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Everything posted by struan

  1. i applied for the excess charges on my mortgage from birmingham midshires,they eventually gave me £2700 back it only took eight weeks and i was impressed with there service,however having sent at the same time a request to ge money they basically told me to take a jump,they did not answer originally,kept me on the phone for 45 mins then i received the letter from them on the 23rd december saying they would not repay anything,can anyone tell me the next step please.
  2. have u heard of cica criminal ... compensation authority,if you have a crime number you can make a claim.get in touch with your local victim support group they can point you in the right direction,
  3. i wrote to bm claiming charges from my mortgage account which has been paid back i had requested statements from them paying the £10 from these statements i calculated about £6000 in various charges i sent a claim to them they replied saying that i had 'added'it up wrong and in fact they owed me just over £3000,attached to this was a full and final offer of £840,i then wrote back saying that although i would accept the 840 i would not sign the full and final offer,thats the last i heard from them about two weeks ago,i am on a very low income and this would have been a great help,do i contact them again or just wait.
  4. i claimed various charges from my original mortgage account a total of 6000 the mortgage company wrote back and said that i had mis calculated it was in fact only 3000 i had been charged......they have offered me 800 with what has happened with the bank charges i am in a dilema do i take the money or take the case further...when i claimed bank charges i was offered money but refused then i went onto court and my case was refused and i lost....anyone else had this happen:confused::confused:
  5. i claimed from bm it was 6000 they wrote back saying in fact it wasonly 3000 by there calculations,they have made me an offer of 800 do i take it or stick out for the total that they say and how do i word the letter for this:confused:
  6. what does BUMP the thread mean did i do or say something wrong
  7. :!:we too have had the unfortunate experiance of the numpties at cunningham lindsey,from telling us that my husband was not on the electoral role,i sent a copy of the registration of electors,to saying they believed the claim had been settled and the file had gone to storage,then they stated when my insurance company paid out to me they would pay my husband,and we are still battling on after 9 yes nine years,they are worse than useless,i would certainly join a group to question there ability to deal with people,i do not understand how they can be allowed to get away with this,do they think we will all give up,
  8. hi my husband had an insurance policy which i knew nothing about he took it out when he was a general manager of a hotel group,to insure his personal possessions,this was about 10 years before we married he had kept paying the policy more out of habit from d/d from his bank account,a few years after we married my business was destroyed by fire,this also included our home,i claimed on my policy and he then claimed on his policy,after all the tooing and frooing his insurance company said that they would pay out when mine does,is this true,or should they payout now,my policy has not been paid yet,they are really dragging there heals,is there a time limit on the claim,what is the best thing to do,should he raise a court action,we are very confused and although he cant replace his personal things ie photos etc,the claim would help us to get by until i am paid out.
  9. hi not it was bank charges,for a business account
  10. i contacted rbs using the various templates,and it took nearly two years to get them to make a response,i have had 'your out of time' you never had an account with us etc,i eventually took my case to the court and the bank sent a barraster/qc,my claim was 'Struck out as it has no merit' i was devestated,i then received a really cheeky letter from rbs and they state if i try again they will say that i am a vextant litigant,and that i ahve to ask permission from the court to ever bring another case to them i am in such financial hardship,and deeply shocked,anyone had this experiance...where does that leave me..
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