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Posts posted by crugga

  1. i have never had the pleasure i dont think. i have had that many cards not sure you they are rearly with you think their with one person then find out its someone totally different. A + L are top of my list. i ran into financal difficulties when partner left me with all the bills been paying them off at 20 a month they gave me a default and then added 5 years of charges to final figure so probley be paying them till the next millenium but have also had cards i think insurance and so on. going to check it out so i can get something yes i know probley to give them back.


    but will check out if i have any MBNA what does it stand for may then have idea if have had dealings with them.

    Think a fair few use mbna, mines a Abby card which is mbna and my mother has 1 which is a completely different name but is mbna.

  2. Hello crugga!


    Are you going after the MBNA?


    Just asking, as they are more or less Top of my own Hit List at the moment, mainly for Loan PPI, but also for Card Charges.




    Gonna have a go, only thing was I was not self employed when they started however I even now could not tell you what i'm covered for which is enough of an excuse for a missale. 1st I knew was a letter telling may theyd reduced my ppi payments so I just didnt really know i'd got it.

  3. Hi sorry cant help on calculating the 8% butIve just this week had a successfull reclaim from A & L on self employed grounds & I took it out in 2005 & ive got 1 payment left so pretty equal. Yours should be a pretty simple claim as the cover to a self employed is far inferior and ultra hard to claim so doubt you'll have to take it to far, i'm sure they didnt explain this to you which they didnt to me. I accepted without the 8% purely because I needed the cash straight away to clear the balance. Someone i know had the same with A & L, wrote a letter back saying they'd accept it as part payment then demanding the 8% the courts would award. Oh yeah all you need is what youve got, i'd get the first request sent as they'll decline it and worry about the 8% later.

  4. Sent 1st letter 8 weeeks ago to the day saying I was didnt want it but was persuaded + I was self employed

    They Replied saying you knew what was included, was explained etc.

    Sent 2nd letter asking for full list of differences between self employed and employed cover and quoting the missreprasentation act thingy, also threatening to use anything sent as evidence in court.

    Today day 56 get a letter offering full refund in the way of £1004.70 clearing arrears on the loan and a cheque for £700, balance on the loan is £2100 so i'm going to ask them to take the lot from the balance and pay the rest off next week. No 8% but tbh i'm in no position to wait any longer and with extra late charges and stuff this is the best way.

    No admission of liability just on a goodwill basis.

  5. Ive just today had a reclaim on the self employed, route. My policy claimed to cover self employed but you would have to be in involuntary insolvency which compared to an employed person who would just need to be made redundant doesnt seem a fair deal, this certainly wasnt explained when I took it out. Would say theres a very good chance you were missold but you need an S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) thingy with all the original t&c and exclusions list etc.

    Sorry I see youve got the documents, chances are theres a seperate exclusions paperwork which they didnt give you. I had an old Lloyds loan that was like this.

  6. Ive just today had a reclaim on the self employed, route. My policy claimed to cover self employed but you would have to be in involuntary insolvency which compared to an employed person who would just need to be made redundant doesnt seem a fair deal, this certainly wasnt explained when I took it out. Would say theres a very good chance you were missold but you need an SAR thingy with all the original t&c and exclusions list etc.

  7. This was PPI btw and not bank charges, thought i'd add this to save confusion as its been moved to here.


    Not in court but still won.

    Sent 1st letter 8 weeeks ago to the day saying I was didnt want it but was persuaded + I was self employed

    They Replied saying you knew what was included, was explained etc.

    Sent 2nd letter asking for full list of differences between self employed and employed cover and quoting the missreprasentation act thingy, also threatening to use anything sent as evidence in court.

    Today day 56 get a letter offering full refund in the way of £1004.70 clearing arrears on the loan and a cheque for £700, balance on the loan is £2100 so i'm going to ask them to take the lot from the balance and pay the rest off next week. No 8% but tbh i'm in no position to wait any longer and with extra late charges and stuff this is the best way.

    No admission of liability just on a goodwill basis.


    Thanks to this site and the other which i'll thank in a mo. This will make such a difference. Contribution on the way next month. :D:D:D

  8. Thought i'd post again for peoples further reference. I did actually ring them 1st thing and after 5 minutes of dealing with a very nice lady on the phone she told me they had got the letter and it had been booked in on the 22nd which was a bit slow but i'm happy enough with that and it saved me £4.

    One question if anyone knows, does the 8 weeks they get to sort out my complaint start from when I send the 1st letter, when they recieve(book onto system) or the date on there 1st letter?

