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  1. I'll check back tomorrow.....thanks wendy
  2. Yes i have, doesn't really give me an answer, so i came on here, i'll keep checking . thank you wendy
  3. Think i've stumped everyone on here lol
  4. Hi, don't know what to do, my husband has taken voluntary redundancy and has received a big payment of £47,000 a month ago. We had to pay family and friends what we owed them which came to £17,000 so we have £30,000 left which we are paying the monthly bills which come to £1,700 per month , my question is when are we allowed to get help with the mortgage and jobseekers, we have worked out that we can last a year without help but do we have to wait until we have nothing before we can claim anything? and also will they want proof of the £17,000 that we had to pay back to people that have helped us over the years to keep afloat and if so what proof other than their word?? many thanks wendy67
  6. yes the ccj was for the full amount....shall we stop paying it if pheonix has took over?
  7. What does a left leg right leg mean? It's not a split ccj, the blackhorse ccj was taken out a year ago then had pheonix writing saying they wanted a payment arrangement ? But who is recieving the standing order ?
  8. Hi, i'm really confused, had a ccj for blackhorse, we've been paying it monthly by standing order, now we've got a letter from pheonix saying they've bought the debt and all payments should go to them ? So does that mean we don't have ccj now? and who have we been paying for the last few months as the standing order is still being paid?...utterly confused with it all
  9. Can i ask if anyone knows if you have a ccj is the interest automatically stopped? My ccj statement showed interest being added every month? Also my other ccj has been sold to another company and they are asking for a payment but we are still paying the amount set..do we keep on paying it hoping they are recieving it ? Thank you
  10. no i did'nt....thanks for the reply
  11. Hi, could i just ask if anyone knows if you don't acutally sign for a loan is it enforcable from a bank, we got a loan about 6 years ago, we did it online with lloyds tsb, it was accepted online after pressing a button saying signature?...i cannot remember ever signing anything ...but it was a while ago, i think i will still ask if they have the original documents...just curious?
  12. Things are getting worse, we've used all our overdraft and leant money so when the next months salary is paid in the bank we're worse off every month. This month by the time the bills and mortgage are paid we have £189 pounds, out of that we need £280 for petrol to travel to his job and food money? Don't know how we are going to do it. The bills are ones we need to pay like the mortgage, electric ,gas ect...so we can't stop any of them, we are not paying any of the creditors as we have nothing to give them....what do you do if you don't have any money left ?
  13. It's so hard is'nt it , knowing which way to turn, think we will end up going bankrupt as we don't want the rest of our life worrying about paying it all back, don't know about you but the debt is just getting higher and higher with charges and such. Can't see us being able to keep the house , you might have a better case with your mum being dependent on you ? worth enquiring to see if it will make a difference ? Good luck....think we are going to need it ! ann622
  14. Does anyone know if you have agreed voluntary redundancy can you still claim benefits or not ? ann622
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