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Everything posted by Just~me

  1. Hello foxybird, Many thanks for leaving your post. It seems that the [problematic] are back just before the Christmas rush. My advise at this time regarding your loss is to inform the police and not the Trading Standards...trading standards wont do anything other than write to them. Inform the police and explain that you have been defrauded by internet [problematic]. How did you pay for the TV.?? did you pay by Bank Transfer or did you pay by HSBC.??? Both methods of payment are very insecure if you look at both payment options, They are asking you to send credit card details but the site is not secure, that should have alerted you to something being wrong. If you paid by bank transfer then I dont think you will have any chance of getting your money back. If you paid by card then inform the bank/ credit card company as soon as possible and make a claim with either of them. Please keep us informed if you manage to get your money back or of any actions taken against Bonny and Clyde. Regards, JUST~ME
  2. Here is the latest Update on Bonny and Clyde. The guy has 3 accounts suspended on ebay, 1 on amazon is dead (one is active) Also have 4 websites for him: www.gamesgadgetsuk.com www.internetstoreuk.com http://www.sellyourpropertyuk.co .uk/ www.theinklink.net Use www.archive.org to see the old pages when he was sloppy and had more contact info showing. The addresses used for the websites and contact addresses are all empty warehouses. The Ethelridge address in Milton Keynes is a Lok and Store. User ID's on ebay: Topstockuk gamesgadgetuk wholesalepricestodayuk http://reviews.ebay.co.uk/iPhone-Sca...00000006894910 Well well well, they sure have been a busy couple...[problem] after [problem] after [problem]. Beware, Christmas is coming and all [problematic] are out of hibernation ready for their festive feast. Just~Me
  3. Update on Bonny and Clyde. The guy has 3 accounts suspended on ebay, 1 on amazon is dead (one is active) Also have 4 websites for him: www.gamesgadgetsuk.com www.internetstoreuk.com http://www.sellyourpropertyuk.co.uk/ www.theinklink.net Use archive.org to see the old pages when he was sloppy and had more contact info showing. The addresses used for the websites and contact addresses are all empty warehouses. The Ethelridge address in Milton Keynes is a Lok and Store. User ID's on ebay: Topstockuk gamesgadgetuk wholesalepricestodayuk http://reviews.ebay.co.uk/iPhone-Sca...00000006894910 Well well well, they sure have been a busy couple...[problem] after [problem] after [problem]. Beware, christmas is coming and the [problematic] are out of hibernation. Just~Me
  4. Hi, Sharon Barretts latest address in Milton Keynes is: 22 Bow Brickhill Road Woburn Sands Milton Keynes MK17 8QE Married (or not) to Anthony Church. Christmas is coming so beware of the Xmas [problematic]. Just~Me
  5. Hope 2010. Reading between the lines it looks like you are building up credit & other debts then jumping from country to country at the same time moving the money back home to where you were born and using the lame excuse of your elderly parents to justify your actions. From what I see I would call it fraud. You know what you are doing is wrong then on top of it you want us (the forum) to agree with it and advise how you can get away with it. If the Homeland Security, (visa issuers) find out you are either bankrupt or have a large debt they will withold your wifes work visa. I lived in Florida for 6 yrs and had to renew my E1 & E2 visa every 2 yrs. We had to declare everything to the INS to be able to continue to work there. If they find out your background I think you will find you will not be welcome there.
  6. Hi paulkoumi, Thanks for your update & good news. So maybe there is still some hope regarding refunds to so many peeps that lost money. I hope onemum is reading this so that she too can make waves and perhaps get he hard earned cash back. Its also possible that the BBC have been intouch with them and they have decided to pay all the peeps on this forum to save face, maybe we will never know. Just~Me
  7. Hi OneMum, Welcome to the Forum & thanks for your input. To be very honest, and this far down the line, I dont think your going to get anything back from them unless you can get your card company to to a charge back. A call to your local police may help them if there is action in progress regarding any court hearings, your input to the police will add towards their case against GGUUK. I see Connif has been doing a little homework with his posting above, (cheers) GGUK's site may well say under new management but I know for a fact that Sharon Barrett is the wife of the last owner, also registered in London but trading out of Milton Keynes. Onemum, if you do manage to get anything back or you hear anything that can help our forum members, can you please let us know. This thread seems to be dying as time slips by, at least we all helped in causing GGUK to stop trading, with PROTX pulling the plug and stopping them from any internet sales, after our many complaints to them about GGUK. With the above posting it seems they are going to try and make another go of taking peoples money and sending no goods, if they do, I will be there informing any new merchand provider of GGUK's previous history and pointing them to this forum showing them how people have lost a lot of money purchasing from GGUK. Just~Me
  8. Simon started this thread 15th June last year, does anyone know what the final outcome was.???? is Simon still with us. ?? I have done a search to see when he last posted, which was November last year. Please let us know if anyone knows anything about his battle with Sky. Just~Me.
