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Everything posted by Schmidlin

  1. He says he has had no contact in writing for at least 7 years, the debt itself is made up of charges for them paying out items on his account that he asked to be stopped as there was no money going to be going into the account any longer. Should he just ignore it then or send the letter on the previous post?
  2. Hello, I'm posting this for a family member as they're not very computer literate and need some advice. They have received a letter from Robinson Way regarding a debt that they have not been contacted about for the last 7-8 years, it wasn't a debt they were hiding from, but couldn't afford to pay at the time, they then moved and obviously heard nothing for the above time period. I told them that it is over 6 years old now and should be statute barred (is that said correctly?) Is that correct, do they not need to worry about it anymore? Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Hi Dx, No, these had never shown up on file before, I also noticed yesterday that another payday loan company (will add details when I get home) has also entered a default on my file, I don't think they were ever on my credit file before either, so now I have 3 defaults on my file, could they have been on my file as a different name (actual company I may have had the loan with) and then Motormile have that name changed on my credit file to theirs because they've supposedly bought the debt?
  4. Hi, I have posted here before and have had the best help from everyone here and am now wondering if I could get just a little more. Motormile Finance have added 2 defaults to my credit file, both for payday loans, I have only just realised as I haven't been checking my credit file on a regular basis recently. 1 of the accounts was supposedly Default in 04/2012 but has only been on my report for 4 months and the other was supposedly Default in 10/2009 but has only been on my report for 3 months? The plan was to issue a CCA request, do I need to issue a CCA request for each one? Also, does anyone have anything else they can shed any light on about these people and how I should go about handling them?
  5. Hello, I've recently had a payment plan set up with O2 for a couple of bills due to being unemployed, I then got a job and agreed a payment plan for these bills, whereby I was told, that because I had rung up and set something up with them to pay my outstanding bills, that there would not be any late payment markers placed on my credit file. However, they have now put late payment markers on my account. I sent an email to their credit referrals email address and was told that even though they had told me over the phone and that I had an online chat with O2 stating that I should not get any problems or markers put on my account, that legally they have to mark my account as late as my payment for that month was late. The question I have is, I have paid other months late, but no markers have been put against my file, but O2 now state that they are legally obliged to mark my account as it is used? Can I use this fact to get my markers removed as they said originally? I've just spent a 6 months clearing debt and making sure I'm not late on anything and now this and my credit score with Experian has dropped from 658 to 400. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  6. Well due to my credit I think it may be a 50/50 anyway, therefore I thought going into branch to speak to someone and show them prior, might be an advantage, the things that make my credit bad are payday loans and thats want i want to pay off, its not that i cant afford them or have a low wage, it would just free up alot of money per month and look better on my credit file. I'll ring the bank and book an appointment. Thanks all for your help.
  7. £4000 Debt Consolidation Halifax's own budget planners before and after getting the loan (to prove I would have enough money to pay without being too short) Didn't know if it would or not? I don't have the greatest of credit files as was hoping tht in branch with the extra paperwork would help my application?
  8. Prefect, I'll do that, thanks everyone for all your help.
  9. Hi,t This is just a bit of a query, but does anyone know or work in the loans department of Halifax? I'm looking to apply for a loan and just wanted to know if it mattered wether you apply in branch or online? I have a lot of paperwork to back my application that wont matter on online as i cannot offer it, but it might if i apply in branch. Does anyone have any insider type knowledge of this?
  10. Hi, thanks for replies, but I dont want use the card, as i dont want anymore credit, i cant use it at the minute as i dont have a valis card and dont want to ask for a replacement, i just wondered if it would be better to ask BC to close the account on my credit file (as I owe nothing) or leave it showing as open but with a nil balance?
  11. Hi, Barclaycard says the account is closed and when I rang them a year ago they said I would need to re-apply if I wanted to use the account again, but the account on my credit files shows it as open, with a nil balance and updated on 15/12, so should I ring them to get it closed on my credit file, as it isn't helping my credit status? Or leave it as it helps my credit status?
  12. Hi, I have a question with regards to my credit reports, i'm not sure if this is the correct forum for it? I currently have a Barclays credit card which is currently fully paid off and has been updated as of 15/12/2013 and shows my credit limit, but I was told that the account was shut and I needed to re-apply if I wanted to use it. I'm not too bothered about using it, but my questions is, does it currently help my credit status as it is? Or should I get rid of the account to boost my credit status? Many thnks for your help.
