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Everything posted by dragon42tt

  1. I did apologise for the misunderstanding quite quickly, accepted my mistake like a man so why can't they accept that, so what was the point of the opology then. All i asked was for people that were upset about the misunderstanding not to go on about it but just offer help, if they don't want to help then just shut up. I didn't come here for sympathy just for advice, I don't understand the relevance of the number of posts, should I be keeping quite because they have more posts than me or should I give them more respect ??
  2. I got a letter from Enfield 10 days ago, it says; I can confirm that your representations have been accepted and the penalty charge notice has been cancelled on technical grounds. Thanks to everyone that tried to help, and No thanks to few guys who were just being horrible and had no intention to help, if you can help then just don't reply next time.
  3. Its been many years but I'm wondering what happened in court ? did you win ?
  4. The difference between the fee's mentioned above is because they have included the initial fee's she paid, which she later claimed back from her Visa card. Is Section 75 valid in this case, due to misrepresentation ? The bank has replied and say they need clear proof of misrepresentation, the Terms and Conditions on the website are not clear and do not made distance selling laws clear, or the cancellation rights. Please help, what can I do ?
  5. Royal Bank of Scotland Dear Sir or Madam, Account number: 123456789 Ref: Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 I am writing to request that you reimburse me the value of £656.83 ($995.00 USD) as full payment for "Website Training" I paid for with my Mastercard credit card ending in *1234* to Elite World Systems on 18th of November 2010. My claim is made on the grounds that the services purchased were not delivered and none of the promises and agreements made at the time of sale were not kept by Elite World Systems. I have been unable to resolve my complaint with the supplier so therefor you are jointly and severally liable for any misrepresentation or breach of contract with the above supplier under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. In addition to the cost of the services purchased, I would also like to claim the additional amount of £40.00 for the consequential losses I have incurred as a result of the suppliers breach. These costs are as follows: I have incurred interest on the money paid to Elite World Systems, therefor the supplier should also reimburse me for the interest too, with this, bringing my total claim to £696.83. I was offered a partial refund but did not accept as I had not made a still penny as promised, apart from the test purchase I made from my own account. The manner in which Elite World Systems operates leaves me to believe that they are simply in the market to take advantage of vunreable people as myself, being a single mother looking for a home business for extra income, and people gulable and naive enough to believe there is easy money to be made. The picture portrait at the time of sale was that there was money to be made within one week of starting and making a good income, now it's obvious it was only an "Bait-and-switch" tactic, as at first they only requested a small payment, which was made, then a futher payment of £696.83 for advance training was requested, and once again for more services for which I cant recall right now, after making the initial small payment for the purchase of the website and domain, then paying for advance training, at this point not a penny made, I recieved a call to offer me further services and was told if I did not purchase the new service my business will not succeed. The picture is very clear, it's a [problem] to pull people in and they know how to impress and get people excited about making big money. I look forward to a full and prompt response to this letter within 14 days. Yours faithfully, Xxxx Xxxxx
  6. Refund Agreement Elite World Systems 10851 N. 25th Ave #830 Phoenix, AZ 85029 Fax Number 602-801-2363 Phone Number 602-773-7749 Elite World Systems (moving forward as EWS) and xxxxxx xxxxxx have come to a mutual agreement regarding a $1,156.65 purchase made by Ms. xxxxx. Upon signing this document EWS agrees to provide Ms. xxxxx a refund of $600.00 split into 2 equal payments of $300.00 The 1st payment will be made immediately following Ms. xxxxx returning this document signed. The 2nd payment will be made within 30 days from the 1st. This will be credited to Ms. xxxxx credit card ending in 1234 or a check will be mailed to her address within 7 business days of receipt of this signed refund agreement. It is also agreed that EWS will continue the training program that was purchased and restart her advertising campaign with 5000 visitors, the advertising program will not exceed 6 months. Ms. xxxxx agrees that there will be no further refunds given for any reason. All sales are considered final and EWS has fulfilled all their contractual obligations to Ms. xxxxx as described. Xxxxx Xxxxxx _________________________________ (Signature) Date ________________