  9. It sounds to me like the issue has to be put to the judge, then the judge decides if it can be used in court. If the judge agrees with the defense then the defense will be able to use it in court.... "pursuant to an order" I may be wrong but thats how I make it out.
  10. If I had been the judge I would have given him 5 yrs, just long enough to kick his habit.
  11. I hear today from the BBC that they have a new camera out....it detects how many people you have in the car. Its on trial in Leeds I think. Tomorrow they are bringing out a camera which tells them how many times a day you have a sh*t, and if you use too much toilet paper they will fine you for over indulgence, which will come automaticlly in the mail with photo evidence. :) They (gov) are certainly squeezing every penny they can out of us all. Pitty they didnt concentrate on catching the child abusers.....sexual offenders and the like, the honest people are the easiest targets so they hit us the hardest.
  12. Has anyone had an update from the BBC yet. ?? if so can you please let us know.
  13. Oh dear, Fed up with ebay and PayPal, take a read of this J http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/11/ebay_laptop_auction/ Just~Me
  14. Excellent point Brinny, The problem is that Egg are going to try and have their cake and eat it. Surely they must have had legal advise before withdrawing 160,000 cards. I have another feeling that they are going to be served with thousands of S.A.R - (Subject Access Request)s If I had an Egg card and they sent me the death letter I would certainly send of the Request, you never know they may have lost documents between the sale. Would sending a SAR put a hold on the 35 day stoppage of the card, like an appeal if you get my drift, or could they still withdraw the card even though a SAR was in the process. I think we need some EAGLE BEAGLE to give their two pennys worth here please. Just~Me
  15. Hi Emma, Yes, thats what I'm worried about, other card companies jumping on the bandwaggon. I dont have any CC debt and never have had but I got this feeling a lot of people are going to lose their good credit over this. Everyone should do what happend to Northern Rock, just pull all your money out and stuff EGG. Why is it that this country always get it in the neck when the yanks mess up. Electron is also right when he says its a load of nonsense that a lender will over look EGGS entry ha ha ha ha...if egg leaves an entry whether its good or bad the customer will lose out, everytime. Just~Me
  16. Here is an email from Protx to one of GGUKs customers. The customer is looking to lose about £1,000. He tried to get a recent last known address of GGUK from Protx. Hello. Can you please supply me with the trading address of Gamesgadget who are one of your customers. I'm having a serious problem getting in touch with them for goods I have paid and ordered, but nothing has been delivered. The amount in question is almost a thousand pounds so its now time for me to be calling in the police if you dont help me. I have been unable to contact the company since before Christmas. Many thanks. Paul. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Paul, Thank you for your email. We are unfortunately unable to provide these details as part of our company policy, however you may wish to view the following forum which has been discussing this merchant: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-consumer-issues/125082-gamesgadgetsuk-com-have-you-2.html If you have not received good from this company we would advise contacting your card issuing bank and request a charge back to recover your funds. Kind regards, Protx Sales ------------------------------------------------------------ They were not very helpfull as you can see. NOT COMPANY POLICY..???? so its ok for us to lose thousands of pounds but not ok for you to help stamp out bad companies like this. Protx, you have been a disgrace to inocent people to let this happen after you were warned time after time after time. It seems we are playing cat & mouse here. I am directing people to make official complaints to Protx and Protx are bouncing them back this forum, do you get the feeling Protx are protecting GGUK.?? I do hope the BBC are taking this all in and maybe they will do some research into Protx. Just~Me
  17. Dave. Thanks for the link. The link has a lot of complaints from good creditors, most with zero balances. ok, so what happens if they did pull the card to people who do have good credit and clear their accounts monthly, then the person applies for a card with some else, will they get a refusal on the grounds that they were denied from EGG. ? "quote from citigroup" A spokesman for the bank said those affected were customers it no longer wanted to lend to "regardless of their current status". "unquote" Its not a nice position to be in if you have good credit and then being refused because one company cant make money off your account. I have a feeling that its going to backfire on them, EGG on their face, forgive the pun. If they were pulling accounts because of bad credit how will the debtors pay off their accounts in 35 days.?? I would imagine there would be a lot of people with cards maxed out unable to pay it back for years. I think this one will cause a few problems for Citigroup Just~Me
