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  1. Just had my 3rd written confirmation today - my deposit is not protected with any of the 3
  2. Hi guys, I've just had my little sister on the phone, very upset. She had a phone call today from her letting agency telling her that her landlord is selling the house and she has a couple of months notice to move out. She only signed a new lease a month ago - surely the landlord can't do this? Any advice welcomed
  3. Sorry Guys, I forgot to say that I do have a receipt from the landlords agent that payment was made to him on the 10th of June 2009 but I can't find a copy of my darn tenancy agreement anywhere. Im going to have to ask the LA very nicely for a copy and hope that he hasn't shredded it or something ridiculous, otherwise the landlord may try to claim I was never a tenant!
  4. I am about to move out of my current property after living here for a year and a half. I moved to England from Scotland and while aware of the TDS scheme, I was not aware I should have received a letter from the TDS scheme telling me my deposit is protected. The tenancy agreement I signed covered me until July this year and I'm assuming it is the same as Scotland, where if your outwith the dates of the agreement, it just renews month to month until one of you terminates. I am now fairly certain that my deposit is not held by any of the deposit schemes and my landlord may be about to pull a fast one. My question really relates to responsibility - I got my tenancy agreement etc. from a local letting agent but as far as I am aware after speaking to him, his involvement in my tenancy was nothing more as an intermediary until a tenant was found (me) and the contract signed. He has claimed that the deposit has nothing to do with him as it was paid to the landlord. The rent has also been paid directly to the landlord by standing order since the commencement of the tenancy. If, as I suspect everything goes pear shaped I just wanted to clarify who has liability? The landlord or the letting agent? Also is it small claims court these matters go to if I need to go down that route, or is it somewhere else? It's tempting to just withold the last months rent but I want to ensure everything is above board so at the very least if it did go to court, nothing could be said about me breaking the agreement. So, the last months rent goes tomorrow. Any advice would be welcomed!
  5. thanks for replies all, I'm going to go look at the acas website.
  6. Hi everyone, I am having a major problem with my current landlord and was wondering if I could get some advice. We took out our tenancy on 31/7/08 and about 3 weeks after we moved in the landlord came round to go over the fire alarm with us etc. It was at this time that he advised us that he was applying for his HMO licence and that we would have inspectors round in the next month. Quite fearful about losing our tenancy if this licence was granted we specifically asked what would happen once this had gone through. The landlord verbally agreed that if the licence was granted throughout our 6 months in the property he would never just kick us out and would give us at least another 6 months to our lease if we needed it. This seemed fine so we left it at that. Fast forward to the 29th of October when we receive a letter from the letting agency advising us that the landlord was more than happy to extend our lease for a further 6 months at £600 pcm on our renewal date, we just had to call up to confirm. We did this on the date we received the letter and also sent an email on the 25th of November to advise that these terms were acceptable. On the 28th of November the letting agency called to say that our landlord had been granted his HMO licence and wanted us out at the end of January. We simply can't afford to move and from the letter sent were under the impression that our lease was being extended until July next year. We are now completely at a loss over what to do because we cant afford to move. We haven't been saving a deposit because we were advised both verbally & in writing that our lease was being extended. Can anyone offer any advice on what we can do? Edit: I have just been to the letting agency to get a copy of our AT5 form and tenancy agreement to find that they have tampered with the dates on the AT5. it was signed today and then written over to backdate it to the date the tenancy was taken out. My understanding is that for the AT5 form to be valid (i.e. making us short assured tenants) it has to be signed by both us and the LL before the lease commencement. If this form is invalid by their tampering surely it means we are assured tenants and have more rights?
  7. It's a short assured tenancy. Thanks for the help by the way
  8. the tenancy started in July 2007 and the fixed term was 6 months. I live in Scotland so unfortunately the deposit scheme doesn't apply to me.
  9. We had a flat inspection last week. As we always do come inspection time we frantically cleaned for 3 days before our inspection. Today I got a letter from the letting agency advising us that we had failed our inspection due to our flat being 'disgusting, filthy and untidy'. The letter also commented that there was a smell of cat urine (it was the day before bin day so we hadn't put one of the bin bags out yet and it did have litter box emptyings in it). I am absolutely fuming as the flat was cleaned to a reasonable standard and I don't see how a few books piled on the living room carpet is terribly untidy. I also don't see what untidyness has to do with anything, as long as the place is clean. The LA has said if we dont pass an inspection in a week they can evict us. Can anyone advise? (Obviously we are going to clean like maniacs for a week but our letting agency has played silly buggers with us before)
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