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  1. Sorry Jaz SE London. First installer struck me as a one man band. Trying to look big with flash address. And phone only answered 10-12 by snooty woman. The 2nd was a much bigger firm office open all day ect and could not have been more helpful. But mybe I just got lucky ? Hope you get on OK. Sid
  2. Hi Jaz it did take about another 3 months I had no heating for about 6 months in all. But I got a great system From a good installer in the end. So in my case the extra time was worth it. My local council said they would top up the grant by up to £1000 in my case it was £600 odd. Hope this helps
  3. Hi i had a warmfront boiler fitted in sept. Also had to pay £600 but local council payed it for me. I could not find out what would be fitted for the money after a few weeks I lost my rag with the installer. Who told warmfront they would not deal with me any more. And they apponted a new installer and they were great, could not have been more helpfull. Full breakdown ect. So mybe ask for a different installer. As for man at call centre I mostly spoke to women. So if man answers hang up ?
  4. No not earning only benefits. Thanks again for your advice
  5. Thanks sillygirl Thay also want copies of the benefits i clam DLA and income support should i send these as they have my NI number on them
  6. Says photocopy of one of your bank statements dated in last 3 months, showing receipt of your income and general living expenses. This is because i have offered them Token Payments
  7. Hi all I need some advice cap one want me to send them a bank statement showing my I&E. Is this right and should I send it
  8. Hi again all. I would like some advice. What should I send to creditors who have asked for proof of income. I am on benefit And DLA. Thanks Sid
  9. Yes you are right but my mind is racing and I like to panic in advance LOL
  10. As we live on benefit I have probably contributed to it via dss but claim is in her name passed 2 years. My wife is my carer so shes not working. Have not paid bills but council tax in my name, council put men first on bills. If they search LR wont they see my wife owns the house.Yes can prove illnesses
  11. Hi again no i have not ccad any one have not yet sent token payment offer, bit stuck till after xmas. Benificial interest is given to a spouce if they are have contributed to the household, name dose not have to be on deeds If i was to be made BR the OR would look at this and is doing so more & more So at all costs i must not be made BR
  12. Hi there as we are married and have lived together I would have a beneficiale interest in it it would be only the OR who could do this. Debts are 2 loans and 11 credit cards 1 catalog total 70K more than the mortgage
  13. Hi help needed house is in wifes name only But possibly have beneficial interest in it. Debts are in my name. We live on benefits as i am disabled past ten years CCCS have told me to offer token payments £1 per month to each creditor 14 in all. But will they BR me and come for the house. There is money in it but would not be able to get new house after debts were paid.
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