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  1. The statistics show that people who get help with their appeal are much more likely to win their tribunal. Good luck. Kirst
  2. I can't believe how selfish some people can be. Good luck with it. Kirst
  3. Hello, I am a producer at BBC Radio, We are planning to a programme about what happens after people have had their home repossessed. I’m interested talking to people who have been recently repossessed to find out how they feel they have been treated by their mortgage company and estate agents. At this stage I’m just researching the subject so anyone that called me wouldn’t be agreeing to do an interview and our call would be totally confidential. You can call me on 020 8752 7142 or email me at kirsteen.knight@bbc.co.uk Best wishes and thanks for your help. Kirsteen
  4. How is the credit crunch affecting your chances of finding affordable housing or finally reaching the top the waiting list for a council property? The Donal MacIntyre asks what will happen to social housing now that private developers have stopped building and the number on council waiting lists is likely to grow to 5 million. Donal MacIntyre is on BBC 5 live on Sunday November 9 between seven and eight in the evening. Email donal@bbc.co.uk if you'd like to share your experience or comment on the story.
  5. Hello, I am making a programme about mortgage shortfalls after repossession and the fact that banks often leave chasing the debt for many years. I’m told that sometime the first contact the banks have with lenders can be as long as 11 years after the repossession. I would really like to talk to people who have suddenly had a letter from the bank more than six years after their home was repossessed. If you are in that position then please give me a ring on 020 8752 7142. Your call would be in complete confidence. If you want to check out I am who I say I am then just Google “Kirsteen Knight”+BBC. You will see I am disabled and have often made programmes about disability issues and used forums to find interviewees. Best wishes and thanks for all your help. Kirsteen kirsteen.knight@bbc.co.uk 020 8752 7142
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