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Everything posted by counsellor

  1. emgeorge, I dont understand why you are getting personal, my comments are not ill thought out. in the normal course of their business retailers have to pay the cost of CCTV etc, you can say that if people didnt swap labels etc then they wouldnt have to, but society is what it is and we are after humans and every one of us at some point in our lives makes a mistake. Imagine if everyone accused of a crime falsely or not had to pay the police? My general opinion of S/D is what a fantastic profession. When you look back on your life you can say what an upstanding moral member of society you had been and what a great contribution you made to humanity.
  2. Woah there - Since the introduction of the Fraud act, there is no need for the sale to actually go through, so what is the point of letting it ?. Once the labels have been swapped, and there has been some attempt to decieve (IE attempt to pay) then the offence is complete. Since this thread comes up as the first couple of hits on google, I hope you have some solid evidence to back your claims up, im sure tk maxx will see this thread sooner or later ! Well I certainly hope that TK Maxx is reading this! TK Maxx supposely has a problem with people switching their tags but they dont do anything about it. Why? Well they dont actually suffer any loss, they get the item back and they get up to up to £250 per item, so if they 'catch 10 people per day = £2500 and in a year? you do the maths! I dont think they are actually interested in preventing loss. Crime actually pays - the retailers and Retail loss prevention and such companies. Its a million dollar industry. I wonder if I were to pop down to company house and have at look at their accounts for the last year how much of that comes from civil recovery. I'm not saying that people who steal shouldnt be punished but since most people who do are ill (on drugs etc) and therefore vulnerable or young then instead of lining the pockets of retailers it should be ploughed back in treatment programmes. I think its unethical, but most people dont really care about the problems of the 'underbelly' of society and thats why retailers can get away with it. Emsgeorge I said I wonder if TK maxx encourages their staff to do this. Obviously I dont know that they do but money corrupts and when companies have an avenue for profit then they want to keep that profit. maybe they dont directly tell their staff to do this but their S/D may have targets which means that they may bend the rules a little to meet those targets, in the normal course of their business they already have to pay security staff, but because of the profits involved may employ more, as more S/D = more civil recovery = more profits and they justify civil recovery for their security costs this way. so the innocent and the not so innocent are caught up as we have been reading. And what does RLP do with the data they collect? On their website they say that they advise employers on vetting future employees. does that mean that employers use their database to vet employees? this is dangerous as someone who is innocent could be on that database because of what we have mentioned above and could have a slur on their character as there is the presumption of guilt. I think that most people who shop in tk maxx are poor people looking for a bargain who dont have the wherewhittal or the nous to fight and who probably dont understand all the implications. This is another example of a society where justice hangs in the favours of the haves.
  3. Well done nitecard, I'm glad to hear that its all sorted and you can now get on with your life. I think TK Maxx is so wrong and hopefully they'll get theirs. They know that the civil recovery is so much more than the cost of the item so its not in their interest to change their labels. Now the cashiers are in on the act, if you go to the cashiers and they think the price is wrong instead of checking the price of the item they put it through the till and then call the S/O, so I'm wondering if this is what TK Maxx wants their staff to do.
  4. hi nitecard I was wondering if you would let me know your law firm as I have a civil recovery with TK Maxx and need some advice. thanks
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