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  1. Thank you all. Sailor Sam, your advice was so helpful. I also found a website where people who were PCNed on the same spot posted that they are on appeal at present. I would have to get some advice from them, too. People there are addressing the involved junction box is not legally marked. On your expert view, does the yellow box in the New Kings Road and Bagley Lane junction look illegal? I linked the google street view image below. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=&layer=c&cbll=40.758437,-73.985164&cbp=11,42.04,,0,-6.66&ie=UTF8&om=1&panoid=s_TY766yv4kWDddHKN8OVQ&t=h&ll=40.75844,-73.985195&spn=0.042649,0.174923&z=13&utm_campaign=en&utm_medium=ha&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-bk-svn&utm_term=%7Bkeyword%7D Bernie_the_Bolt, thank you for the point. You are correct. The contravention is "entering and stopping". Sorry.
  2. HI. I am writing to get opinions from ones who had relevant experiences. I received a PCN from Hammersmith council, London for the above mentioned contravention: Entering or stopping in a box junction when prohibited. I talked to a parking control dept staff and got to view the involved cctv pictures on internet. The staff also mentioned I will be able to see the actual video footage as well on request. Looking at the attached pictures, do you think there are any chances it is accepted if I appeal? Please advise. Many thanks, Anne pcn picture.doc
  3. I am writing to get some advices regarding my problem. I joined in a gym near my place in worcester park, surrey two month ago. Of course that was a 1 year membership. But I soon realized that the women's shower water temperature is all fixed and I cannot have any cold water from the shower. Whenever I complained they gave me different answers and it took 2 months to finally confirm that the temperature cannot be adjusted. I find the water is always too hot for me and I send a notice that I want to cancel my membership. But what I heard from the manager is that I cannot cancel it unless I get a medical statement showing the hot water is harmful to my health condition. What doctor would give me that sort of statement ? Actually I felt dizzy several times and I find my skin drier and drier. What should I do ? Isn't that faulty produce if the shower does not have the cold water where it has cold water indicator on the knob ? What should I do ? Please help me. Anne
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