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Everything posted by Silky444

  1. I've had current account's and credit cards before but messed up. Lloyds charged my old current account £2,000 in bank charges and A&L charged me £270 in bank charges. Now i am unable to open a basic bank account anywhere but i need to have a bank account by the 28TH because that's when i get paid from work. i've tried think banking but that's a con. pay £15 a month just for them to sort out your money for you and keep half of it. I just want a basic bank account with a simple cash card. i've tried Lloyds/NatWest/Barcleys/Co-op/First Direct. Tomorow im going to try Nationwide. but i doubt they will. Does anyone have any idea's of what i could do? Cheers.
  2. Sent letter off to them today stating about them breaking the banking code section 7.6, also about the £270 bank charges that they added for just 2 weeks being overdrawn a tenner.. it's stupid
  3. Oh XD I do have a credit card with them too but that's been passed over to a DCA even though they know full well what my situation is, and yes i have all of them scatted all ofer the place.
  4. My Lloyds TSB account was opened by my mum when i was a baby, So i haven't signed anything - can i still CCA them :S even it it's a current bank account?. also i have sent 4 letters explaining that they are the reason why i've gone under with re-paying all my other credit cards/bills - but they haven't replied to any of the letters . I sent one off on tuesday - but no answer yet, i refuse to talk to them on the phone until i get a personal reply from them via letter. also - if i opened a bank account online. Can i still CCA? cheers
  5. "I confirm that i will be called on TUESDAY between 9AM - 9PM" - is this just to scare me into paying (If i would i could) or, are they really coming :S - if so ill call the police as soon as they get here on tuesday:D
  6. i went into the branch and i finally got past security (The photo id i showed them 'wasn;t accepted by them') did and apparently i owe £270 in bank charges for going overdrawn by £10 and they have now closed my account :S they are pulling a fast one said they wouold take my benifit's. so i went into job center to cancel the DD going intot he account... no way am i paying £270 in bank charges
  7. Phoned them up and couldn't get past security I told them i have a letter saying i osw £290 for some reason i don't know why, i need to sort it out before my binifits go in there anyday now so now im having to go down to the A&L bank and show them my photo ID
  8. Ohh thank you, im trying to find the thread about how to deal with bank's and benifits but i can't find it:mad:
  9. i get £94 every 2 weeks and a debt collecter for TSB said that i have to pay them £40 a week until the £1400 bank charges are paid. i've sent them a letter telling them that it's unfair for me to pay them back when the benifits are for me to live on. I now bank with A&L and i won't see any money for a month as i have to clear a £190 OD. I won't have any money left for myself - the reason for benifits is so i can live not so i can pay back my debts. Can i refuse to give my benifits to anyone? or do i have to pay debts with the money i get from JSA? :confused:
  10. Yeah i guess £20 is abit too much... i didn't realise that maybe half of the DCA'S might not have the right to collect the debt =s:???:
  11. Already have, But then.. a couple of weeks later another company phoned up saying they where handling the debt from then on... :confused: And yes... i guess if a rep comes out from the DCA conpany then i just won't answer the door:grin:
  12. Ahhh good ^^ - if they came here they would get a bucket of cold water over there head ... Yeah DCA are doing my head in atm and my mum don't understand when i tell her 'Tell them im not here' - she say's 'Sort it out - tell them you have no job'.. i tell them but they don't listen. Also i dont want them saying in a letter that i agree'd to something over the phone when i didn't!!
  13. Thought so - Im not really that scared about court action.. i Don't have any money from what they know i've got so what can the court do? (I don't have much personal assets either E.g.. Car,House )
  14. Just had a nice phone call about an O2 contract bill for £800 - (O2 ignored my Financial statement and want me to pay off the whole contract).. im on job seekers benefits and i only get £47 a week. I've offered to pay it off £20 every 2 weeks. but the DCA said they would only accept payment for half the amount owed (£400). When i said i couldn't he asked me if it was my parents house and i said yes but it's rented. and then he said they can take the house.. over an £800 bill?? :D.. Anyway.. then he said they are sending out a letter to confirm when the 'Bailiffs' are going to come to my house and take mine AND my parents stuff away... Am i right in saying that i need a CCJ &/or court action before they can come in my house and take stuff... also, will the court take into account that i have offered them all that i can afford?... (baring in mind that i have 7 other DCA's after me) Fankoo John.
  15. Cheers... yeah, they are very argumentative over the phone, they want to know the in's and out's of a ducks a**... they even want to know personal information =S
  16. I don't know what the company is called who they sold it on too.. the bloke spoke with a accent. Anyway - i told him that Debitas was a part of capital one. and he said no they are not - i wasn't going to get into an argument.. then he asked if my parents could pay it for me!... gezzz i've heard about commission but god.. i should think capital one need all the money they can get to pay off all them 750 employee's :D Can one debt collection agency sell your deft to another?
  17. i think i will write to headoffice but also post a copy of the letter to the manager of the shop. If i didn't do anything about it i bet you they wouldn't pay me.
  18. No contract was signed. no p45 and no p46 involved. No notice of start dates or rate of pay. I did also sign the sign in sheets at the beginning of every shift. The boss only got me to work there because no one else would do the hours, i did 8 hours a day 6 days a week.. if it was like a few hours here and there i wouldn't mind but overall they own me 96 hours of pay:mad:
  19. Right, when i went back to work last month, i submitted my application form, they didnt say untill 2 weeks after i started that they need 2 refrences and that they haden't sent it off. My boss told me that i was working cheap labour. so then i told him im not coming back to work until you sort out my application and it's been processed. he said well.. you won't got paid then, so i've not been back to work there since, so he's telling me if i dont go back and work there. not knowing if ill get paid, then he will not pay me atall... since leaving i have signed on with the job center and now they are helping me find a new job. i just need to know if they have a right to withhend my wages and not pay me at all.
  20. Excuse me? So you don't believe what im saying just because it's the co-op? I went back because i was unable to find work and with 13 debt collectors on my back i had no choice. Anyway im going in the shop today and im going to demand my money, i worked the hours.
  21. My manager said to me that i won't be getting paid and i quote the words he said 'Your working for cheap labour' - then he laughed. my paypay was spose to be last thursday. they said it will take another 3/4 months for me to get paid for the 2 weeks work. they said that they couldn't send off my application untill they had the required refrences.. funnny, because last time i worked there for a year and a half without any refrences given. i resigned when i left last year due to being bullied at work, by the manager & another staff member. Im thinking of going into the shop today and demanding the money that they owe me.. I've already phoned up head office and they where really snobby towards me saying it's ok for the manager not to send on my application form that it's ok for me not to get paid for another 3 months. I was fuming.
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