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Everything posted by angnnig

  1. Hi everyone,I hope someone can advise me. I have recently sent a CPR request to Robinson way, because they have recently tried to take me to court for money that they say I owe, but in fact they are unlawfull charges that Capital one owe me (robinson way took over the debt from capital one)anyway I put in a defence in to the court sending them a CPR request,Robinson way still haven,t sent it, its now been 3 weeks since i sent the request of.About 5 weeks ago I put a complaint in to the FOS asking them to help me claim the unlawfull charges back from capital one,They settled the case for me and Capital one have give in and offered to refund me the charges which are the same charges that robinson way are trying to take me to court for and for just under same amount . The problem is I dont know wether to ask Capital one to send me a cheque for the amount or let them pay Robinson way to reduce the debt.or should I ask for the cheque to be sent to me and hold on to the money as ,the court may rule against Robinson way if they dont send me the CPR request and if that was the case would I get to keep the cheque,Any help would be greatly appriciated ,thanks angnnig
  2. Hi Gizmo ,thats made things clearer ,thanks, i think il stear clear of these idiots then ,kind regards, ang
  3. Hi Gizmo 111,thanks for your reply.£183 for a family of 4 in free accommadation for a week doesn,t sound that bad.I was just worried that it might be a con.Do you get the timeshare people harrasing you for parting with your cash though ,cause I would just tell them to do one if they harrased me.kind regards angnnig
  4. Hi Bookworm,Thanks for your reply.I think i will take your advice and stay clear,cant afford to lose £1 never mind £183.kind regards, angnnig
  5. Hi everyone,I was just wondering if anyone has recieved a letter from "club seasons"saying that i,d won free memberhip to free holidays ,I only have to pay a management fee of just £183,50.I can book a 7 night holiday in thier accomadation for free.They sent a few letters and emails ,but i,ve ignored them as I think it might be a con.Has anyone else had a letter like this .regards. angnnig
  6. Hi Paul ,just keeping you updated ,The court have acknowledged my defence and they are now going to contact "Robinson way"to see if they want to proceed with the matter or not ,so I now need to wait and see if they send me the CPR,if not it could be game over for them.Anyway thanks for all your help so far,I will keep you and the forums posted on what happends next .kind regards. angnnig
  7. Hi Ell-enn,just keeping you updated on where i,m up to I have now filled in the N244 to apply for the court to vary the judgment to get the payments down.I,ve also filled in the EX160 to ask for a fee exemption as i am on family tax and working tax credits .First thing tomorow I will take them to the court myself and hopefully they will listen and reduce my monthly mortgage arrears payments.Thanks for all your help,your doing a great job .kind regards, angnnig.
  8. Hi Paul,I,ve recieved a letter today from the FOS saying that Capital one have finally give in and are willing to settle up with £620, thats all the charges in full and £73.60 of the £138 interest,I was quite surprised at the FOS helping to settle the case so quickly,i wish that the money was coming to me though:cry: ,anyway its "Citi cards" next and its all mine:D .What do you think I should do now,do you think its worth contacting "Robinson way"to accept this and settle out of court or just wait to see if they send the CPR or not,is thier a chance, that if they lose ,do i get to keep the charges from CAP ONE.Thanks ,kind regards ang
  9. Hi Ell-enn,I,ve just at the forms .On the N244 im not sure what to put on part C, its asking for evidence in support of this application.Looking at the EX160 on part 4 it asks for gross anual income ,does this mean all income including working and child tax credit .Thanks ,kind regards ang
  10. Hi Ell-enn,I have now downloaded both forms.kind regards ang
  11. Hi Ell-enn,Thanks for your help,I will download the form straight away,Do you know if there is a fee to get this back into court as we are on a low income and family and working tax credits.Its a relief to know that we have your ongoing support and are very gratefull for your help.kind regards, angnnig
  12. Hi Goldlady,I will take your advice and phone the courts on monday to ask about it,I feel a bit better now i,ve got that off my chest ,Thanks for taking the time out to help me.kind regards angnnig
  13. Hi again ,I forgot to mention that We are waiting for two claims of unlawfull bank charges through the ombudsman worth nearly £2000 ,so if we did get this money back ,it would help to do the house up abit,regards angnnig
  14. Hi Goldlady, Thanks for your prompt reply ,sorry i forgot to mention that my partner is back at work ,he,s not fully over his illness but still tries to earn a full time wage , I am a full time mum to our 3 young boys, I considered getting a part time job , but we,d loose a lot of the tax credits , so would,t be much point in me working. Do you think the court would agree to us spreading the arrears over the whole term of the mortgage , and do you know if it costs us anything to go back to court and put this to them . We are considering renting but , we would prefer to gradually save up bits and try and do the place up a bit over time , so that it would be worth remortgaging. kind regards angnnig