  7. I'm not sure if this is a correct section to post. I am in need of some advice if anyone can help me? My wife had signed up to a website called Elite World Systems (search google) which provide training to individuals who want to create a e-commerce website. She first saw an advertisement on the internet and called to speak to them, they offered her a cheap package which consisted of a domain, web space and website tools, it cost around £110, along side this they said they will support and guide her to create the website and to make money. They went as far as giving her few links to websites of other customers who were making "thousands" every month (with their help, apparently), and the usual pull in talks such as "you can make money within few week" and "you will not fail". After she signed up, created her website (ladies fashion), few weeks had passed and the only purchase that was made on her website was a test purchase she made. They called her again after few days giving her advice on how to improve the website, during that phone call they offered her a new package, which consisted of further training on sales, website, advertisement, search optimisation and other website tools such as keywords, they then suggested that all successful customers purchase this package and if she doesn't she will most probably make no sales, and this package costs £600 plus. She accepted this and purchased with RBS Mastercard, few months past, still no sales. They then call her for a training session as promised, then few days later call again to offer another product, which supposedly will boost her website sales (non at this point), the wife can't really remember what it was or how much because she was angry they offered her a new products and she hadn't made a penny. She called them that week and asked for a refund, they tried to convince her to stay but she didn't listen, they then agreed to a partial refund of £300 she said yes but them refused to sign the agreement as she wanted a full refund, they had promised so much yet delivered no results, they disagreed and said we wont deal with you any more, so we decided to go to the bank. I believe what they did is called bait-and-switch, it was initially £110, then £600 plus and then they requested more, but in the first place they said all it will cost for you to start making money is £110. I will post the letter I sent to the bank below, and the email EWS sent to my wife.
  8. I can view it using VRN and PCN, it's around 30 seconds in total. I tried to check on google streetview but as at the time of google passing by there were major roadworks so can't tell whether it was zigzags or something else.
  9. Doesn't show the lorry, but Loading bays are clearly visible, check the google streetview link I have provided, you will see there are loading bays on either side, on the video you can clearly see loading bay is empty.
  10. Ok smarty I just reviewed the video evidence put on Enfield evidence website for this pcn and there was room where he could have parked.
  11. Even if the above is true, the lorry was clearly obstruction traffic. Thats alot of exceptions, theres noway he was going to unload in 20 minutes while unloading Everyone knows delivery lorries double park because they want to be closer to there store they are delivering to, whether there is designated bays or not, so why do you going on.
  12. So why you assuming I told him it was ok or that I never told him it was wrong ? The contravention code below is from Enfield website; "26 Vehicle parked more than 50 cm from the edge of the carriageway and not within a designated parking place" it is illegal to double park because you would be more than 50cm away from the Kerb. Joker
  13. Thanks. If councils are giving people stupid tickets to increase there income (not claiming this one is stupid) then I shall say I got out of my car to go and speak to the driver, there was no damage so we didn't exchange details. I got many tickets in the past which I shouldn't have , most of which I got cancelled, so councils deserve what they get.
  14. Also at no point did I say I will appeal on the basis that it was caused by the lorry driver, I misunderstood Al27's reply and said the lorry played a role, but never thought of using that as an excuse.
  15. It was Al27 who suggested I could use the "stopped due to accident" excuse, not me.
  16. Which thread were you reading ? your not on this planet are you ? 1 - I did say the lorry/truck was double parked (illegal) while unloading. 2 - Please find the piece of text where I said to my pupils "its ok to hit a vehicle"
  17. No, didn't talk to him, we parked at the first available place about 70 metres away. I will take it all the way with them, they can check the camera's, maybe they did catch something.
  18. I stopped because my pupils was panicking, not because my the door mirror hit the metal corner of the lorry, there's no way there was any damage to the lorry, it was the edge/corner. Al27 suggested that I could have stopped due to the accident.
  19. Thank you smarty, I don't know how you can make stupid comments like "cars are equipped with steering wheels" when you don't know what exactly happened, how do you know what stage my pupils were at, at the time. No matter how many times you teach learners to deal with a situation they can make the same mistakes, even with my aid we barely made it around the lorry, we were put in a situation where we did not have enough time and space to perform a safe change of lane (at least for a learner), on a very busy road.