  18. It has been announces today that the internet credit card company EGG, are withdrawing 160,000 cards from "Bad customers", 7%. It has been sugested that Egg are getting rid of the customers it cant make money from, like people that clear their balances every month. Would you agree that having no debt with a CC company makes you a bad customer. ??? I suppose to the CC company you are, however, even if you do clear your balance every month the CC company still make money off your purchases, from the retailer, so how are you a liability to the CC companies. Egg are giving the so called bad customers 35 days before they pull the plug. Please let us know if you are one of those so called "Bad customers" and what you intend to do about it. I dont have an EGG card but I do clear my balance every month. What I am worried about is will other CC companies follow suit if EGG get away with it. ?? Just~Me
  19. Nocredit. The last known address I have for them is: Distribution Centre, Unit LB009, Etheridge Avenue, Brinklow, Milton Keynes MK10 0BP Buckinghamshire, UK. I just checked the website address and it has gone. The address above was taken from their site about a month ago, so it seems they are trying to hide where they were trading from. The registered office is in London but thats not where they were working from. Their protx account is still not working so they are unable to trade online, for how long I dont know. ? Just~Me
  20. James, You need to be making official complaints to sales@protx.com the police, trading standards and last but not least dom@flametv.com Please read posting # 15 then let them know what has been happening to you regarding GGUK. You can also read my thread below which should help you even more. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-consumer-issues/125082-gamesgadgetsuk-com-have-you.html Whatever happens can you please keep us informed how you get on. Just~Me
  21. Hi Morley. Welcome to the forum and thanks for your post. Please do what conniff is advising you to do plus contact your local Police and make an official complaint. Make an official complaint to [EDIT]. Reading between the lines its not looking good for any more refunds from GGUK especially now they are returning recorded delivery mail. Please read post number 15 and reply to dom@flametv.co.uk stating everything that has been happening regarding GGUK since December the 3rd. They may get back to you asking if you want to appear on one of their consumer affairs programs. Whatever happens can you please keep us updated. Good luck and dont be afraid to ask anything you like on this forum. Just~Me
  22. conniff, Wise or not, thats the chance I take....everything else is all hypothetical.....what if...what if...what if. Just~Me
  23. Its happend to me as well, not with the Shabby but with Barclays. I was on the M6 service station trying to fill up with Diesel. Had plenty of money in my account, but to my amazement, the card was denied. After what seemed ages at the front of the queue I was refered back to Barclays. I called only to find I was speaking to an Indian person in India, that's the last thing I wanted. After many minutes of not getting anywhere, because they were asking stupid security questions I was not aware of, like, what was you car rental company you used in Portugal, back in June called ???? I got so ****ed I lost it, next thing I find I'm speaking to the fraud section of Barclays. (english) I went crazzy with the lady the other end. As far as I was concerned they had no "Right" to stop my card and leave me stuck in the middle of nowhere with no cash. I insisted they put it on file that for whatever reasons they are not to stop my card, period. I am an avid online banker and check my account on a daily basis. If anything went funny with my card I would find out before they did. They appologised and we left it at that. It can be so embarrassing, demoralising & frustrating when it happens. Just~Me
  24. Hi all, just an update: I have just received a PM from an anonymous friend pointing out that new customers of GGUK are unable to get to the payment screen of PROTX. He says they must have some kind of glitch or something. :grin: Maybe, just maybe they are pulling the plug on GGUK after all the complaints they have received.
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