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  1. HI Seeing that i already dropped a bolock as they say and apealed and they rejected befire passing to the debt agency, i will write to teh debt agency with the follwing: Dear Sirs, Re: Your letter dated [dd/mmmm/yyyy] Reference[#] This alleged debt is in dispute. I have written to your principal on a number of occasions and they have failed to substantiate their claim. In the circumstances please refer this matter back to your client. Any further correspondence from you in relation to this matter may result in a complaint to the authorities under the Protection From Harassment Act 1997. Yours faithfully if they refer it back to eurocarparks, and they send me another letter...i will go back and use the approriate templates...what do you think? O also, i spoke to the GP surgury and they said they will provide evidence if required that he was there, told me to go in and he will lokk after the car, then placed a ticked O
  2. mega mega thanks...and as you said...they couldnt prove i was the driver... this company should not be alowed to do this...my wife is a community psychiatric nurse and she has to take patients to the supermarket a few times a day and she is always arguing with them that its a diferent patient......but mega thanks...for all the info... should i write to the debt agency first or wait until they get in contact again?
  3. right guys please help... i apealed, they rejected it and started sending me letters...the best thing is the letters are still addressed to the driver of the car and not me...it like they didnt even read my appeal...anyhoo...a few letters later, i have now recieved a letter from a debt collection agency in london thretening to take me to court...now they want £75 for leaving the car for 30 seconds with my kids in it!!! please help...
  4. thanks for that... the man was horrid... i told him that my partialy sighted daughter was beeing looked after by her older brother in my car and he still did it. he gave them the fright of their life.
  5. Please help... a couple of months ago, i got a ticket for parking on a double yellow at a euro car parks. the car park was closed as they were building and my children were in the car. i stopped to get a flue jab and the euro car parks guy said i can leave the car as my kids wouldnt come in. i went in and told the nurse i need to move the car and as i came out 30 seconds letter, he had already put a ticket there. i appealed and they rejected my apeal even though the ticket issuer said i can go into the doctors surgury... what should do? should i pay or wait? what happens if they threated to give me a county court judgment? please help
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