  9. Right I sent off my reclaim for my personal account at the same time as my business account, even in the same envelope. I recieved a letter about the personal account saying its on hold but recieved one about the business account saying they wont be refunding me and the charges are fair for the service etc. So second letter I guess. What do we think my chances of Lloyds coughing up are? or are they likely to take it as far as court?. Also where do I stand with the ombudsman?


    Also reading the letter there informing me some certain acts dont apply to me, ive uploaded copies of the letter here, sorry there with a digital camera so not the greatest but readable. Anyone got any advice?

  10. I think they are entitled to close the account, however, a complaint to customer services might bring results.


    Have you reclaimed any bank charges yet?

    Nah thats fair enough I just thought the way they did it was a bit poor. Ive sent a request with list of charges requesting them back, theyve replied as with my personal claim saying they will be in touch within 4 weeks. Would I be right in saying business charges are not on hold?.

  11. 1st letter they fobbed me off, 2nd letter I got in depth. My arguement is i'm self employed and it was never explained that I had to go into insolvency to be able to claim and that the cover is considerably less than for an employed person and i'd be a lot less likely to ever claim. Its 19 days since I sent the letter and no response, I asked for a response within 14 days which is fair, I did send it recorded delivery although royal mail is saying its not delivered but ive been informed that they often rip off the sticker as there is so much going to 1 address so i'd say it got delivered. Where should I go now? Thanks

  12. Seems like most loans(well 2 of mine + mums) say they cover self employed however the cover is pretty rubbish and is not near as good as for employed on the unemployment. To claim on mine for unemployment you would have to involuntary cease trading due to insolvency and declare this to the inland revenue, and it will not cover temporary cease in trading so if it was winter snowing and you were a builder and could not go and build for 2 months you would have to shut down your business then prove you were hunting for a job. Where an employed person would just need a letter from employer saying they no longer worked for them. Chances are theyd find a reason not to pay out anyway.

  13. Will try and be brief, ive banked with Lloyds since leaving school in 96 and in 2004 set up a small partime online business(ebay) so decided to get a business account as I thought why not I guess just keep stuff seperate, didnt need all the extras but it was 18 months free, went fulltime 2005. Late 2006 I got into a bit of trouble after a bad investment which put me in the red a bit and had a few random dd's returned and stuff then last year was a bit of a struggle as anyone who knows if you get behind on a few things its extremely hard to catch back up. Anyway I get a call off the business manager 1 day basically saying 1 more returned dd and im out, she didnt wanna hear what I had to say and was really on her high horse, 4 days later letter in the post giving me 30 days to leave. I did actually only have £300 charges over 3 years which lets be honest isnt that bad and there were about 6 returned dds or unauthorised od in the whole year. During last year I canceled most dd and started to pay manually to save charges and used my account carefully so not to over run. I also stopped drawing as much into the account and used paypal for pretty much all expenses and to recieve payment. Now was it fair of them to shut my account like this?, I was extremely annoyed as half the time the lack of funds was because of charges also it coincidentally came just after I asked for a list of charges to claim them back. Now last year was a difficult year for me, had family troubles and was just stressed and in all honesty the last thing I needed was banks playing silly beggers but now i'm back on the ball and just wondering, am I in a position to complain about my treatment?, I certainly feel like ive been treated unfairly, especially considering 12 years loyal banking. I probably wasnt making them enough cash by canceling dds and stoping paying in cheques and stuff. Ive since then set up a hsbc basic account for handling dds and writing cheques from and using my lloyds account to live off and by this i'm saving £30 a month and keeping stuff in order.

    Thanks btw

  14. Hi, I had about 4 Lloyds tsb loans between 2002-2006 back in the day when I trusted banks but now I know there in it for themselves I want to check out see what theyve ripped me off on ppi wise as they were all done automatically and I guess they probably paid off the preview policy. Problem is I only have the account number on the last loan. Will they still send me info on the older loans with this?



  15. crugga- you say:


    "There are 1 or 2 people trying to blag it out of paying things off on here but if you read into them theyve usually got a very good reason or have been given a loan theyd never be able to afford."




    Suggest you keep reading and avoid taking the high moral ground until you know what the f-f-flip you're talking about.


    I could tell you how to profitably stick the knife into your bank over the closure of your account - but then again you did break your T&Cs, didnt you?

    Hang on I think youve taken me completely wrong here, I was replying to the original poster who is implying that people only come on here to find a way of getting out of paying for things. The 1 or 2 people came across a bit wrong, it was just written wrong, I meant generally in life a few people try it on as with anything, this was not in anyway related to reclaiming bank charges, just my stupid posting it in here.

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