  15. Hello everyone, I hope somebody can advise me what to do , as it seems that we are are in an impossible situation. Last year my partner fell ill and couldn,t work , we didn,t have any money coming in apart from the family tax credit. We couldn,t afford to pay the mortgage to SPML and the secured loan to Kensington. We fell into arrears of £11,000 ,They both took us to court last november to ask for a reppossesion . The court said we had to agree to a payment arrangement to pay of the arrears and suspended the reppossesion order . We had to agree a payment arrangement of £200 a month of the arrears for SPML and £70 monthly for Kensington our mortgage rate has gone up again and we cant afford to pay the arrears on top of the mortgage its killing us , we have asked SPML can we lower the payments ,but they said no , We have even considered remortgaging ,but cant afford to do the house up to make it worth it , as it was recently valued less than we got it for . Any advice would be greatly appriciated , thanks , regards angnnig
  16. Hi Paul, Yesterday I tried to submit my holding defence through "money claim online" and it was a a bag of hassle ,I spent 2 hours typing in my defence did the submit bit and up pops a page saying "session problems"so I made sure I enabled my cookies,didn,t have any breaks away from the comp, etc .I typed out my defence again and up pops the "session problems" again .I made a final atempt this morning and you guessed it :-x .I then tried to phone them up but waited so long I gave up.So I have sent them an email explaining whats happened and also faxed a letter and a copy of my holding defence . The problem must have been from thier end, as i did everything to the letter.Anyway just thought I,d let you know whats happening. Thanks for your help though I will keep you posted on how I get on .regards, ang
  17. Hi paul, I,m of the same opinion as you ,the easier it is the better. Anyway "Robinson way" recieved my CCA request on the 05/02/08 .But not sure what CPR means I,ve only just become a member of the sight and not used to all the "short for" terms yet:confused: .I haven,t recieved anything from "Robinson way" yet. kind regards, ang
  18. Thanks again for your help Paul,I will keep you informed with my claim ,kind regards, ang
  19. HI Paul, Theres just one more thing ,Do i send the letter to "Robinson way "or "Capital one" ,sorry i didn,t ask before ,silly me ,kind regards ang
  20. Thanks paul ,for your help.I will do that first thing monday.What do you think my chances are of winning ,kind regards ang
  21. Hi 42man ,Thanks for your advice. kind regards, angnnig
  22. Hi paul ,thanks for your reply.The claim was issued on the 17th january 08.Sent an acknowledgement of service to defend all of the claim.The credit card is was took out in 2002 and the particulars of the claim are as follows; The claimant claims outstanding monies due and payable by the defendant under a credit agreement whereby the defendant agreed to repay with interest the value of the credit obtained and the claimant claims the sum of £819.75 interest pursuant to s69 of the county court act 1984 at the rate of 8% from the 1/03/07 to date ,320 days is the sum of £57.50,future interest accruing at the daily rate of .18 for costs.kind regards angnnig
  23. Hello, I hope someone can advise me ,I just cant work out what to do for the best. About a year ago "Robinson way debt collection agency"bought my credit card debt off "Capital one".I have been paying £20 a month of the debt.I missed 1 payment in december ,due to bieng on a low income and the cost of xmas ,ie 3 young kids.and they have now arranged court action against me.adding court cost ,thier interest and solicitors fees.I have sent an acknowledgement to the court asking for more time.As i already have complaint against "capital one "for unlawfull charges with the FOS .The debt left is £819 and the unlawfull charges are £758 including interest acrude over 6 years .I have borrowed £61 from my sister to pay "robinson way" to reduce the debt down to £758 the exact amount for the unlawfull charges.but i,m not sure of what to do next.should I put a defence in against robinson way.and counter claim .or just put in a court action claim against capital one .any advise would be greatly appriciated thankyou , kind regards angnnig
  24. I have just been threatened with court action from"robinson way "debt agency.I am on a payment plan ,paying £20 a month and because I missed 1 payment in december ,they have sent me an N1 form from Northampton county court.It seems a bit strange that they,ve done this as i have missed the odd payments in the past and they,ve never gone this far,its only since i,ve lodged a complaint with the F.O.S against "capital one " that its happened.The amount that" capital one " has took off me in unlawfull charges,is near enough the same as thier trying to get me in court for.Robinson way bought the same debt off capital one .I have put in an acknowledgement to the court to get more time to prepare a defence.Has anyone else had a similar experience ,any advice would be greatly appriciated. thanks angnnig
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