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  1. I am currently suffering with problems with my ISP, Toucan, that are similar to the one in the thread below. In June we moved into our flat and took our broadband service with us... however upon moving in we found that we were getting no signal whatsoever through the phone line. I tried using the test socket on the main inlet for the line as was advised by the Openreach website, and found that there was still no signal, therefore there was a high likelihood that the problem was outside the flat... and was therefore a line fault, which should be fixed by an engineer free of charge as part of the line rental agreement. The BT engineer was called out and upon arrival he went straight for the test socket... did exactly what I had already done, and declared that the problem was outside of the flat, and that we would not be charged for the call out. Great news right? Wrong! About a month ago we received a bill from Toucan which came to around £160, including the monthly subscription fee and line rental (~£30). When contacted they at first stated that the added £130 was a charge to cover the costs of us changing address, which was originally quoted to us as being £20 maximum. When pressed they told us that it was actually the charge for the call out of the BT engineer. We have contacted them too many times to keep track of now about this and have been told that the matter is being dealt with and that the job notes from the engineer are being requested, yet despite this they have constantly requested in writing that the amount be paid immediately. I have thus cancelled the DD and just paid the monthly charge... leaving the £130 on the account as unpaid. We have subsequently got them to increase our credit limit so that the service is not disrupted, yet the connection has been suspended, despite there being a marked dispute being attributed to the amount. More recently we received a letter stating that the matter had been handed over to a debt collection agency and to expect contact with them soon. It feels like they are shaking my hand with one hand, while punching me in the stomach with the other. I just don't know what to do! I can't afford to pay the amount as I am only just entering fulltime employment after finishing my masters degree, and even if I could afford it I don't think I should pay because it will be hell on earth trying to get it back from them once the matter is resolved! Am I within my rights to withhold payment until the matter is resolved? Also does anyone think that there would be any reason why Toucan could legitimately charge me this money despite the engineer himself stating that there would be no charge? If anyone could offer any advice on this situation of answer any of my questions I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks, E
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