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Everything posted by plissken

  1. HI, I recently started having problems with my O2 account as they tried to take a bill out when everything else was being taken out so there wasn't enough in my bank but as soon as I found out about it I phoneed them and straightened it out (here's where the problems started) I asked the woman I spoke to if I would have to re-set my direct debit with them she said no so I thought nothing more of itthe on Wednesday my phone (with no warning) just stopped ringing out or texting so when I got home from work I phoned them and was told it was because my bill hadn't been paid when I asked why they said it was because I had no direct debit set up with them so I sorted that out on the phone and done a balance transfer to pay the bill, now they have turned ny phone off again with no warning or phone calls to explain why and I was wondering if this comes under any sort of breach of contract and would I be able to get released from the contract because of this. any help would be appreciated p.s. sorry about the poor grammer
  2. bought an advent 8109 from pc world last feb and now one of the hinges has started to break away and when i tried to contact them about this they said it wasn't their problem:evil: and it came under manufacturers guarantee so i ahve been looking around the web for contact info for advent but can't seem to find any, can anyone help
  3. last feb. I bought an advent 8109 laptop and now one of the hinges has started breaking away and when i contacted pc world they said there was nothing they could do:rolleyes: to help and it came under manufacturers guarantee but I can't find a contact address for advent so now I don't know what to do. Any help would be gratefullty accepted
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