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laughing knome

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  1. :-?Hi Loukim Lloyds TSB response was on a goodwill basis so my friend doesn't know what part of the claim they agreed to uphold. They had complained that the insurance was imposed on them;there were no eligibility checks; the main features of the policy had not been discussed. Pretty generic stuff really. I was wondering if my friend had grounds to claim for the 2 years premiums in cash even if the remaining three years premiums were offset against the loan. Should I be recommending such a stragtegy to my friend or should they stick to their guns and insist the full amount is refunded to them? Does any other bank employ this method as my friend assumed it was common place? I would welcome any help with this
  2. thanks loukim. I will apply leverage with lloyds and see what happens?
  3. Is there any basis in law for this? My friend is considering take them to FOS but is not sure if they would be on their side or not? Thanks for getting me started.
  4. :?Hello everyone this is my first ever time on the forum (or on any forum for that matter) so please go easy on me. My friend has recently had a claim uphold by lloyds tsb for a loan mis-selling claim. This would normally be great news but instead of them receiving the money back lloyds has in their infinite wisdom paid the money back into the loan. They say my friend will be better off because the loan term has been shortened but my friend disagrees. They are still paying the same money each month and due to money pressures would ideally like the loan rewritten without the insurance or the cash into their account. Has any one else had the same problem and is there anything that can be done about it? Look forward to all those wise words
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