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  1. Thanks Rory i will do a copy of template N. SillyGirl1 Can you explain that a little further to me, sorry if i seem a little dumb, but trying to wade through all this information can be somewhat confusing. It is the reason i joined this forum, to obtain info from people knowledgable in this area
  2. Thanks Rory, looking through those letters i cant decide which one is most relevant. Letter N & R seem the most appropiate and letter R also raises issues regarding the time frame for the creditor to persue for the outstanding ammount where the loss of a property wa involved
  3. Hi Hellhasnofury, The letter has been sent to me by, Hillesden Secs Ltd. I am guessing that they have purchased the origional loan
  4. Some years ago i lost my home (reposessed) and i also had a secured loan on my property. Most of this was paid off by the house sale. Now 9 years later i have recieved a letter threatening legal action for the outstanding ammount. However i no longer live in the UK. What is my position regarding the outstanding ammount, i am not in a strong enough position to pay this debt at present, and over the last few years i have cleared all my other debts. This one however had gone forgotten and i thought the house sale had covered it.
  5. Hi, just introducing myself here, and to hopefully get some advice. I had some trouble about 9 yrs ago which resulted in losing my home, i had a £9000 secured loan on my house, and now all these years later i have recieved a letter asking for £3900 outstanding. What is my position after all these years as i dont think the loan is statute barred considering it was secured against my home. Any advice will be welcome
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