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Everything posted by Syker

  1. Thanks for the speedy reply's, much appreciated. It seems everywhere i look on the internet there is a bad word to be said about that company. I will not part with my £55, except of course if they get me the loan then ill agree to pay the fee once my funds have been cleared...... Wishfull thinking me thinks :-)
  2. Recently applied for a loan of £10,500 to consildate my finance, i have a below average Credit score, hence the reason applying at Wentworth. Typyical APR is 15.2%. I applied last week and have recieved no mail from them but recieved a phonecall today stating that i HAD been accepted and that there was a lender in place who had accepted me. Over the phone they gave me the actual APR of 15.x% and monthly repayments of £241.xx over 60 months. They told me the actual lender would be Wentworth themselve's, is this possible from an actual broker firm?? They then proceeded to tell me there was a brokerage fee of £55. I have a feeling this could be [problem], just to get a fee out of me, but they have stated all of the above, any advise from anyone who has had dealings with them or anyone in the 'know' regarding broker companies, any advice would be appreciated. Regards Aaron
  3. Cheer's.... Just reading now. Rockwell seem very proffessional..... ;)
  4. Spot on, thanks for your advise. Ill get the ball rolling n get in touch with halifax n see where i go from there!
  5. Thanks mate, i will write to Halifax to get them to confirm where the account is. What should i do in the meantime? Could Bayliff's be sent to my home to remove goods/take my car etc? Sorry to sound like an amateur but im new to all this debt thing, and havnt been in this situation before??!
  6. No, i have only had one phone call off them, which showed up private number and no correspondense off them via letter.
  7. Thanks for your quick response...... Since i made the £200 (first & only payment) they asked for in October, i havent heard anything from them. They said they would send me a letter confirming payment and to set up a direct debit. I havnt recieved no phone calls or letter's. So i dont really know who they are or how to contact them?! They dont have a website as i have searched the web already. When i called eversheds for there number, they wouldnt give me it and said they'll be in touch. So gettin a little anxious as to what could be coming next.
  8. Hi All im new to this forum, but find it very helpful. A few years ago i got a personal loan for £5000 from the halifax bank, and a year down the line i defaulted on the account and they sent it to a debt recovery company, albion. Who very quickly past it on to Evershed's Solicitor's. It turned out, including charges i owed them £5'950.00, which 2 years ago is started to pay off as and when i could, usually between £100/200 per month. I then got this account down to £3'295. But, a few months ago (October) i agreed a plan with them, verbally/not written, to pay £125 pounds per month. The next time i rang Eversheds Solicitor's up i got told that the debt has been passed onto another company called Rockwell and was given no reason why this account was passed on. I recieved a call from Rockwell (Private number) and got told to pay £200 pounds on the day (which i did) and £250 every month after that which i couldnt really afford, but they said that was the minimum payment they would accept. But since then i have recieved no letter's, no phone calls no nothing and am now starting to get a little worried as to what my next move should be, bearing in mind it as been 3 months since i have heard anything on this matter from them. I am worried about bayliff's etc, court, charges etc. Does anyone have any advise for me, it would be MASSIVELY appreciated?? Aaron.
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