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  1. Hi guys, quick question... i sent a SAR to 1st plus then remembered we actually got the loan through Loan makers so do i need to SAR them also and if so who do i put the claim in to for mis-selling?
  2. ok cheers guys another S.A.R's going off this weekend....just a quick question...can we claim back the £10 if we win this? I hate to give these bloodsuckers anymore of my money!
  3. Hi again guys, hope you're all still out there to advise on my next course of action. I have received the S.A.R.s from First Plus and there is no paper work about the PPI but i haven't had chance to go through the tapes yet as no tape recorder here in Canada. Anyway, i have just had another thought, as although the loan was taken out with First Plus we went through Loan Maker to get it therefore do i need to send them a sar also? As i vaguely remember some conversations about PPI but we certainly weren't told of the true cost of it only that we would get something like £17k back. This should all be on a tape somewhere but it could have been with Loan Makers that this conversation took place. The tapes i have received from 1st plus don't have anything written on them about ppi and i'm guessing they won't so do i shell out another £10 to sar loan makers? cheers for the help guys and still following Cag even in Canada!
  4. it has crossed my mind but things like this have a nasty habit of catching up with you when you least expect it...and no we're not leaving a forwarding address just having post redirected to another address in the uk then having it sent on to us. at the end of the day if they repo i know we'll still owe them some money but they can't have money we don't have and we have to have a roof over our heads in canada and if its not bought they can't take that off us so i'm not too fussed, but would like to try and sort it out properly before i go. I dare say they would find us is canada for that kind of money anyway then it would be 100 times worse!
  5. update... got the court papers so need to get them filled in before i leave on friday. should i send my file to the courts before i go as i want to show them i have done loads to try and help myself and tsb are not playing ball with me? i also want to put in the letter that they would accept a spo. should i ask the judge if they can spead the arrears over the whole of the loan....can he/she do that??? is there any case law to back that up?
  6. bad luck mate, at least you gave it a shot...can you not appea? Sorry don't know how this court process works...seems to me like the judge couldn't be ar..d...happen it was near his coffee break? sorry to be a numpty but was is an unexecuted agreement and a cfa? Still getting my head around all these terms. Chin up...as brw says have a beer or 2 or 3!!
  7. Hi kenny, i had a letter from these muppets dca's today saying they hadn't heard from me i just think they ignore your letters even though you send them recorded delivery. I have now S.A.R.d them so they can go jump and i'm not sending them any money. I've written 3 times now! keep us updated on your progress, we'll fight them together
  9. sorry but i'm getting a little confused with my own thread now!!! Are we all talking about 1st plus? Anyway just to update, i have sent them a letter along with a S.A.R saying that i reject their offer. So will update when S.A.R comes back then i'm going to sting them for as much as i can....anyone else got any success with them yet?
  10. I would do that but she would have to pay the council tax in full which i don't think she could afford as she gets it paid for in the property she's in at the moment. anyway...update on friday 13th!!! Got a letter from sols again just letting me know that yesterday they applied to the court for a repo order no reference to the letter i wrote or an acknowledgement of it although i know they received as i sent it recorded delivery! So i have e-mailed the sols and said that as they would not let me rent my orginal offer of £30 per month stands...stuff em! I'm going to canada next friday and i'm sick of this now. I also ask them to bear in mind that we we won't be in the country therefore they would need to take that into account with correspondence! I dare say that will be ignored as well! Still onwards and upwards! I think i will also write and ask if and how much the charges will be each month. Niece will be moving in in Sept all being well so that should help. I'll have to let my parents know now as they are sending my mail on and this will have to be done urgently...didn't really want to involve them but hay ho! Least our family will be back together and they can't take that away..they can have the house but they can't have my family!!
  11. cheers jan, my neice has said she wants the house but is tide into a lease till september but i think we can hang on till then. If we go through an estate agent they will want the mortgage comps authorisation which they wont' give so i could do with a really good lease any ideas how much it would cost for a solicitor to draw one up? I have a couple of hundred spare but thats it and we can't afford a solicitor to act on our behalf as we will still have alot of mortgage to pay. I am going to get some good insurance cover for renting which covers vandalism and the like. Is there anything else i need to do other than pay these selfish blood suckers their mortgage? Just to update i sent the letter that i posted further back and the sols have received it as i sent it recorded delivery, sent the tsb a copy and a cheque also so its a wait for reply now! Cheers for all the advice and support and will keep updating as i'm sure they will still want a suspended possession order. Just one quick question, what happens to that as we obviously won't be able to attend court, do they have provisions for faxing details or e-mails etc? As North America has snail mail worse than ours!
  12. Hi stroke a badger i'm following this with great interest as i'm about to go down a similar route with our mutual friends at the Abbey! Has anything else happened since your last post? My cca came back very similar so i'm going to post in on a thread when i get chance. Did trading standards ever get back to you? good luck and if you go to court give em hell
  13. cheers bona....i have asked our niece if she wants to rent our house off us as she is only in a flat with a toddler and no garden so she says she would. However, she gets her rent made by benefits so my question is does anyone know if they will want us to have permission off the mortgage company or will they just want a tenency agreement? This would solve our immediate problems although the rent would be subsantially less than what we could get for it but i least i know it would be paid every month and the house won't be standing empty....fingers, toes and what ever else crossed that this comes off!
  14. sorry guys i was on a rant last night...just read back through my post, half of it doesn't make sense!! I think i'm just starting to panic a bit now. So it seems like i have to ask for a redemption figure off both companies and i'll ring 1st plus today...can't speak to tsb cause the mortgage isn't in my name so they won't discuss it with me, so off goes another letter! Anyone got any guestimates as to how much a redemption would be on our loan? bearing in mind 15k of it was ppi which i am starting the process of claiming back? I can't see it being much less than the original amount because don't you pay off the interest first? I have no idea but if they don't let us sell we will have to do a private rent and not tell the mortgage company thats the only way out of this mess as i see it. Amazing what a nights sleep can do eh? Thinking more clearly now. Has anyone got a link to tideturners thread as i can't seem to find it? cheers again for all your replies and sorry for ranting, any comments on my next idea would be appreciated.
  15. I'm just getting fedup now with being told no you probably can't sell and no you can't rent...what do they expect us to do leave the houes empty for another five years until we are out of negative equity. No-one will be in the house let alone the country after next friday so i really need to know what we can do. This is really starting to get me down now, i have enough to sort out getting ready for emigrating next week without having to go and leave the house empty and have to pay the mortgage indefinately. If i keep writing to these companies it will take too long to get an answer back and i'm a bit nervous about doing this by phone as if i get the wrong advice i'm stuffed as its my word against theirs. I would get some legal advice but i can't afford it. How is it possible to put a stop on us selling the house because if they we would just have to stop paying them and they would still lose out if they forced repossession as tsb would still be the ones to get their money first and they would be left with shortfall. What shall i do???? i'm really confused now...i really just want shut of it now. Its not like neither of them are getting their money either at the end of the day they lent us the money in the first place.
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