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  1. I suggest you write to Bryan Carter explaining your circumstances and offer to pay a regular monthly amount you can afford. Include a payment with the letter. Do not miss any future payments. I see Bryan Carter are one and the same as Fredrickson International who have just hounded me for a payment that isn't due until the end of July 2012. Good luck
  2. A month ago I received a reminder from HMRC that my NIC (as self employed) is due for payment no later than 31 July 2012. This morning I received a threatening Letter Before Action letter from Fredrickson International with regard to this debt. I rang them and asked them to explain how I can be taken to court for non payment when it isn't overdue. Stupid woman told me I could pay it now or set up a repayment plan. I don't want to do that. I told her I'd intended paying it in the next few weeks anyway, but on the strength of their letter I will delay it until the end of July. Now either HMRC have got a bit ahead of themselves in passing this over, or Fredrickson have somehow got hold of personal information - and how did they get it?
  3. RonnieCSS


    Thank you very much. I'll be keeping you posted on this one.
  4. RonnieCSS


    Hi I posted this on the Welcome Board but was recommended I post it here. I graduated many moons ago but as my annual income never reached the payback threshold while I deffered repayment all was fine. Until I forgot the apply for the deferrment one year. The debt was passed to some debt collection agency (Penine) but has now ended up with Clarity who I'm repaying at an affordable amount. However on the last statement from SLC (or Honours Student Loans) I noticed two repayments in one month, totalling £176.25 were missing. Emails have passed between us - their finance department claim I haven't paid it - my bank statement shows otherwise ( I paid by online banking transfer) - I've sent a copy of the bank statement but heard nothing back from them. I now need to go back over 5 years of statements to see if any other payments have vanished into the black hole. They are a disgrace. This has been ongoing since September last year. Yesterday I gave them 24 hours to give me an explanation or I'll be reporting this to the police as a theft. I'd be grateful for any other advice anyone has. Ronnie
  5. RonnieCSS


    Thank you for the welcome and advice.
  6. RonnieCSS


    Hi to everyone I'm so glad to see I'm not alone with student loan issues. I graduated some 13 years ago as an "oldie" (I can't go with that mature student malarky because I'm as juvenile in my old age as I was in my 20's). As my annual income never reached the payback threshold while I deffered repayment all was fine. Until I forgot the apply for the deferrment one year. The debt was passed to some debt collection agency but has now ended up with Clarity who I'm repaying at an affordable amount. However on the last statement from SLC (or Honours Student Loans) I noticed two repayments in one month, totalling £176.25 were missing. Emails have passed between us - their finance department claim I haven't paid it - my bank statement shows otherwise ( I paid by online banking transfer) - I've sent a copy of the bank statement but heard nothing back from them. I now need to go back over 5 years of statements to see if any other payments have vanished into the black hole. They are a disgrace. This has been ongoing since September last year. Yesterday I gave them 24 hours to give me an explanation or I'll be reporting this to the police as a theft. I must admit I hadn't even considered the penalty charges they'd added over the years. Oh bring it on! Ronnie
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