as i may incur the banks costs. ??????????????????????????? What do you make of that and what do you suggest?:?
  6. thanks again... and of course you're right... there is nothing i can do about it now... i just hope the Judge is sympathetic!! gotta go do some work now... so I will be back on tomorrow for any more tips and advice and to calm my nerves!!! Jas:cry: :cry:
  7. Oh Slick, I feel sick now!!!! I have recorded the name and date of the person I spoke to, but surely if she said she would record the mistake on my file and that no further action was due on my part... is that not enough?? Have read Carter 56 plus the other links which did alleviate some of my fears... now I just feel that it is all going to go wrong! If my case is thrown out what do I say... do I offer any defence? and does this mean I don't need to bring all the other info I have collated with me?? Thanks again :cry: :cry:
  8. Hi Slick directions are as follows: Hope I am reading the right thing!! Each party shall deliver to every other party and to the court office of all the documents (including any experts report) on which he intends to relay at the hearing no later than 12.09.07. the original documents shall be brought to the hearing. Claimant shall file amended particulars of claim by 13.07.07 full particularising her claim (I rang and queried this as I hadn't been asked to do an amended claim, lady said it was a mistake and that it was noted on my file and to ignore it). Permission to defendant, if so advised, to file and serve amended defence by 27.07.07, (I have received nothing) Is this right??
  9. GOING TO COURT TOMORROW!! Just want to clarify a couple of things: If Barclays apply for a stay where and when do I pay for the N244 notice? Also... Have filled in the N244 form on line and have included the following evidence in support of my claim: witness statement, updated oft test case, list of settled cases for the Defendant, Human Rights Act 1998, Overriding Objective, OFT Particulars of Claim, BBC News article by Ian Pollock and the FSA WAIVER, I have done 3 copies - 1 for judge, defendant and myself is this correct? and when they apply for the stay do I just voice my objections and hand all this over. Hope someone can help and just put me at ease. NB: the court bundle was sent approximately 3 weeks ago and I haven't seen Barclays bundle (if they have done one) Thanks in advance for any help. jas
  10. Thanks for that Slick, will have a read through so I am better prepared for Wednesday.... wish me luck!!! Jas:)
  11. Thanks once again for your help, have printed off info and will attach to N244 form. Will pm carter56 to find out what I can expect at court. Cheers!!!
  12. Thanks for that Saintly. One more question: at the bottom of the witness statement it mentions supporting evidence ie: OFT TEST CASE POC and spreadsheet of settled claims.... are these to be found in the templates forum...? and what happens if they don't obtain a stay before the court date and I turn up and no-one from Barclays is there. Thanks... getting a bit worried now... not of actually going to court but of them bamboozling me with legal jargon and me losing my cool and forgetting everything!!! Aaagh!!!
  13. Have a court date set for 26.09.07 at St Helens County Court, received a letter from Barclays saying they are applying for a stay pending the outcome of the ongoing case..... as yet I have heard nothing from the Courts. I contacted the court and they confirmed no stay had been applied. I then rang Barclays and gave them another opportunity to settle but they said they weren't settling any cases pending the outcome of current court case.... what do i do now....??? Do I turn up at court on the 26th or do I ring Barclays again on the 25th if no stay has been applied for and what happens if they obtain a stay??? Any help greatly appreciated.... Thanks:)
  14. Your welcome...... As for the waiting, I'm afraid you just have to get used to that and be patient as they tend to drag things out for as long as possible... why.... I do not know.... as it is quite clear who is in the wrong!!! Good Luck.
  15. Hi I am at the same stage as you and have just sent nudge letter no.1 to Barclays solicitors along with schedule of charges, I have also sent letter and draft order to my local court. Once the court has issued the order and I am presuming I will receive notification of this, then I have 14 days to get info together as per draft order. Hope this helps and if I am wrong in any way hope someone out there can confirm all this...
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