  20. If you agree with "You are required to stop after an accident under Section 170(2) of the Road Traffic act 1988." which means I stopped to speak to the other party, then the lorry driver had a lot to do with it. His/her actions played a part in the situation. I didn't say it's ok to hit a vehicle, but he would have to take responsibility to some degree.
  21. I accept that I misread the post and the reply was harsh (I did apologise) however the reply from Al27 was not very clear to me, I thought he was trying to tell me off, not help. I wouldn't be here if I knew why an accident is relevant to my ticket dilemma. I don't agree, the lorry driver had stopped illegally and caused a hazard for other road users. If what Al27 said is correct then what I said was very relevant. If the police were at the scene of the "accident" who would be at fault ?
  22. Yes, your right, I didn't read it carefully, I thought Al27 was telling me off for not reporting the accident. Sorry.
  23. This thread is about a parking ticket, if you can't help, then keep quite. The lorry/truck driver was double parked, if he was in a designated un/loading bay then we wouldn't have to go around him would we ? "26 Vehicle parked more than 50 cm from the kerb and not within a designated parking space" ILLEGAL.
  24. On the Google Sreetview, there are no boxes, but on the CCTV evidence they are there. I found the following information on another forum, can some-one tell me if what that guy did will work ? "I overstayed in a Morrison's car park in Peckhan S London and received a fine of £40 if I paid within 14 days. I waited until I received a reminder then I wrote to the parking enforcement company (called parking eye). Stating that under constitutional law they are breaking the law by demanding money from me before any court conviction (bill of rights 1689) and any claim they had would be null and void as they had demanded monies from me. As they had written to me twice I had to advise them of the terms and conditions of writing to me, which are thus: I will accept two free letters but any third letter received; would trigger the acceptance of the fact that they would have to pay me an admin fee of £50 per letter, but the third letter would also be a free letter unless I received a fourth letter related to this matter. In which case I would have to charge for ALL four letters. I would invoice them and request payment within 7 days otherwise court action would follow on the 8th day. The terms are fair under the Unfair terms Act 1999 as this is for my time and expenses. Any fifth letter would trigger a harassment action under the 1997 Protection from Harassment Act, which I would be entitled to claim £5,000 in damages for mental anguish. Funnily enough every time I get a ticket and a reminder, I NEVER receive a third letter, as they (parking agents/councils) are really concerned that I would go for it."
  25. I'd like to Thank everyone in advance who have taken time to read my thread. During a driving lesson in Enfield, we had just entered Church Street EN2 and due to a big lorry unloading we were forced to change lanes, while trying to change lanes to avoid being stuck my pupil started panicing as he was running out of room, he forgot to signal, while changing lanes the door mirror hit the corner of lorry, so he got real scared and paniced even more, I slowed the car down and took over the steering for few seconds while we got around the lorry. It all happend so quick and the the road was very busy I barely had any time to react. He said he wanted to stop for few minutes to calm down, he seemed very scared by this event, so I agreed because as you may know when a learner makes a mistake its followed by many more, and on a busy road like that I could not risk our safety and any other road users, so we stopped on the left further in the road. I left the car to get him a bottle of water, we were there for no more than 5 minutes, and thats when the CCTV had caught my car parked on that spot. There was double yellow lines and boxes, but I didn't check for any signs because we had to stop quickly, are there any grounds that I can appeal on, it was a matter of safety. The PCN was sent through post as it had been caught on CCTV, the PCN does not say the color of the make, however when I logged in online to check the evidence the color was there, will that help my case ? I have scanned the PCN and also got print screens of the CCTV evidence. Any Ideas ? Google Maps - StreetView. Exact spot I parked in on the left. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/mm?ie=UTF8&hl=en&ll=51.652151,-0.082739&spn=0,0.022724&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.652147,-0.082567&panoid=JkG5hLV80ojMjwKBH0i22Q&cbp=12,88.15,,0,0 PCN details on Enfield Website
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