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  1. ok well things are getting interesting for my case against YCC/DAF/DLC I am now speaking to a solictor to try and get this resolved. DLC still continue to ring but most calls now end up with them getting cross and advsiing to end the conversation as I keep catching them out in lies. The best one was when lady said DAF don't exist so I took her name, called DAF then called her back - it was brilliant - she then said they had changed her name and when I asked what to she couldn't answer. Anyway I have found out a few more things about my case and this might help others in same situation. 1) the company who YCC bought the PPI from is giving a much lower balance then what YCC charged me for. I have asked DLC for a copy of the PPI insurance document and schedule - so far not provided. 2) the initial deposit was put on the insurance side instead of the car credit side which I have now found out is very wrong 3) DLC are saying it was a repossesion not a VT! - as the account defaulted - yes it did default but we caught up iin order to VT. I have asked for a copy of the court order for the reposession - so far not provided and not surprising since there wasn't one. 4)DLC said in a phone conversation that the VT didn't get processed as was a repossesion and the company that collected the car did not retun it to DAF. The statement I was given of recent transactions shows a credit which I always presumed was from the car selling at auction . DLC can't tell me or won't tell me what this is for. Is there anyway to trace a car to find out what happened to it whether it got resold. It was in lovely condition when we gave it back and was about 6 years old so not that an old car.
  2. you might want to have a look at carcreditcomplaints.com as well as they have help on there as well for this sort of thing
  3. myofox - I am currectly having a massive dspute with DAF and their not so friendly debt collecting agency DLC over an outstanding balance of unpaid PPi. One thing I have found out from the other forum mentioned above is that the down payment - ie on your case the: £540.00 Less downpayment by customer should not have been a downpayment on the insurance side of the agreement and I was advised that this can help your case greatly if you are appealing against your agreement. My name on that site is Ruth so you might find my thread on there where I am advised this by the helpers on this subject.
  4. Opps , sorry did I swear in my typing, apologies - just seen the stars
  5. DLC have had me in tears a few times but fortunately now I've been getting proper advise from people like you on here and another forum. They hate the word 'dispute' though. Thats a great word to **** them off. When I phoned them asking for a address to cpmplain about nasty calls the lady actedshocked at me as if that sort of call never happens and when I asked her for where I could get recordings of calls she said they don't record them. Funny that since in the last call we were advised it was being recorded and that they had recorded proof we agreed to pay the debt... I don't think so....
  6. Hi, Like many people my partner and I owe money to various debt collecting agencies after a terrible year of low income and not being able to keep up with repayments. My debt with Abbey though is my main debt and most others are my partners from many years ago he was making agreed payments on. I had a regular bank account with Abbey debit card with all my month direct debits where both mine and my partners wages got paid into. My partner's boss was not great at paying and half the time he said he had paid said wages in he hadn't which of course led to all our direct debits bouncing month after month. he paid some of the charges but not all of them and we never caught up with all demanding money. Abbey offered me a loan for £2k as up till then I had been a good customer with barely any defaults or charges. The loan covered the overdraft and left a bit of money to try and catch up with some outstanding bills. Each month stil though my partner was paid late and so it just all spiralled out of control. The loan payment went out each month as obviously abbey wanted their money. My partner was then made redundant as the company couldn't affod to pay him and luckily he found temp work until a proper job. he opened an account so that our wages went it and regular direct debits were paid to things like council tax, etc. However my Abbey account is in tatters. Total charges I have received total approx 4k. The loan continues to go through each month even though the account has defaulted seriously overdrawn and Abbey won't accept anything less than 300 a month. Total disposable income for the house hold after bills, food and diesel is approx £75. Thats it and thats only if we are really careful and no one suddenly demands a payment or something goes wrong like a burst car tyre. Both my partner and I work but we've got ourselves tied into all sorts of repayments we can't afford with various DCA's breathing down our necks. I am getting help from people on here after posting about those and I'm really grateful, but after reading on bank charges I'm wondering if I can get help on this as well as it would make a massive difference to clear it. I can't get a bank account. I don't drive, I couldn't afford a passport if I wanted one so my wages go into my partners account, which to be honest isn't a problem but its embarressing asking for money when I know we don't have it. I doubt if Abbey would have me back either as well! I've worked all my life, never claimed a penny and this is the state I've got myself into and its really depressing.
  7. and ebay don't want to know as it was paid vi abank transfer. The seller has now become unregistered.
  8. The address I was given is false, the telephone is for some old dear who can't even understand what I say shes so deaf. It was sent to me and all contact has been via email. I have the bank account details with sort code and name but no address which the bank won't give to me - (understandable but not helping!)
  9. I'm pretty sure its till the end date that all claims can be received by. I'm back at work on monday and will check for you and let you know
  10. I don't mind speaking to their robot - its a lot less nastier then speaking to them. I have them chasing me too for a very old debt. They recently told me that they have all our conversations recorded (don't they have to tell you that?) and that thye have aconversation where I admit to owing the money??? I don't think so!
  11. not a problem, good luck on your claim and dont forget to ask about interest as well as this is usually up to the end date for all claims to be received by.
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