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Everything posted by banksarggg

  1. hi im praying someone can help as i feel backed into a corner , my car insurance renewel went through automatically (i didnt recieve the letters even though the insurance company say they did) the first i noticed was they tried taking £76 for my insurance its normally £42 a month which i had in there cos i knew it was due ,. well i did not have the £76 so the bank have charged me £35 for a start , i rang the insurance company and i asked them that why have i been charged £76 a month and she replied "all insurancies have gone up" so i was livid i told her "i have not had any claims in the last year and i have 4 years no claims bonus yet instead of thanking me you deciede to charge me 100,s more pounds a year more" to cut it short they offered me a new valuation for £56 a month (still £11 more a month) when i asked to cancel it as i have had a quote that would only cost me £36 a month they said there is a cancellation charge £211 !! what can i do ? any help gladly appreciated
  2. a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has replied , you all have made me feel a lot better as i dont have any family and because of the way i live my life , i have very few friends , ive felt completly alone and didnt want to discuss it with the friends i do have as i dont like to bring anyone down with my problems , i didnt wait for them to send me the leaflet GL24 i downloaded it printed it off and sent it yesterday ,hopefully they will have it today , i put down asking if they would look at there decision again and said i was sorry and that maybe i didnt explain my reasons fully to them and then wrote out as much info as possible as to why i didnt attend , i also pointed out to them that when i know ive panicked before ive left the house , i know not to go further with any plans on that specific day and thats not on a whim i make that decision i make the decision i feel is best at that time , and also it would not be fair on there staff to have to deal with me in such a way as i tend to come across as aggressive and that i am ashamful of etc etc i hope it doesnt go to the appeal im praying they will change there decision ,if they dont ill go straight to the appeal i feel for others going through all this , as someone has pointed out we dont want to be like this , id love to go out and be "normal" . THANK YOU all x
  3. when they sent me an appointment out i rang them and said about my condition etc and got told "sorry we do not do home visits anymore you will have to make an appointment or your benefits will stop" so i made one and asked my GP what to do and he told me to tell them to contact them if they needed to , they wouldnt have none of it on the phone they just kept on saying i HAD to make an appointment , they make me feel like some silly 18yr old , im 33 yrs old and like the person who replied said "its not something someone wants to be tagged as" my money is due this week i asked what should i do and they said they cant do nothing until the appeal form has been sent in , and then i have to do a new claim , im sitting with my laptop with this appeal form i downloaded from the jobcenter internet site and i dont know what to say to them , im so confused , and thank you all for being so kind and taking time out to reply , you dont understand how much it means to people who need your help THANK YOU
  4. hi thank you for your reply , its nice to hear that others actually know what i am on about , i managed to get to my doctors once and there was a stand in doctor because my doctor was ill , i got myself in such a panic she took my blood pressure (which had rocketed) kept on at me about how worried she was that it was so high , i lost it and shouted "i need to get out of here , the reason my blood pressure is high because look at my notes ,they are right there on your screen !!" my heart was thumping , i couldnt breathe and said some rather nasty words to her (of which i am so ashamed of because she clearly did not deserve such treatment from myself) and i walked out sobbing , im ok in my own routine , i even will go to my adoptive mothers house (a few doors away) now and again , or sometimes walk on the field with my dog but thats it , but when its an appointment and i "have" to be there i feel control has gone , i feel safe in my enviroment and that is my house , i hope this gets sorted out and thank you ever so much for your reply
  5. ive just rang them now and they said they werent happy with my "excuse" for not attending the medical and have stopped my claim , they gave me a new number to make a claim , but they said they cannot as my claim is still on there system as live , so i went back through to incapacity benefit and they are sending me the appeals letter , the income support section said that they cannot make a payment (lower income support until decision has been made) until they see the appeals parton the system im agraphobic ive told them that my doctor said for them to get in touch with him if they need to i dont know what else to do
  6. hi i dont leave the house , my doctor has me down as agrophobic , i lost a partner due to a motorcycle accident and its sparked off many things im just paranoid 24/7 that ill lose someone else and the outside world isnt what i must have thought it was ,i couldnt go to a medical (i never have) the journey would be a nightmare , and i dont talk properly i get panic attacks and i look and act pathetic , inside im telling myself "u look stupid pull yourself together etc" but it doesnt work i work myself into a frenzy , so is it defiantly that they have stopped all benefits ? why didnt they tick the incapacity benefit box ? why did they just tick the box that says "You are no longer entitled to National insurance credits" its confusing thanks
  7. im really confued as i didnt attend the medical but sent off a form explaining why , i then recieved a letter back saying :"we have looked at your reasons for not attending a decision maker says you are capable of work from the 15.04.2010 " (this box was ticked) then underneath is says "this means we have decided that you are no longer entilted to which were : Box One : Incapacity Benefit And National Insurance Credits Box Two : Severe Disablement Allowance Box Three : National Insurance Credits The Box They Ticked For Me Were Just : The 3rd One "National Insurance Credits" This is the only box ticked so i dont understand am i losing my incapacity and servere disability allowance cos it says first "u are capable of work from the 24.04.2010 but then says this means we have decided that you are no longer entitled to national insurance credits ! Im confused as i claim incapacity and servere but these boxes werent ticked so what do they mean im no longer entitled to national credits ? im worried if they mean that ill no longer get any benefits anyone plz help me thanks in advance
  8. Thanks Ever So Much In Taking The Time Out to reply to me , so are the banks actually allowed to take these charges off people or are,nt they ? thanks
  9. Firstly Hi To Everyone i was hoping someone can help me im really confused by the banks charges my predicament is ive incurred 2 "Unpaid Direct Debit" charges which is 35.00 because the amount in my bank was a pound short to cover my direct debit , ive had the same money going in each week for the last 4 years , you would think they would pay the direct debit as its only a pound short , but no it comes up online as "Paid" but then a day later ill get "DIRECT DEBIT REVERSAL MANDATE NO ** REFERENCE BACKDATED" And also "CHARGE/INSTANT OVERDRAFT REQUEST FEE - UNPAID DIRECT DEBIT PAYMENT , MANDATE NO **" im at my wits end an advisor onthe phone told me to apply for an overdraft but then i get told "no" so i cant win i felt really bad as the direct debit was money i donate to an animal charity its not right that bank charge you 35.00 for being short when they know that the same money goes into that account and the person is unlikely to run off !! not only do they charge you but they also DONT pay the direct debit is there anything i can do ? p.s : i am unable to have a current account / credit card etc as my ex hubby left me with a lot of debt years ago and i thought that was the reason i was turned down for a current account thanks in advance for your help i really appreciate it xx
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