  13. Apologies for not getting back sooner, I did not realise anyone had replied! The current situation is they will petition for my bankruptcy as i did not manage to pay them either £8500 or £2500 on the day they wanted it, the last conversation i had was i offered to pay them £500 at the end of the month and would pay them £500 a month until the debt is paid, after reading quite a few threads on here, it seems i should not offer them a anything at all! I have received a stat demand, which has already gone past the 21 days at least a month ago and they stated that they could wait until the beginning of November to petition for bankruptcy, however, after stating all my particulars to the CAB, they have advised me to shake Go Debts hand if they do make me bankrupt as they would never get their money and i would be debt free after a year, does anyone have any comments on this?
  14. Hi, No i havent taken an affidavit to the courts as i didnt know what to do, thats why im talking to you helpful people, its the only way i can do anything! Ive had a look at the above website and it only shows me what i can do, but im not sure in what position im in so im not sure what to do next. If you can help me out with this, it would be much appreciated, as being made bankrupt will cause me more problems than just money and bills, i will get hassle from my boss due to payments being taken at source etc.
  15. What should i do about this now then? cos it has now gone past the 18 days to have it set aside and i havent got a clue what will happen next? Also, When i hit the traingle with the exclamation mark, it says i have to right a message, all i have written is "can someone help with this asap please?" Do i need to write anything else?
  16. Hi, Anyone? Can you help or do I just have to deal with it myself from now on? I have no idea what to do from now and so i think im just going to be made bankrupt?
  17. Bump? Postggj, have you any other info for me? the 18 days is up soon and ive not got anything done? Can you please help?
  18. Hi, eventually got round to doing what I needed, attached is the Default notice and statement of account, I rang Go Debt and although I didnt get to speak to Alyn Thomas at the time, he has since rang me back and left a message asking me to ring him back. Notice of Default - A.pdf Statement of Account 1 - A.pdf Statement of Account 2.pdf
  19. I won't be able to do this until tomorrow now as I am at work, sneakily using mobile phone now, but will do first thing, I have had sent through a statement of account and a default notice with the previous letters and will get mrs to upload tonight, but no notice of assignment or termination notice
  20. Hi, I have checked the courts website and yes they are still there and they do deal with Bankruptancy, what do I do now?
  21. It is as far as I am aware, someone has told me it's not there anymore, so I will need to check, I'll find out tomorrow and post the answer
  22. Hi, there was no affidavit on service enclosed and the sd was delivered in person posted through the letterbox, not handed to anyone
  23. Hi, I've attached my credit agreement that Go Debt sent to me and also the Statutory demand they have sent me today (dated 01/07/2010!) If someone can have a look at this and let me know where i stand, i'm getting really worried about having to pay the money and lose things that have taken me a while to get. All your help is greatly appreciated. Finance Agreement img001 - A.pdf Finance Agreement img002 - A.pdf Finance Agreement img003.pdf Statutory Demand img010 - A.pdf Statutory Demand img011 - A.pdf
  24. Hi thanks for your prompt replies, I will scan the document tomorrow night and will upload then, hopefully it will be legible. What shall I do if I receive the stat demand on Tuesday?
  25. Hi, I currently have Go Debt recovery threatening me with Statutory Bankruptancy for a car finance agreement I had with Private and Commercial. I had the agreement and gave the car back, for resons i will post personally if required, I could not pay for a few months and then they told me they have sold the debt, I couldnt get an answer out of P&C of who they sold the debt to, then a year and a bit later, I get a letter through from Go Debt Recovery threatening me with Bankruptancy. I have cca'd the debt and they have sent me my signed credit agreement back and i have noe received a letter stating they will be issuing me with this demand on Tues (13/07/2010) I am now worried as I think they have proved the debt and will make me bankrupt. Stupidly, I offered to pay them in installments, but they flatly refused and then sent through thi letter a few days ago saying the will issue this demand whether I am at home or not. Does anyone know what I can do about this at this late stage and what will happen next? I have no assets nor own my own home nor a car, any help will be greatly appreciated.
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