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  1. A friend of mine owes £11,367 to Robinson Way and has been sent a letter telling her she has 10 days (it was sent on Wednesday) to get in touch with them or they will send someone round to her house. Any ideas on how much they would accept each month? At a push, she could offer between £80-£100, but they've been chasing the debt for a long time and she's not convinced they'd be interested in such a 'small' amount. We've just had a look on their website and they also offer the option of negotiating a fee to settle the account now. She doesn't have anything to offer, but how much would they be likely to accept? Having googled the name I can see Robinson Way don't have a very good reputation. Any suggestions on how to deal with them would be very welcome, thanks.
  2. Finally recieved confrimation today that my dispute has been investigated and resolved. Unfortunately, they gave no further details on the 'personal services' that I was supposed to have purchased I guess the list of questions they asked me to fill in weren't really that important, which makes me wonder why the even asked in the first place? Thanks again for the help/advice
  3. The charges were for £289 in December, and £390 in the first week of January. I have had no contact from Barclays or Mercers regarding the charges, the first I knew of it was when I got my statement through the post. The man I spoke to on Thursday completely ignored me when I mentioned Mercers being part of Barclays. He also sounded amused when he mentioned the "personal services" Everything with my Barclaycard is totally in order, so there has definitely been a mistake somewhere. I have decided to ignore the questions regarding my e-mail/IP address. There's no way I can trust them with something that gives them access to everything. I shall send the forms off on Monday and hope that it's enough to get this sorted Thanks for all of the replies
  4. Thanks for the welcome/reply. I asked the man on the phone the other day who Mercers were, and all he told me is that they are based in Liverpool and that the charge was for 'personal services'. He made no mention of them being associated with Barclays. I do have a barclaycard, but I don't use it enough to be in debt with anyone, so all of this has completely shocked and confused me
  5. On my latest bank statement I noticed 2 incorrect transactions (payment to mercers, I have no idea who they are?) and promptly phoned Barclays to tell them of my situation. They sent me through the relevant forms to fill in, but I am a bit concerned by 1 of the questions. They ask me to give them my IP address 'if known'. Obviously, I do know it, but I have absolutely no trust for these people. So, since I use Yahoo for all online transactions, if I give them that address and ignore the IP question, will that be enough for them to sort this out, or should I expect a phonecall from them telling me how to find out and hand over my IP address?
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