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Everything posted by owlpen

  1. I feel very depressed - I received a vist from BG this week in response to the failure of my radiators to warm up properly - they warm up mid way to the top and that's it - not all the raiators do this though. called out bg, a nice young man came and before he even looked at the system he decided on his course of treatment! he then looked in linen cupboard - tut tut he said, followed by a sigh and deep intake of air ah he said my problem was clear - the pipes had been plumbed in wrong, and that I also had a dose of sludge!! he proceeded to sit on his toolbox, laptop in hand and give me a quote of approx £740.00 to correct the problem several boxes of tissues later on my part - I qeuried the poor plumbing and why it had only just come to lght as it had only been accepted onto the homecare 200 scheme 4 years earlier and during that time had recived a new pump plumbed into the said poorly plumbed pipes. he said it was down to t & c's and had I not read the conditions, he also said that the water was spilling out in the loft - real panic on my part, why had that not been picked up on it's recent service - ah... he said again that's down to 'ealth and safety' - whilst he was ok in the lorft he could nat say the same about one of the older wobbly engineers - after all they could have fallen orf one my joists! oh that I wished I had not offered him that nice cup of tea... that was it tears flowed, I asked why had I bothered to pay vast amounts of money into the BG scheme only to be told what I could not have my system rectified without spending the £740.00 pounds - But when I said I could not afford the high amount I would just have to add a few more jumpers another hot water bottle to keep me warm (wheelchair user) he did say that he could giove me the details of someone cheaper!! then he got up from box, jeans part way down hips, stipped boxer shorts on view, he said he would come back a few days later to test the water, which he did, he spent ages in the lorft (brave man - remember the joists) and came down with a bottle which had a small amount of brown powder in the bottom and when I say a small amount I meant a small amount - it was all I could do to keep myself from persuading my assistance dogs to show him the way out. I now have to wait a week for the test results -
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