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  1. Hi all Just after a little advice I am in the process of selling my house as I going to take a 6 months to 1 year off work sabbactical to travel. I have a redemption penalty to settle the mortgage early of about £6k + reimbursement of survey fee of about about £800 ish. The mortgage was fixed at 4.29% until 2012 with N.Rock, my mortgage is one that they are not selling off to the asset management company as it is "good" debt Do you think i could ask for the fee to be reduced as £7k is nice chuck of money just to throw away effectively ? Has anyone experienced anything similar ? Many thanks Tg x
  2. Hey No it isn't Swinton, I am taking the car to Spain as I am emigrating and their UW criteria only covers UK and the surrounding Jersey/Guernsey islands etc I am currently in my 2nd consecutive year with no claims in the current period. They have said the fee is £27.50 and whilst it doesn't break the bank, it is not my fault that they won't cover vehicles outside the UK on an annual basis - and before anyone asks at the time of renewal I did not know that I was leaving the UK. The motor insurance is the only policy that i hold with them. It is also paid on a DD basis and I also question how they would chase for this fee as I have cancelled the card where they took the initial deposit and also I will be closing the bank account. I will not be giving anyone of zero importance a forwarding address either
  3. Hey all Should an insurance company forfeit any charges to a policy for cancelling it, if the reason is outside the policyholders control or it doesn't fit in with the insurers underwriting criteria ? Cheers TG x
  4. haha, no it is only bedroom 19 " model........I would rather take it in store rather then be left on hold for eternity So 28 days would be reasonable for a repair Thanks for your help.
  5. Excellent, I will be visiting them tomorrow Would it be reasonable to expect that the repair will be complete within 21 days of receiving the goods and if they can't repair it, then I could receive a full refund as they no longer do this model anymore and the similar model is in rose black and not sheer black and even this is out of stock TG x
  6. Hey guys Am I right in thinking that if a TV stops working within the 12 months warranty then the responsibility falls on the retailer and the manufacturer ? Also, has anyone experienced a similar thing with a major retailer or one that is part of DSG i.e Curry's, what has been their general response ? If anyone could answer this tonight i would be grateful as want to take the TV back tomorrow ? Many thanks TG x
  7. Hi guys I had great success with my bank charges 2 years back and am now helping out a friend with his PPI reclaiming from Virgin MBNA Has anyone got a SAR template letter they could give me or show me a link to one ? Does anyone know of the DPA address for Virgin/MBNA ? Many thanks x
  8. Has anyone submitted a claim to MCOL against BG (or any other utility company) for harrassment and reimbursement of costs for the time wasted in letters and phones calls ? I am thinking of doing this as i am still being harrassed 2 years later by BG for debt that is not mine and never has been ? Help needed Tg x.x
  9. Hi all. I own a L/H house and i pay £251 every year for ground rent. This year issued the cheque on 2nd January 09 - by 1st class post (I didn't send it recorded as i knew that the cheque clearing would be evidence that the letter had been well received). I noticed that 3 weeks had passed and the cheque hadn't been banked so I wrote again on 23rd Jan stating my concerns and that i would cancel the cheque within 28 days and contact him again. I sent this letter by recorded delivery so that i'd have a tracking reference number to prove that i had tried. This letter has now been returned as it was never called for. He has never contacted me to say with a change of contact details or anything. I am getting concerned as i don't want to receive a letter from him or a court later down the line saying that i hadn't paid etc etc. I have phoned and the line is dead. I don't know if his company has gone bust due to current climate. Advice needed Thanks Tg x
  10. My tenant has "locked" himself out of the bedroom....How... i don't know. Who is responsible for the locksmith call out charge as there is nothing wrong with the property, this is down to the tenants own stupidity Thanks TG x
  11. Hi I'm not new to the site as i have been successful in claiming back my bank charges with Nationwide and Lloyds TSB, but i am new to the PPI element. Is it the same process as bank charges, can you go back 6 years ? I had a car loan back in 1999 for 4 years and it had PPI inclusive - i didn't know what this was - I sjust signed away so i could get my first decent car ( i was very young) I think it was with black horse but i can go back and check my statements. Do I have a case or am i too late cheers Tg x
  12. Hi It is a very long time since i last appeared on here. Quick question .....Is it correct that Nationwide can now charge £30 "interest" without sending you letters nor advising 1 month in advance on the statements ? Can they do this ? Love me xx
  13. they have now sent a letter saying that someone will be round within 5 days to disconnect the gas, even though I have been paying EON since March 2007 Are they really a bunch of simpletons ? TG
  14. Defo want to claim for the work i have had to do i.e 8 hours ish of phone calls and letters based on my own annual salary. Can i claim for them breaking the DPA ? Cheers TG
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